Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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You know what I dont get about these Bush Government lovers, is why they have such a hatred against anyone who questions what they say. So many questions left unanswered, yet there are still people who just don't give a shit all because anyone who questions the Government are obviously disillusioned.

Why do these people find such offence in others wanting proper answers, not absolute rubbish and lies?

Why do they agree with the Commission report yet we get hundred of experts who disagree yet they are just delusional?

I think it may be because people are unwilling to actually look at things that may confront them and make them think that there may well be an ugliness behind things that they always thought were safe
What really annoys me about this whole debate is the unwillingness of people to actually question things that obviously don't make sense, instead resorting to name calling and the like when one actually challenges them to do so
I'm not asking people to believe that all is not above board, that is for them to decide, all I want is for them to actually get their head out of their arse and look
I wasn't using it as evidence against you, or anything. It was supporting what you were saying about the stolen passports etc.

But I don't understand what the problem is. The stolen identity used by the hijackers, was released by the FBI.
Are you saying that the FBI knew that it wasn't the men, but released the information anyway? (Still don't know what that would accomplish, or why)

Can you just tell me what the murky stuff is? It's starting to feel like you are just teasing me.

Haha, I'm not teasing you, and I forgot to say welcome to this discussion as well, so a belated welcome to you mate:)
All I'm saying, and the other guys know that I post this way, is that I like to encourage those who are interested to get amongst it and see where their own research leads them
For me my own research led me to find a massive series of decisions and false investigations, a whole bag of broken protocols and chain of command, and a huge amount of cover up that has led me to believe that the event was known about beforehand and allowed to happen and succeed for a variety of reasons
Get amongst it mate, it really is fascinating stuff
I think it may be because people are unwilling to actually look at things that may confront them and make them think that there may well be an ugliness behind things that they always thought were safe
What really annoys me about this whole debate is the unwillingness of people to actually question things that obviously don't make sense, instead resorting to name calling and the like when one actually challenges them to do so
I'm not asking people to believe that all is not above board, that is for them to decide, all I want is for them to actually get their head out of their arse and look

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank."

That was Obama in 2007 before being elected, yet the Government NEVER lie. just like they NEVER lie about going to war...(Vietnam)

I am sure some of the posters on here have a reason why Obama didnt follow through on this, because if we question it, we're conspiracy theorists

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I don't find conspiracy theorist a derogative term per say, the official story itself is a conspiracy lets not forget !

Conspiracy Theorist means gives us the answers, and we'll shut up.

As usual, the Governments don't answer our questions, yet we are the ones who are labelled truthers, while the Governments are hailed as heroes
Haha, I'm not teasing you, and I forgot to say welcome to this discussion as well, so a belated welcome to you mate:)
All I'm saying, and the other guys know that I post this way, is that I like to encourage those who are interested to get amongst it and see where their own research leads them
For me my own research led me to find a massive series of decisions and false investigations, a whole bag of broken protocols and chain of command, and a huge amount of cover up that has led me to believe that the event was known about beforehand and allowed to happen and succeed for a variety of reasons
Get amongst it mate, it really is fascinating stuff

OK, I'll start having a look. Any good semi-beginner sites (impartial), that you would recommenced to start?
Or even just a good run down of everything? Not too deep yet.


Also, if I still can't work it out, will you tell me one day?
Conspiracy Theorist means gives us the answers, and we'll shut up.

As usual, the Governments don't answer our questions, yet we are the ones who are labelled truthers, while the Governments are hailed as heroes

Truther , it is a strange term isn't it
To seek a truth used as a derogative term is crazy

The thing is, I don't see 9/11 as a government organised thing, I see it as a facilitated thing that was in most part given every chance to succeed because of who was the President of the day
I personally don't think George W knew anything, I don't think he actually knew anything about anything period !
Rumsfeld, Cheney , Pearl, Wolfawitz etc on the other hand....
I love the comeback that 9/11 must have had about a million conspirators as well, this is absolute rubbish if you take into account what a manipulation of Protocol, standard procedures and chain of command can do
After the event with massive hysteria , shock and a flood of blood thirsty patriotism, things are very easily hidden

OK, I'll start having a look. Any good semi-beginner sites (impartial), that you would recommenced to start?
Or even just a good run down of everything? Not too deep yet.


Also, if I still can't work it out, will you tell me one day?

Start with looking up a book called Terror Timeline by Paul Thompson
As for telling you....I wish I could give the answers !!
Thompsons timeline is still available online I think, I was lucky enough to pick up a copy which you can't get outside of the USA for some reason
Check out hijackers-
Saaed Alghamdi- lives in Tunisia, FBI still using his photo

Salem Alhzami- still alive in Saudi Arabia working in Yanbou, reported stolen passport in 1999, FBI still using his photo

Ahmed Alnami works still for Saudi Airlines, original photo used by FBI was him, was quickly changed when he came fwd

Abdulaziz Alomari- pilot for Saudi Airlines, passport stolen in 1995, FBI still using his date of birth

Waleed and Wail Alshehri are both still alive and working for Saudi Airlines, there are a second pair of missing brothers from Saudi Arabia who have the same first names but different surnames

FBI director Mueller went from not certain of identities on 20 th of Sep to fairly certain if a number of them on 27th of Sep
It was reported on the 20 th in the London times that FBI were unsure if all 19 could have been impostors
This for some reason died down very quickly, even after the above people can fwd, and still their photos are used !!
Absolute rubbish ... and yes mate, it has been refuted conclusively several times on this thread.

But let's go through it again ...

Every single one of those claims was made after early reports from the media. As we've talked about before, in the week or so immediately post the attack the media were scrambling to release anything. As a result what we got was a lot of incorrect or incomplete information. Names were released with very scant details or incorrect spelling. People with similar names etc came forward and said it's not me.

Remember, all these reports were around 20th, 21st sept.

The FBI finally released the photos of all the hijackers on 27th. This cleared up any further confusion and claims of mistaken identity died down pretty quickly.

Beyond this each of the terrorists named by the FBI appear in the 19 martyrs video released by al Queada claiming responsibility for the attacks; each of their families have reported them missing since the attacks and have since acknowledged their role; and since feb 2002 the Saudi government have acknowledged that all nationals listed by the FBI were involved in the attacks

There we go, now you can't say it hasn't been debunked!

You're welcome!

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FBI director Mueller went from not certain of identities on 20 th of Sep to fairly certain if a number of them on 27th of Sep

How does this lend credence to your claims?

So he is uncertain and as evidence grows he becomes more certain.

Shock, horror!

That is unprecedented in the history of research and investigation.

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Absolute rubbish ... and yes mate, it has been refuted conclusively several times on this thread.

But let's go through it again ...

Every single one of those claims was made after early reports from the media. As we've talked about before, in the week or so immediately post the attack the media were scrambling to release anything. As a result what we got was a lot of incorrect or incomplete information. Names were released with very scant details or incorrect spelling. People with similar names etc came forward and said it's not me.

Remember, all these reports were around 20th, 21st sept.

The FBI finally released the photos of all the hijackers on 27th. This cleared up any further confusion and claims of mistaken identity died down pretty quickly.

Beyond this each of the terrorists named by the FBI appear in the 19 martyrs video released by al Queada claiming responsibility for the attacks; each of their families have reported them missing since the attacks and have since acknowledged their role; and since feb 2002 the Saudi government have acknowledged that all nationals listed by the FBI were involved in the attacks

There we go, now you can't say it hasn't been debunked!

You're welcome!

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Well, with all due respect that news report doesn't debunk anything, nothing, nought
So yes, you are welcome but please save your " this has been successfully explained many times in this thread " rubbish for those who haven't been on here for a while
Those names and individuals are still out there my friend, still with someone else's photo, still with someone else's ID, so spare me the crap about this stuff answered because we both know it hasn't

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How does this lend credence to your claims?

So he is uncertain and as evidence grows he becomes more certain.

Shock, horror!

That is unprecedented in the history of research and investigation.

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Never said it led credence to any claims of anything, it's just another example of the 9/11 commission being a sham investigation, in actual fact a non investigation, or in its own words " we are not here to lay blame " !!!
Here's an interesting tidbit.

In 1987, a German teenager managed to fly a single engined Cessna over Moscow, eventually landing close to the Kremlin. Although no damage was done, nor was there any loss of life, then Soviet prime minister Mikhail Gorbachev was so enraged he sacked the defence minister and air defense chief, as well as firing or replacing hundreds of other officers.

Fast forward 14 years. Hijackers take over 4 planes, crash 2 into the WTC, crash another one into the Pentagon and another one crashes into a field in Pennsylvania, causing catastrophic damage as well as the loss of thousands of lives. George W. Bush and co. were so outraged over this, that they decided to reward most of those in a position of power to do something about stopping, or at least minimising the damage caused on that day, by giving them a promotion.

That makes sense, right?
Here's an interesting tidbit.

In 1987, a German teenager managed to fly a single engined Cessna over Moscow, eventually landing close to the Kremlin. Although no damage was done, nor was there any loss of life, then Soviet prime minister Mikhail Gorbachev was so enraged he sacked the defence minister and air defense chief, as well as firing or replacing hundreds of other officers.

Fast forward 14 years. Hijackers take over 4 planes, crash 2 into the WTC, crash another one into the Pentagon and another one crashes into a field in Pennsylvania, causing catastrophic damage as well as the loss of thousands of lives. George W. Bush and co. were so outraged over this, that they decided to reward most of those in a position of power to do something about stopping, or at least minimising the damage caused on that day, by giving them a promotion.

That makes sense, right?

Like this bloke

Here's an interesting tidbit.

In 1987, a German teenager managed to fly a single engined Cessna over Moscow, eventually landing close to the Kremlin. Although no damage was done, nor was there any loss of life, then Soviet prime minister Mikhail Gorbachev was so enraged he sacked the defence minister and air defense chief, as well as firing or replacing hundreds of other officers.

Fast forward 14 years. Hijackers take over 4 planes, crash 2 into the WTC, crash another one into the Pentagon and another one crashes into a field in Pennsylvania, causing catastrophic damage as well as the loss of thousands of lives. George W. Bush and co. were so outraged over this, that they decided to reward most of those in a position of power to do something about stopping, or at least minimising the damage caused on that day, by giving them a promotion.

That makes sense, right?

Of course it does !!!
Well, with all due respect that news report doesn't debunk anything, nothing, nought
So yes, you are welcome but please save your " this has been successfully explained many times in this thread " rubbish for those who haven't been on here for a while
Those names and individuals are still out there my friend, still with someone else's photo, still with someone else's ID, so spare me the crap about this stuff answered because we both know it hasn't
Well it proves that the Saudis were willing to acknowledge all 15 nationals named were indeed involved and died in the attacks. This despite pressure from US citizens of retribution.

But anyway, the crux of my argument was that all these claims about mistaken if arose from reports made by the press prior to the release of all the hijackers photos on 27 sept. After that it died off quickly.

Boring and mundane as it is, its simply a case of mistaken identity caused by the confusion in the first days after the attacks.

It is ridiculous to assert, with zero proof (surprise, surprise), that there are people still out there claiming the FBI have named them after thirteen years and are using their photos without permission.

FFS, how are you credulous enough to believe this yet the idea of mistaken identity you find extraordinary?
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Never said it led credence to any claims of anything, it's just another example of the 9/11 commission being a sham investigation, in actual fact a non investigation, or in its own words " we are not here to lay blame " !!!
How is that an example? If anything it is proof that the FBI weren't just jumping to conclusions and were waiting for the evidence to mount.

If I was more pessimistic I'd think you were just throwing anything out there that could be seen as negative in an effort to destabilise the official story.

But then I know you wouldn't do that. You just want the truth, yes?

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Of course it was.

That's right folks, it took the CIA to come up with this term.

Before that they were just called nutjobs.

Whenever you hear a conspiracy theory what's your initial reaction? discredit right? no matter how much evidence is provided.

You've been brainwashed.
I haven't bothered to read this whole thread, the truth is there for anybody to see.

We know for a fact that operatives troll places like this spreading disinformation.

If you post evidence that another poster immediately rejects without reason, you are better off not wasting your time replying to them again.

They are either so brainwashed that they wouldn't accept a CIA covert operation even if it were explained to them step-by-step by Barack Obama himself, or they are literally paid to waste your time.

Either way, spend your finite free time in better ways than replying to such posters.

And for all of the COINTELPRO dudes reading this, g'day from Brisbane. You know, it is not too late for you - yet. Anybody who accepts their own inherent flaws as human can be forgiven. Defect now before the good within you makes one last attempt at salvation and jumps off that balcony. You know you've been thinking about it. Come on, come to the good side. Sleep is much easier. Life is more tranquil. Imagine peace. It can be yours if you defect now.

bomb president obama gun terrorism operation resistance liberties 2nd amendment plot kill bush bernays explosives detonator gitmo alqaeda plan execute civil war fertiliser nitrogen
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