Gillard's AWU/Wilson past about to haunt her?

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So he didn't receive such a high female vote at the election, and you just made that up? Cool.

"You mob"? What mob am I?
You brought misogyny into the conversation... and now you're complaining that us mob carry on about it... because he is a Catholic with traditional values?
What the ****?

You are the one that brought misogyny into the conversation... Don't sulk about it now
You tried to use it to justify why Abbott would say he wouldn't be surprised if Gillard "ended up in jail". Now you're flailing about harmlessly trying to get out of it.
You are reaching.
My wife doesn't think he is a misogynist. It is time the left sucked it up and attacked him on other issues like his oppressive antiterror laws. Wait there, Labor supported these draconian laws as well.
Wonderful, that settles it then, but can you and your wife address the comments above please and explain them to me in a way that casts women in a favorable light.
ps it is not about having 'thick skin', its about providing detail to support your claims. Just saying something doesn't make it true.
eg 'you just don't like traditional catholics'. Haha -that's a good one!
I don't like incompetent pollies who are out of their depth. if by traditional you mean someone who ignores the masses of data out there re the existence of climate change -then yep -i have a problem with that sort of mindless adherence to the ideas of the past, if you mean someone who thinks women should be at home 'doing the ironing', then yep, too much trad for me there too, if you mean behaving in a very small minded manner and refusing the requests of all relevant parties to put real help on the ground in Africa-yep way too 1950's there, denying the problem of asylum seekers needs addressing, hitting everyone in the budget except big business and others who can most afford it=terribly old hat for mine, the use of inflammatory 'John Wayne lingo'.., abolishing carbon tax/ETS means failure to recognize we are no longer in the '50's, the ''Im all right Jack, stuff you' strikes me as a very outdated attitude that show no understanding of the global world we live in.
Tone-so not up to the job and that is my main objection.
Couldn't give a tossbag if he is a Catholic though!
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Wonderful, that settles it then, but can you and your wife address the comments above please and explain them to me in a way that casts women in a favorable light.
ps it is not about having 'thick skin', its about providing detail to support your claims. Just saying something doesn't make it true.
eg 'you just don't like traditional catholics'. Haha -that's a good one!
I don't like incompetent pollies who are out of their depth. if by traditional you mean someone who ignores the masses of data out there re the existence of climate change -then yep -i have a problem with that sort of mindless adherence to the ideas of the past, if you mean someone who thinks women should be at home 'doing the ironing', then yep, too much trad for me there too, if you mean behaving in a very small minded manner and refusing the requests of all relevant parties to put real help on the ground in Africa-yep way too 1950's there, denying the problem of asylum seekers needs addressing, hitting everyone in the budget except big business and others who can most afford it=terribly old hat for mine, the use of inflammatory 'John Wayne lingo'.., abolishing carbon tax/ETS means failure to recognize we are no longer in the '50's, the ''Im all right Jack, stuff you' strikes me as a very outdated attitude that show no understanding of the global world we live in.
Tone-so not up to the job and that is my main objection.
Couldn't give a tossbag if he is a Catholic though!
That is more like it. Not perfect, but at least you started to attack him on the issues. However, poor effort for your bs comment about women and ironing.
That is more like it. Not perfect, but at least you started to attack him on the issues. However, poor effort for your bs comment about women and ironing.
Still haven't addressed the points though I see Lebbo.
ps As Tone's the one who said it, direct that one to him perhaps.;)
Still haven't addressed the points though I see Lebbo.
ps As Tone's the one who said it, direct that one to him perhaps.;)
He said the Dry Cleaner does the ironing. The Dry Cleaner does the ironing in my household as well. We never use the iron. And to clarify that for you before it gets twisted. It means my wife and 3 daughters don't iron as well.
He said the Dry Cleaner does the ironing. The Dry Cleaner does the ironing in my household as well. We never use the iron. And to clarify that for you before it gets twisted. It means my wife and 3 daughters don't iron as well.

"What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to go up in price and their own power bills when they switch the iron on are going to go up"

Is what he actually said.

You complain that this is talked about... and you keep talking about it.
You have a condition!
"What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to go up in price and their own power bills when they switch the iron on are going to go up"

Is what he actually said.

You complain that this is talked about... and you keep talking about it.
You have a condition!
I have a condition. You really need to look at your selective quoting. Look in the mirror as well.
He said the Dry Cleaner does the ironing. The Dry Cleaner does the ironing in my household as well. We never use the iron. And to clarify that for you before it gets twisted. It means my wife and 3 daughters don't iron as well.
Haha -Still haven't addressed the comments I asked you to explain.
And I am assuming its because you can't.
Haha -Still haven't addressed the comments I asked you to explain.
And I am assuming its because you can't.
Explain what? You are the one who thinks he is sexist. Quite laughable really if you think it is true. I am not going to waste hours defending him just because you want to lead the convo in that direction.
My wife is in a high powered position. She would tell me if she thought Abbott was a misogynist. Anyway, look what happened to the so called misogynist accuser and where that got her. Consigned to history as one of the worst PM's ever.
"What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to go up in price and their own power bills when they switch the iron on are going to go up"

Is what he actually said.

You complain that this is talked about... and you keep talking about it.
You have a condition!
This still doesn't mean he is sexist. You are believing what you want to believe.
This still doesn't mean he is sexist. You are believing what you want to believe.
I didn't say he was sexist...
I just showed the actual quote, to point out you were wrong or lying.
Far out you're troubled!

Explain what? You are the one who thinks he is sexist. Quite laughable really if you think it is true. I am not going to waste hours defending him just because you want to lead the convo in that direction.
My wife is in a high powered position. She would tell me if she thought Abbott was a misogynist. Anyway, look what happened to the so called misogynist accuser and where that got her. Consigned to history as one of the worst PM's ever.
Teenager status confirmed!

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Explain what? You are the one who thinks he is sexist. Quite laughable really if you think it is true. I am not going to waste hours defending him just because you want to lead the convo in that direction.
My wife is in a high powered position. She would tell me if she thought Abbott was a misogynist. Anyway, look what happened to the so called misogynist accuser and where that got her. Consigned to history as one of the worst PM's ever.

With all due respect, I couldn't give a toss bag what position your wife is in-hardly qualifies her to make any more of an assessment that anyone else.
Weak effort Lebbo.
ps you are the one who raised the misogyny issues.
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It disproved nothing. Nice plan of attack though. You and your friends must operate from the same playbook.
No plan of attack, good try as was merely stating that I read the link which I don't believe you did.
Not sure you can have friends on a forum as have no idea who is behind forum names but do go on as I am finding your posts quite amusing.
It disproved nothing. Nice plan of attack though. You and your friends must operate from the same playbook.
My wife is a former PM and she thinks that Tone is a misogynist. I think that evens up the straw poll, but as my wife's opinion is more qualified than yours I win.

Got anything else?
I believe the saying is as classy as a rat with a golden tooth

Flash as a rat with a gold tooth

Ostentatious, showy and a bit too flashily dressed. This phrase is used only of a man, and implies that although he may be well-dressed and well-groomed, there is also something a bit dodgy about him. In spite of a superficial smartness, he is not to be trusted. In spite of the gold tooth, he is still a rat.

As I said, people that hate Gillard will never accept that she is innocent, no matter what happens. They will always believe she is guilty and got away with something.

Guilty even after proven innocent.

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