Multiplat Insurgency: Sandstorm // FPS // Milsim // Indie

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Sequel to 2014 release of Insurgency which is a tactical milsim shooter with realistic damage modelling. Think Arma shooting mechanics on urban maps similar in size to BF3's Grand Bazaar. It had a reasonable cult following as a PC only title but ultimately was launched on an aging Source engine and no support for competitive play.

The upcoming 2018 MULTIPLATFORM launch of Sandstorm should be an interesting one to follow. Everything is new with the usage of the newer Unreal 4 engine, allowing for the design of larger maps, the inclusion of vehicles and I believe an increased player count.
Support for competitive play is being catered for as one of the cornerstones of design which would presumably improve it's stream-ability and therefore popularity. Bear in mind the insane popularity of PUBG was done on virtually zero marketing spend.

The release date is currently not set except for the fact it will be sometime in 2018!
It is currently in closed ALPHA, so maybe 3 - 4 months away as a educated guess?
I will be watching development intently.

I played the first game briefly, under 3 hrs, as I was new to PC gaming at the time and the learning curve is brutally steep. Gonna re-install this weekend and put a little time into it over the coming weeks...

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