Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

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Do you also not pay tax because you are put off by how governments spend your tax dollars? Or do you also not contribute to society in that way as well.
They can spend my tax dollars how they want.

How does me being vaccinated contribute to society?

Look, you got vaccinated so if you get covid19 you don't get so sick and end up in hospital, I'm an unvaccinated healthy guy that has had 3 flus since covid19 came to our shores, they've been like all the other flus I've had since before covid19 but without the sore throat (which is awesome because I used to hate the sore throat more than anything), and I haven't seen a hospital in all this time.
So why you feel the need to treat me like a heretic because of a vaccine, when neither of us have been in hospital to take up a hospital bed baffles me, all I can think of is that you're angry because I'm unvaccinated and not dead?
They can spend my tax dollars how they want.

How does me being vaccinated contribute to society?

Look, you got vaccinated so if you get covid19 you don't get so sick and end up in hospital, I'm an unvaccinated healthy guy that has had 3 flus since covid19 came to our shores, they've been like all the other flus I've had since before covid19 but without the sore throat (which is awesome because I used to hate the sore throat more than anything), and I haven't seen a hospital in all this time.
So why you feel the need to treat me like a heretic because of a vaccine, when neither of us have been in hospital to take up a hospital bed baffles me, all I can think of is that you're angry because I'm unvaccinated and not dead?
This has been explained ad nauseum, why you would willingly choose to remain ignorant is baffling.

What's more, what are the chances your 'three flus' were actually COVID and you went out and spread it to other people, some of whom aren't 'healthy' as you and do require treatment?
They can spend my tax dollars how they want.

How does me being vaccinated contribute to society?

Look, you got vaccinated so if you get covid19 you don't get so sick and end up in hospital, I'm an unvaccinated healthy guy that has had 3 flus since covid19 came to our shores, they've been like all the other flus I've had since before covid19 but without the sore throat (which is awesome because I used to hate the sore throat more than anything), and I haven't seen a hospital in all this time.
So why you feel the need to treat me like a heretic because of a vaccine, when neither of us have been in hospital to take up a hospital bed baffles me, all I can think of is that you're angry because I'm unvaccinated and not dead?
If you're unvaccinated with covid you're a larger spreader.

I love that you think you're invincible because you haven't caught it yet. Do you also drive without a seatbelt? Hey you're a safe driver with an impeccable record and have never caused an accident so what's the risk with no seatbelt right?

You keep telling yourself that you're a good human being, it's served you well up until now so long may it continue.

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A lot of people who smoke and drop meth are also anti-vax. Smoking exposes people to several thousand chemicals and at least 5 dozen known carcinogens. And whothefarkknows what is in some of the "recreational" pills that people swallow.

Stupidity compounding stupidity.
Well I don't smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs, but I do know people that are vaccinated that drink alcohol, smoke and take drugs, like you say they're just stupid.
Do you also drive without a seatbelt? Hey you're a safe driver with an impeccable record and have never caused an accident so what's the risk with no seatbelt right?
I wear a seatbelt to not get a fine.
has anyone read the pfizer documents that they had to make public because of a court order these same documents are the same 1s they wanted kept hidden for 45 yrs(not 100%sure if it was more or a little less).....there are 9 pages of adverse reactions to the jab ..its on the public domain ...go read
The last time someone did a "theres this document that makes for interesting reading" i went to the effort of finding it, reading it and found that it wasnt at all interesting.

The overwhelming body of evidence supports getting jabbed, double jabbed, triple jabbed and so on, if you are so convinced that you have something that shows the opposite why dont you link it? Its always "go find and read this", just link it if youre so convinced that its a worthwhile thing to review.
They can spend my tax dollars how they want.

How does me being vaccinated contribute to society?

Look, you got vaccinated so if you get covid19 you don't get so sick and end up in hospital, I'm an unvaccinated healthy guy that has had 3 flus since covid19 came to our shores, they've been like all the other flus I've had since before covid19 but without the sore throat (which is awesome because I used to hate the sore throat more than anything), and I haven't seen a hospital in all this time.
So why you feel the need to treat me like a heretic because of a vaccine, when neither of us have been in hospital to take up a hospital bed baffles me, all I can think of is that you're angry because I'm unvaccinated and not dead?

Because idiotboy, vaccinated people are less likely to spread covid. That's how you contribute to society and not remain the parasite that you are.
This has been explained ad nauseum, why you would willingly choose to remain ignorant is baffling.
What more do you want from me, I was in lockdown, I wore my mask, I kept my distance, I did it all, just like you did.
If you weren’t subject to a fine and chose not to wear a seatbelt, you’d be a moron.
Why? Because even wearing a seatbelt I could still end up in hospital, or perhaps even die?

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Much less likely to. An what’s your objection to them? Why wouldn’t you wear one? Too time consuming, taking it on and off?

Doesn't look cool. Like people who wear bike helmets but don't do the straps up. They have all the dorkiness of actually wearing the helmet, but none of the protection since it'll fall off.
The last time someone did a "theres this document that makes for interesting reading" i went to the effort of finding it, reading it and found that it wasnt at all interesting.
This has been my experience.

The ground breaking, world-view shaking revelations they claim to be found in every Tweet or video or "paper" are never there. Every newbie onto the scene has to contend with the fact we've seen it all before and it's never impressive.

It seems hard to swallow, this idea that slow, methodical research by knowledgeable people is about the best way to reliably move forward.
This has been my experience.

The ground breaking, world-view shaking revelations they claim to be found in every Tweet or video or "paper" are never there. Every newbie onto the scene has to contend with the fact we've seen it all before and it's never impressive.

It seems hard to swallow, this idea that slow, methodical research by knowledgeable people is about the best way to reliably move forward.

You've clearly not studied at the School Of Hard Knocks then. That's where you learn the proper YouTube research techniques.
This has been my experience.

The ground breaking, world-view shaking revelations they claim to be found in every Tweet or video or "paper" are never there. Every newbie onto the scene has to contend with the fact we've seen it all before and it's never impressive.

It seems hard to swallow, this idea that slow, methodical research by knowledgeable people is about the best way to reliably move forward.

Here is a site with 2.5 years of research by professionals from all over the world that raise serious questions about the pandemic response and vaccine efficacy. There is something akin to ground-hog day going on here - it is no longer 2021. The debate has moved on.

Even Mainstream Media is acknowledging that serious policy errors may have been made and vaccine efficacy is questionable.

The very foundation of science is skepticism. It therefore makes no sense that the slightest criticism of the official pandemic response sets off this torrent of abuse, censorship, suspensions... This country is still founded on a legal system which protects each of our rights to possess and express our own opinions - where those opinions do not incite violence of vilification.

So suck it up - the science on this is not settled - some people believe the world is flat - some believe in supernatural beings - others in crystals - others now believe that the CO2 you exhale will change the climate - some aren't even sure of their gender.

All of this variety is the very essence of life, forever adapting, evolving, contending - some barely coherent, some totally incoherent - but all of it interesting.

I may disagree with your opinion - but I defend to the death your right to express it. The one thing history proves consistently - is that the restriction of freedom of speech is the one consistent feature of every genicidal movement: from Religious Wars, National Socialism or Communism, from Apartheid to Racism, from Homo-sexual persecution to misogyny. It is when criticism is forbidden that we empower our worst impulses.

When we set up something to be beyond reproach - beyond question - something that must be acknowledged and universally respected by all - What is that but another Religion, another NAZI, Stalinist, Pol Pot regime.

So screw the vaccines and the pandemic hysteria. If it is legitimate it will survive criticism - just gravity and hello-centrism survived it's critics.

Vaccine' and seat belts are a false equivalence, as is smoking. Seat Belts are a condition of travelling by car - no one is forced to travel by car - just as no-one is forced to smoke. These are nonsense arguments.

Let's create an equivalence - to help us understand why someone might object to the vaccine mandates - let's forget about whether they were effective or not effective - forget whether they are harmful or harmless. These are things any sovereign individual may or may not believe - lets remember both opinion and science changes across time

Imagine, our Government decides that everyone needs to take Holy Communion and to provide proof of it to go to work, go to restaurants, gym's, cafes. Now, how would you feel? No harm done?
A few hundred years ago - something like this was not so uncommon - what ensued were long bitter wars and civil persecution.

For me at least, I see little distinction between the necessity to prove in 16th or 17th Century England that I am not a papist with the necessity or to prove I have taken a vaccine in 21st Century Australia.

Here is a site with 2.5 years of research by professionals from all over the world that raise serious questions about the pandemic response and vaccine efficacy. There is something akin to ground-hog day going on here - it is no longer 2021. The debate has moved on.

Even Mainstream Media is acknowledging that serious policy errors may have been made and vaccine efficacy is questionable.

The very foundation of science is skepticism. It therefore makes no sense that the slightest criticism of the official pandemic response sets off this torrent of abuse, censorship, suspensions... This country is still founded on a legal system which protects each of our rights to possess and express our own opinions - where those opinions do not incite violence of vilification.

So suck it up - the science on this is not settled - some people believe the world is flat - some believe in supernatural beings - others in crystals - others now believe that the CO2 you exhale will change the climate - some aren't even sure of their gender.

All of this variety is the very essence of life, forever adapting, evolving, contending - some barely coherent, some totally incoherent - but all of it interesting.

I may disagree with your opinion - but I defend to the death your right to express it. The one thing history proves consistently - is that the restriction of freedom of speech is the one consistent feature of every genicidal movement: from Religious Wars, National Socialism or Communism, from Apartheid to Racism, from Homo-sexual persecution to misogyny. It is when criticism is forbidden that we empower our worst impulses.

When we set up something to be beyond reproach - beyond question - something that must be acknowledged and universally respected by all - What is that but another Religion, another NAZI, Stalinist, Pol Pot regime.

So screw the vaccines and the pandemic hysteria. If it is legitimate it will survive criticism - just gravity and hello-centrism survived it's critics.

Vaccine' and seat belts are a false equivalence, as is smoking. Seat Belts are a condition of travelling by car - no one is forced to travel by car - just as no-one is forced to smoke. These are nonsense arguments.

Let's create an equivalence - to help us understand why someone might object to the vaccine mandates - let's forget about whether they were effective or not effective - forget whether they are harmful or harmless. These are things any sovereign individual may or may not believe - lets remember both opinion and science changes across time

Imagine, our Government decides that everyone needs to take Holy Communion and to provide proof of it to go to work, go to restaurants, gym's, cafes. Now, how would you feel? No harm done?
A few hundred years ago - something like this was not so uncommon - what ensued were long bitter wars and civil persecution.

For me at least, I see little distinction between the necessity to prove in 16th or 17th Century England that I am not a papist with the necessity or to prove I have taken a vaccine in 21st Century Australia.
Someone will probably take the time to categorically respond and shred your post paragraph by paragraph cause your first 3 are actually pretty good but then it seriously goes off the rails. Gender dysmorphia = anti vaxx, random apartheid comparison, public health mandates = NAZIs are particular highlights for me.
Even Mainstream Media is acknowledging that serious policy errors may have been made and vaccine efficacy is questionable.
I am sure during the whole pandemic that nobody got everything right. As new strains emerge, yes vaccines might not work the same.

The very foundation of science is skepticism. It therefore makes no sense that the slightest criticism of the official pandemic response sets off this torrent of abuse

It's not "the slightest criticism" - it's the refusal to engage with real evidence. The misrepresentation of the whole scientific method.

And this drone of "but they said..." is boring and childish. We make judgements and decisions an actions based on the evidence and the politics. You're never going to have complete evidence. The politics are never going to result in only the best decisions.

Vaccines put us in a better place. As shown by the fact that people in hospital with Covid are about 15X more likely to be unvaccinated.


So suck it up - the science on this is not settled - some people believe the world is flat - some believe in supernatural beings - others in crystals - others now believe that the CO2 you exhale will change the climate - some aren't even sure of their gender.

See this is just nutty stuff right here /\

So screw the vaccines and the pandemic hysteria. If it is legitimate it will survive criticism - just gravity and hello-centrism survived it's critics.

OK. But the adults won't survive the droning and wailing from your corner of the room.
Imagine, our Government decides that everyone needs to take Holy Communion and to provide proof of it to go to work, go to restaurants, gym's, cafes. Now, how would you feel? No harm done?

Your placing vaccination on a par with a magic ****ing wafer? This is why I should not be tempted to read your posts.

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