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    Lulz. You better hit her when she gets home!! ILY GUMMA!
    YEAH BOI, I WANT A SHOT AT THE TITLE! YEAH BOI. Don't you come around gettin' all up in my griiiillll..... YEAH BOI, COME AT ME BOI!!!
    I has chickun stir fry. How does that make you feel?
    I'll raep your earhole until you love me!
    come at me bro.

    Jack will come good soon enough and ******nui is like the crackers of AFL. He did something alright when he first started then has lived of his reputation since then.

    i'm serious though, talk shit about watts again and i'll come at you
    After I managed to stop crying, I consoled myself knowing that even though i don't have a wife, at least she's not dead (no fred, this is not about you.)
    hey brother jus lettin you know that you shouldn't trust rumblah, he has a gimpy leg and shit, so look out.

    pm me if you want me to bring da ruckus upon him s2
    You know that LeCras is my favourite Eagle. I heart him muchly. You still only just beat Essen$hit, whilst we obliterated Brisbane, without Franklin.
    Told ya you would win. Got the tip as well. Great game by Le Cras. Dosent take an Einstein to see he is one of your keepers.
    lulz inb4 the opposition lobs it over everyone's head to an open goal

    btw u mad i figured out how to customize each position manually, and ramos is now making runs up the wing?
    Change is as good as a holiday. NF was a gaming nick anyways.... I have a feeling you guys may, just may get one over the Bombers. You are going to win sooner or later... Guys are playing for their contracts now. Should be motivation enough..
    Very much so... I just cannot believe it. Very stoked. Blackpool will be set up for years with the money the premier league is worth.
    My family will be going off....
    TCW - I hope that you are well. Mate, I am always wary of the Eagles and their espirit de corps. truth to tell, I have a real soft spot for them.And yes, the Bay will go berko either way, re JW. But here is the most frustrating consideration of all: 2 x kids parties today and I can't get out of them !!!! Bugger. Keep safe, B
    It's great for our club but very unfortuate for Fury. I sincerely hope Fury pull it together and remain in the league. The A-League better back you guys in if need be. You cannot build a league overnight. Isn't there something of a good junior soccer set up in FNQ? I hear them say that occasionly on Fox. Maybe some young talent may be the go.
    mate I did, but you, on your part, must be wrapped with NN - what a star. Watts had better come good !!!
    I could get used to this winning thing TC.... I was genuinely and happily surprised to see the lads fight back against Geelong and win.
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