ABC's 7:30 on New Hird/Dank evidence - 11 April; 3AW/9 Report Text Msg Contents

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Firstly I am an Essendon supporter.
Cast your minds back to the very first press interview with Hird, Evans, and Robson, and how shocked and stunned Hird was that this was going on, when he damn well knew it was happening all along! Lies!
If he has got up and lied to the supporters and all the AFL public, then this is simply not good enough and he has to go just on this alone.
Mark Thompson also has to go as he was responsible in getting Dank to the club, fully well knowing what this guy was about. It then raises the questions how Geelong won those Premierships with their big bodies at some very young ages to!
I wouldn't trust the AFL or ASADA in coming down to hard on Essendon. Firstly it has been revealed that Demetriou has gone to Gillard to cut some shifty deal, and secondly all this happened 2 months ago now, and ASADA haven't even interviewed Hird or any of the players as yet! They would be the first people you interviewed before they could all get together and come up with some stories wouldn't it?

Fellow Essendon supporters fear not. The AFL will come down on the club with a velvet sledge hammer, just like it does with its recreational drug code. As we are one of the "big 3" clubs, the AFL can't afford not to have us in the competition, we make them too much money.

I just hope that there is no sort of corruption in ASADA and if they have to come down hard on any individuals then they should. Look at the credability cycling has now, ZERO! This has to be stamped out NOW, as we do not want the credability of our great game tarnished and ruined by PED's.

Fairfax Media reported today that 14 players from the Cronulla Sharks NRL club may be suspended by the Australian Anti-Doping Agency (ASADA) for the alleged use of a substance called thymosin beta-4 (TB-4), during the 2011 season.
At this stage, according to the media, it’s believed the players' use of this substance (a naturally-occurring peptide) was inadvertent, and the players involved – who have not been named – may be offered reduced six-month bans (as opposed to two years) for their use of performance-enhancing drugs.

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I'm certain not to many Bomber fans understand WADA and how they operate....and the power they have I'm sure they are thinking the Bombers don't have a problem because the AFL can't afford to have the club suspended...and that because WADA are not giving a blow by blow account of their investigation there's not much going's going to get very ugly if the testing on samples currently being done in Germany comes back showing anything untoward.
I'm certain most Bomber fans are more interested in the outcome than the lies and innuendo.

Fairfax Media reported today that 14 players from the Cronulla Sharks NRL club may be suspended by the Australian Anti-Doping Agency (ASADA) for the alleged use of a substance called thymosin beta-4 (TB-4), during the 2011 season.
At this stage, according to the media, it’s believed the players' use of this substance (a naturally-occurring peptide) was inadvertent, and the players involved – who have not been named – may be offered reduced six-month bans (as opposed to two years) for their use of performance-enhancing drugs.
That's nice evo.

You do realise that article was written a month ago, we are now at round 6 of the NRL season and NOT A SINGLE CRONULLA PLAYER has missed one game due to suspension.

The whole thing has become a farce from ASADA's perspective. There is no evidence. There is no admission of guilt. There are no positive tests.

Three months in and still not one Essendon player or coach has been interviewed by these imbeciles. What the hell have they been doing all this time besides drip feeding certain Fairfax and ABC journalists with little tidbits?

And just on this - there is obviously a leak at ASADA. This is an absolute disgrace and should be investigated as people have the right to the presumption of innocence. Leaks of this nature throw this whole presumption out the window.
As pressure mounted on the club, emails obtained by the Herald Sun show Hird will tell investigators he set out strong governance over the use of supplements.
The besieged Bombers coach will deny he put the welfare of the players in jeopardy, and that in fact he put strict rules in place for Dank, high-performance manager Dean Robinson and club doctor Bruce Reid.
The email says he had three conditions.
THE supplements must not harm the players.
THEY must not be illegal (according to WADA and ASADA drug guidelines).
Essendon coach James Hird leaves Windy Hill to board a flight to Perth. Picture: Getty Images
THE club must get player consent.

I suppose this is negligence too. :rolleyes:
Who is the other club Dank is referring to in the texts I wonder?

My question exactly...All the drug bodies and the The AFL must be investigating them AND DO IT IN THE MEDIA JUST LIKE they are doing it to the Bombers , if not why not ? What and are they covering up the other clubs name ?
That's nice evo.

You do realise that article was written a month ago, we are now at round 6 of the NRL season and NOT A SINGLE CRONULLA PLAYER has missed one game due to suspension.

The whole thing has become a farce from ASADA's perspective. There is no evidence. There is no admission of guilt. There are no positive tests.

Hey man. If you're relaxed, I'm relaxed.
On a scale of 1-10 how relaxed are you about IV's and infusions?

1 being extremely unrelaxed
10 being extremely relaxed
umm, 10.

Not one player will be suspended. If you want to have a wager on it then I am happy to do so. I doubt you will have the balls to do it though as far easier to snipe away anonymously here.

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umm, 10.

Not one player will be suspended. If you want to have a wager on it then I am happy to do so. I doubt you will have the balls to do it though as far easier to snipe away anonymously here.

I'm not sniping.

I was curious.

Do you think Hirdy and evans are relaxed?
umm, 10.

Not one player will be suspended. If you want to have a wager on it then I am happy to do so. I doubt you will have the balls to do it though as far easier to snipe away anonymously here.

I'll put $100 on Hird not coaching next season.....
Driven through the mud?

The went to the big mud pile, jumped in and smeared themselves with it.

This is what the texts prove.

Jimmy in on it bigstyle. From go to woah.

He was knowingly injecting 18 year old kids with stuff not approved for human use. And lying to them about it.

He has to go.

He has to be charged with bringing the game into disrepute.

He has to be banned from any involvement in footy again.

What an absolute disgrace.

Sadly, it wont happen.
Golden haired boy is AFL protected.
Firstly I am an Essendon supporter.
Cast your minds back to the very first press interview with Hird, Evans, and Robson, and how shocked and stunned Hird was that this was going on, when he damn well knew it was happening all along! Lies!
If he has got up and lied to the supporters and all the AFL public, then this is simply not good enough and he has to go just on this alone.
Mark Thompson also has to go as he was responsible in getting Dank to the club, fully well knowing what this guy was about. It then raises the questions how Geelong won those Premierships with their big bodies at some very young ages to!
I wouldn't trust the AFL or ASADA in coming down to hard on Essendon. Firstly it has been revealed that Demetriou has gone to Gillard to cut some shifty deal, and secondly all this happened 2 months ago now, and ASADA haven't even interviewed Hird or any of the players as yet! They would be the first people you interviewed before they could all get together and come up with some stories wouldn't it?

Fellow Essendon supporters fear not. The AFL will come down on the club with a velvet sledge hammer, just like it does with its recreational drug code. As we are one of the "big 3" clubs, the AFL can't afford not to have us in the competition, we make them too much money.

I just hope that there is no sort of corruption in ASADA and if they have to come down hard on any individuals then they should. Look at the credability cycling has now, ZERO! This has to be stamped out NOW, as we do not want the credability of our great game tarnished and ruined by PED's.
Wow, an Essendon supporter who sees it as it really is. Well done.
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