Home & Garden Charlie Sheen

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Nicky, the guy wants to spend $250 000 a month to rent an LA mansion and turn it into his version of a playboy mansion.

There's no way you can step to that. Unless all that exercise has transformed you into one of those girls Sheen seches. In which case, pics pls.

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Your focus on money to determine success and happiness is too narrow. Money is great for some things but it's not the be all and end all. Wealthy people can be happy but so can the more modest earners. I rate happiness above being wealthy. You are your state of mind when you're rich and when you're poor.

He spends $250k p/m on an apartment to impress his friends and posters on BF because that is all he has. If that is all you had, the novelty would wear off soon enough.
One of my favourite television shows is Californication. People might see that as ironic, considering some of the things the main character gets up to, but Hank Moody's behaviour is also balanced out by the harsh reality of "the morning after", as well as him dealing with the consequences of his past actions. Some posters in the thread about the show on the Media & Entertainment board seem to dislike these elements (particularly the constant on again/off again relationship between Hank and Karen), possibly because they just want the show to only be about the decadent lulz, I don't know.

Anyway, the thing is (and this is something I think posters like nicky realise) that it's likely not all just beer and skittles for guys like Sheen. Behind the seemingly endless "good times" ("good times" that he likely barely has any memory of, by the way) and continuous partying, there's likely a lot of hurt, anger, resentment and regret over a number of issues, both "before" and "after" the drugs (blocked out by and caused by). It could be any number of issues - the pressure of living up to/following in his famous father's footsteps, personal relationships, things that have gone on outside of the public eye, anything - but I doubt that deep down Sheen is truly happy with his life and where he's at right now, and likely disappears into a haze of drugs, alcohol and women so frequently to escape dealing with the real problems inside his head.

When the money stops coming in, Sheen will find out who his true friends are. If it all went wrong, and he was in real trouble and looked like losing it all, would he have any true friends who'd help him purely out of the goodness of their heart, that wasn't obliged to or considering their own interests too (eg. like an agent) in some way? I have my doubts.

Basically, he's just on a futile spiral into oblivion that ultimately results in nothingness. He inspires pity and needs help, rather than deserving praise or constant enablement. Sad thing is, he's burnt that many bridges that it's likely that nobody genuinely cares enough about him as a person anymore to reach out and help him.
Damo, you're gonna be one of those dad's who does the mowing at 7AM after your son has a big night. Dont get me wrong, I'll be doing that too, but I wont be following it up with the lecture when he wakes up.
Charlie Sheen must really be unsatisfied with his life (ie during his 'down' moments) if he needs to go to such extremes in order to feel good about himself (ie during his 'high' moments).

I'd rather admire someone like Dr Hollows for example. An intelligent man that no doubt thoroughly enjoyed his purpose in life (which can't be said for someone like Sheen who would have such massive down moments despite the highs that he has which are reported in the media). He helped society in infinite more ways than Sheen could ever imagine to, all whilst earning a very comfortable living where he could do whatever he pleased with the cosy income he made. Ditto someone like Bill Gates.

It's a pity society doesn't look up to intelligent people as much as they do celebrities. I suppose it's harder to be intelligent, work hard and pave your way to something great in life, than it is to luck out in Hollywood. It's why the majority of people that look up to such celebrities live such purposeless lives.
Damo, you're gonna be one of those dad's who does the mowing at 7AM after your son has a big night. Dont get me wrong, I'll be doing that too, but I wont be following it up with the lecture when he wakes up.

Why do people always go to the opposite extreme and assume that people like me ever go out, and must go to bed at 8pm on weekends to get up to mow the lawn before church on Sunday mornings? If I have nothing to do, I'm rarely out of bed before 2pm on a Sunday (either due to getting home at 5 in the morning or just being up late). This is considered "extremely lazy" by most of my friends (all of whom drink), who feel "guilty" if they get out of bed after 11am, even when hungover.

There's more to life (and more to socialising and going out) than getting wasted.
I think you're right about Sheen, Damo. I remember watching an episode of Two and a Half Men where Charlie goes on about how he shouldn't have to face anything he doesn't want to face. His lifestyle is just his way of self-medicating. I don't like to talk about my feelings or deal with anything I don't want to deal with, either. But I try to turn all the things that make me sad and angry into something more productive. If I had the money Charlie had, I'd be going about things differently.

No drugs or binge drinking, definitely the promiscuous part, though. Either that or a great girlfriend who's willing to put out whenever I want her to. He should get a home gym with the works, an indoor swimming pool (if he hasn't already), a personal trainer, a huge backyard to do interval training in, and take up some hobbies so he can escape from reality in a healthier, classier way.
He's a w***er, but eh, whatever. I don't aspire to be him but good for him for being a half decent actor and using that to score ridiculous amounts of pussy.
:thumbsu: this i guess

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I could see how Charlie Sheen might be a hero to a 19 year old, but the guy's pushing 50. It's all a bit sad, really.

George Clooney is a superior example of how to stay pimping into middle age. AND he never starred in Two and a Half Men.
I could see how Charlie Sheen might be a hero to a 19 year old, but the guy's pushing 50. It's all a bit sad, really.

George Clooney is a superior example of how to stay pimping into middle age. AND he never starred in Two and a Half Men.

This sums it up pretty well.
I could see how Charlie Sheen might be a hero to a 19 year old, but the guy's pushing 50. It's all a bit sad, really.

George Clooney is a superior example of how to stay pimping into middle age. AND he never starred in Two and a Half Men.

Furthermore, Clooney has displayed talent through his work. Do people not respect talent and effort anymore?
do interval training.....so he can escape from reality in a healthier, classier way.

Interval training as an escape from reality?

Must do less drugs & find out about this crazy mind-bending interval training shit
I didn't mean it like that, but in a way, it is an escape from day to day life (work/study etc), because of the endorphins and the whole rush you get from it, it gives you a buzz.
I would say I'm pretty much addicted to exercise, and it's got nothing to do with body image.

If I don't run in the morning I feel like total shit for the rest of the day - tired, lack of sharpness, irritable, stressed, anxious. I need the endorphine hit.
I love running too. Have to sacrifice my run tonight because i have to go to a gig that starts at midnight and exercise makes me very tired.

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