Coaching Staff Brendon Bolton - Senior Coach - Locked in until end of 2020 (23/5/18)

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Being avid but average golfer,I'd like to say something along the lines of "be the club,be the club,be the club"
Ball lands close enough to tap in.
Good luck big guy!.

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Apologies for the intrusion congratulations on picking your new coach Bolton I think will do very well for your club hopefully your team can get in some more talent via free agency and the draft and be back contending again. You (as in supporters) deserve to see some success after a decade of frustration. Ironic o_O I know, coming from a saints supporter but we had a decent chance to snare a flag over a few seasons, sadly we didn't but had some enjoyable winning seasons which brought the excitement and anticipation factor in. :)
Welcome to the club Bolts. Hope some of the Clarkson toughness towards players has rubbed off on you, but you can keep that warmth that players can relate to. I feel like Bolts has the best of both worlds and a good balance of tough love and getting players to play for you.

It will be great to lose this, us against the rest of the AFL mentality that we seem to embrace and endorse and I think Bolton will be doing his best to rid this tag while we rebuild to just lose some of this spotlight.
Absolutely loved how he said we/us not me/I

Also very, very happy to hear him say he will sit down with sos and have many talks about the list. He sounds very professional, I can see him and sos turning things around here quite quickly.
Absolutely loved how he said we/us not me/I

Also very, very happy to hear him say he will sit down with sos and have many talks about the list. He sounds very professional, I can see him and sos turning things around here quite quickly.
Not too quickly - if there's one thing us as supporters need to do, it's to refrain from putting too many/any expectations on performance on the field or numbers in the win column.

We need to accept it will be a 66 game rebuild - any further progress/improvement on field before then is just icing.

Let give him time to do this right.
His questions about the list would answer the question of why McKay was in on the meetings.
I know he's not the list manager, but would have the feedback from SOS' reports.

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It is terrific news that there is no formal contract. All along I have wanted only a 1 year contract. This is better.

What it says is that (a) BB is delighted to be given the chance to coach at AFL level at Carlton and that he has (b) the self-belief that he can do the job; and (c) trusts the Board will set realistic KPIs to assess him.

This is all as it should be. Now tell us what the KPIs are so we all know when we expect to be top 4 competitive and how we expect to get there. The KPIs apply to everyone at the Club, not just BB.
It is terrific news that there is no formal contract. All along I have wanted only a 1 year contract. This is better.

What it says is that (a) BB is delighted to be given the chance to coach at AFL level at Carlton and that he has (b) the self-belief that he can do the job; and (c) trusts the Board will set realistic KPIs to assess him.

This is all as it should be. Now tell us what the KPIs are so we all know when we expect to be top 4 competitive and how we expect to get there. The KPIs apply to everyone at the Club, not just BB.
There's a massive difference between being on staff and being on a one year contract.
The grumpiest coach in the AFL took us to last.

Let's hope the happiest coach in the Comp takes us to the top.

The players seemed to like barkers more positive approach. Hopefully the young kids in the rebuild feel comfortable with his happy, upbeat approach.

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so what's his first point of call you think? Give Yaz a call? Get in Kruezer's ear?

finish this sentence

The first thing Brendon Bolton needs to do as Carlton coach is......

(this should be good)
...hire Jake Carlisle as a step ladder. (sorry if it's been used, been without internet and trying to catch up)
More excited than when we pumped EFC in September 2011?
Fun fact: I win $670 on a $10 bet for first goalscorer that day. Shame the day went downhill after that...

Interesting the whole no contract thing. Hopefully it means Bolts gets a good run at it. I may be old fashioned but the big clubs being up and about would be good for everyone.
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