Coronavirus & Lockdowns - the Positives - Thread

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Positive news

Asymptomatic spread, pretty sure i was banned from a thread or two for suggesting it does not exist much to to the chagrin of the hysterical mob who believed asymptomatics were super spreaders etc

No you were banned for posting conspiracies as facts
Positive news

Asymptomatic spread, pretty sure i was banned from a thread or two for suggesting it does not exist much to to the chagrin of the hysterical mob who believed asymptomatics were super spreaders etc

So a prostate cancer Dr says very "unlikely" on Fox news
Pretty sure this has been known for a while ??
yet its still happened in a few super spreader cases

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The WHO came out themselves and said it a month or so back

they said it is as scarce as hens teeth, then rescinded it - sort of - but then couldn't explain how it happens- just trust us they said.

but you had the hysterical nutters on this board and many others calling asymptomatics super spreaders etc

I was banned for backing world class epidemiologists who said it didn't happen

egg is squarely on their face now, just like our Government who cant back down on the apocalypse they spin every day

lockdown, lockdown, lockdown
they said it is as scarce as hens teeth, then rescinded it - sort of - but then couldn't explain how it happens- just trust us they said.

but you had the hysterical nutters on this board and many others calling asymptomatics super spreaders etc

I was banned for backing world class epidemiologists who said it didn't happen

egg is squarely on their face now, just like our Government who cant back down on the apocalypse they spin every day

lockdown, lockdown, lockdown

Steve Walsh, a 53-year-old businessman from Brighton, England, first contracted the virus while attending a conference in Singapore at the end of January 2020. On his return from Singapore, he went on a skiing trip with friends to the French Alps before returning to London.

The average number of people infected by a single Wuhan Coronavirus patient has been reported to be between two to three people, but Walsh has been linked to four cases in the UK, five in France and one in Majorca, all of whom were in France with him.
This level of spread is considered to be high enough above the average to qualify him as a super-spreader.

Walsh, who has now recovered but remains in quarantine at St Thomas' Hospital in London, issued a statement to the press, saying: "As soon as I knew I had been exposed to a confirmed case of coronavirus I contacted my GP, NHS 111 and Public Health England.
I was advised to attend an isolated room at hospital, despite showing no symptoms and subsequently self-isolated at home as instructed. When the diagnosis was confirmed I was sent to an isolation unit in hospital, where I remain, and, as a precaution, my family was also asked to isolate themselves."

Nice for some I guess.
Terrible for the skin too, my hands are really dry from using hand sanitiser all the time.

Yeah I'm not a fan either. Only have a small bottle I keep in the car in case I'm out doing something and want to eat or nature calls when I'm in nature etc.

Would rather just wash my hands under the tap like I learned in kindy.

Coronavirus & Lockdowns - the Positives - Thread

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