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  • Did you watch that show on the brain that was on SBS a few weeks ago? Was a 4 parter.
    No, I didn't. Do you think it's worth checking out if I can find it?
    Wahooti Fandango
    Wahooti Fandango
    Yep. I did not see all of it, but presenter was good and covered some interesting topics.
    So who is Jab? I take it Kong is still Whomb?
    I forget Jab's previous name so I can't help you there. Whomb is still Kong. It would be nice if we had the ability to check previous usernames.
    Wahooti Fandango
    Wahooti Fandango
    Jab is Beanie, I have established.
    I'm not sure why but one thing I've noticed with these gfys is.. well they seem to be pixellated and green sometimes and I can't figure out how to sort them out. Using the reload button doesn't seem to do anything and it seems to just sort itself out randomly. Have you experienced anything like that?
    No, I haven't, but it makes me wonder whether it's a driver or codec issue on your end. Have you tried Googling it?
    No but I will now. Just wanted to see if you'd experienced anything similar first. Strange that it just seems to resolve randomly.
    Yeah, it is strange. I used to have an issue a long time ago when my computer couldn't handle some video types and it would just be a green image, which is why I think it could be one of those two things.
    The av is STILL making me laugh every time.

    Maybe I should put it on my av and have tilting pingaz.
    Have to say your sexist sig is really disappointing. Expect a better standard from mods I guess. What's the thinking behind it?

    Actually, dang, that's less funny now that you aren't lit up.
    Amazing av - classic scene.
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    They don't call me Springfield Fats just because I'm morbidly obese!
    Now you've got a lawsuit on your hands. Just kidding.
    Many thanks for the years of mod-hood.

    You know where I am if you need anything etc And if you get the inkling to mod again, look me up.
    Yeah been on twitter more lately. But people there starting to give me the shits so will spend more time back at Big Footy me thinks. They are so self-righteous over there.
    Another name change.. do mods get them free or are you racking up the donations?
    A little from column a and a little from column b.
    Hey. Yep still alive. Been watching CYE again and watched Jurassic park on Blu-ray last night. ****ing awesome. How about you?
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    Reactions: Sosa
    Watching new season of Dexter. Kind of gay.
    lol I hate when it doesn't register. I was spamming the select button to call timeout and it just let it run out.
    Skeeta Olly
    Skeeta Olly
    LOL, I was wondering why you didn't call one. Yeah, was buggy on '12 as well. Gave up defending in the last half and left it on auto pilot, turns out it was the only time I stopped you from getting 4th down lololol
    lol that was the same for me last night.
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