Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 7: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

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In the peak fortnight of the outbreak to date (25 August to 7 September), the COVID-19 case rate among 2-dose vaccinated people was 49.5 per 100,000 while in unvaccinated people it was 561 per 100,000, a more than 10-fold difference. The rates of COVID-19 ICU admissions or deaths peaked in the fortnight 8 September to 21 September at 0.9 per 100,000 in 2-dose vaccinated people compared to 15.6 per 100,000 in unvaccinated people, a greater than 16-fold difference.
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Yeah thats the way i see it looking after their own back yards and fu** the rest.
That's because Morrison was looking after his own interests and **** the rest. The country all would have been in the position Victoria and then NSW are in if Morrison was allowed to 'lead' because his primary interests are re-election and his his rich business mates. It sucks that Victoria and NSW still ended up in the shit, but the rest of the states will be pretty happy their premiers took the lead.
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Youre either far more informed on this than just about anyone else on the planet or talking rubbish.

Either way you sound like an anti vaxx, conspiracy theorist.
Except I have my vaccine papers.

Can you list a regulatory approved mRNA vaccine in widespread use outside of emergency use authority prior to 2019?

That's the entire crux of it. There has been years of attempts to get that technology working for all sorts of vaccines and they all failed until it came to covid-19 when they didn't need to be liable for the outcomes so they could send it down the line.

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To be fair, where are the workers suppose to eat their lunch? Not like it's a nice day in Melbourne everyday where you can just sit in the park. Depending on how far they're parked away as well means that's probably not feasible either.
The reality is that results are for private enterprise, promises are for public policy.

People vote for the dream, punish for the reality.
A long time ago people got into politics to make a difference
Now they are career politicians most never worked a real job.
People vote as it is mandatory.

I do not think there is much difference now between Labour and Liberal for 95% of the people.
They screw you over, waste billions on stupid shit and go out of their way protect those who donate to them.
Haven't hospitals etc been going without lunch rooms for ages now too?
A long time ago people got into politics to make a difference
Now they are career politicians most never worked a real job.
People vote as it is mandatory.

I do not think there is much difference now between Labour and Liberal for 95% of the people.
They screw you over, waste billions on stupid sh*t and go out of their way protect those who donate to them.

The biggest con job has been the absolute entrenchment of the two party system all through our political structures.
Except I have my vaccine papers.

Can you list a regulatory approved mRNA vaccine in widespread use outside of emergency use authority prior to 2019?

That's the entire crux of it. There has been years of attempts to get that technology working for all sorts of vaccines and they all failed until it came to covid-19 when they didn't need to be liable for the outcomes so they could send it down the line.
If youve had it then why are you concerned? Just playing devils advocate, really not helpful in the current climate.

Can you list the last time we had a global co-operative in the modern age to combat a global pandemic. Continued insistence that there is legitimacy to vaccine hesitancy based on a lack of long term data isnt just unhelpful its dangerous.

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The biggest con job has been the absolute entrenchment of the two party system all through our political structures.
no alternative
even the independents not really independent.
Be nice if the person in our seat cared about the locals
Both of ours drink the kool aid.
yes for months now
Pretty sure they all go out in their N95 Masks and block streets
You seen what the poor nurses look like at the end of their shift
I do when I pick up my wife.

It would be a mistake to not appreciate that the demographics of hospital workers and construction workers are quite different.

If we had a conscription today, way more of the fighting aged men would come from construction than the medical.
A bad faith debater; dresses up her comments more than the average anti-vaxx wingnut but cut from the same cloth.
You can go after me, or you can find mRNA vaccine use prior to covid that shows long term safety.

One of those is possible.

I'm literally vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine but it would be silly to suggest that people who are worried about getting it because it doesn't have long term effect data are the same as people who don't want other vaccines when they are two different technologies.
If youve had it then why are you concerned? Just playing devils advocate, really not helpful in the current climate.

Can you list the last time we had a global co-operative in the modern age to combat a global pandemic. Continued insistence that there is legitimacy to vaccine hesitancy based on a lack of long term data isnt just unhelpful its dangerous.
Arguably I am the person who should be most concerned. The long term effects will be potentially discovered by what it does or doesn't do to me.

Someone who hasn't had it doesn't need to worry about that, they can wait to see what happens as long as they take the personal responsibility that comes with the lower protection against the virus.
You can go after me, or you can find mRNA vaccine use prior to covid that shows long term safety.

One of those is possible.

I'm literally vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine but it would be silly to suggest that people who are worried about getting it because it doesn't have long term effect data are the same as people who don't want other vaccines when they are two different technologies.
You keep saying this like its some smoking gun.

1- 99% of people have no idea of difference
2- who actually gives a shit

Until this year most people couldnt tell you what was in any vaccine or drink or foodstuff they consume, now all of sudden everyone is an expert.
You keep saying this like its some smoking gun.

1- 99% of people have no idea of difference
2- who actually gives a sh*t

Until this year most people couldnt tell you what was in any vaccine or drink or foodstuff they consume, now all of sudden everyone is an expert.
I'm saying it's a reason that someone being hesitant towards a covid vaccine is different to someone who is hesitant towards a vaccine that has been around since I was a child - which I thought was your position on this?

It makes all the difference, especially when we are now giving it to children when children aren't at risk of covid.

Good to see them protesting vaccine requirements without wearing masks

Absolutely they should have access to somewhere to eat

Absolutely there are situations on worksites where wearing a mask isn't safe or practical

But how many of this group were out on the weekend around Richmond?
Forgive me if this is a silly thing to pose - but what previous vaccines or attempted vaccines were shown to have had a long term effect that took a period of time to show itself?

I read an article a few weeks back that suggested that with vaccines if there is going to be any side effects they are usually noted within 8-9 weeks
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