1 very good reason to have faith in Latham

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30k Posts 10k Posts HBF's Milk Crate - 70k Posts TheBrownDog
Sep 13, 2000
Melbourne cricket ground. Australia
AFL Club
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Remember he said he would abolish MP's super rorts ?

Everyone laughed and said "unachievable - Latham really is naive isn't he ?"

Within a few days Howard had reponded and done it.

Before that it was seen as the single hardest reform in the country.

OK so that's doen now but what more will Latham have the appetite to achieve ? Would Howard do similar things if the was (once more) "relaxed and comfortable" in kirrabilli ?

Go on, you know you want to.

(and bear in mind removing MP's perks would never cause rising interest rates)
Your argument would be a lot stronger if he tried to get rid of the other rorts.

If he has real balls, why maintain the 30% private health rebate? Or join Howard in banning same sex marriages? is he taking a bold approach to preserving old growth forests or refugees?

Simple showmanship for mine.

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