Opinion Game Preview Writers Wanted: sign up in this thread

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Nov 23, 2015
AFL Club
OK folks, it's that time of the year again. I am seeking passionate BigFooty members on this board to help out with writing previews for the weekly games. We've had Land of the Giants stand up and do a couple of seasons solo (for which I remain grateful), whereas last year I sought a broader pool of Giants fans to write. It's a big job to do it weekly; even just being able to spread it out over 4 or 5 people across the season makes it less of a chore and more enjoyable. I'm happy to accommodate one-offs - if someone wants to nominate a particular team/game to write the preview for; also happy to accommodate dates which you are or are not available if you can so more than one. It's also great to have a mix of styles. I think and write in a particular way, but that's boring for you all if I'm writing 100% or even 50% of the games. Break it up with some different approaches.

Please strongly consider putting your name forward in this thread. Put down any game preferences or restrictions you have, but if I can get a solid core to 3 to 4 (other than myself) that will give us a decent rotation.

Land of the Giants will be doing Opening Round, so we have that sorted - thanks LotG.

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