Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 shot down 295 dead.

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Ukraine had a democratically elected leader before the war.
He was deposed by American sponsored fascists whose ideology goes back to WW2 and the Nazis.
Fact. Keep supporting fascists who are no better then the nazis, and share a similar ideology to them, that your grandfather or great grandfather probably fought against.

lol, talk about swallowing the propaganda! Ukraine citizenry have been revolting against their "democratically elected" leaders for as long as they've had them. this had nothing to do with US meddling and everything to do with teething problems of a new democratic state. it happens. doesn't make it right, but that's the way of the world. the entire parliament remained virtually unchanged following the revolution, so your "fascists" bollocks is demonstrable nonsense (or said fascists were already in parliament). they then held an election in short order. as revolutions go, this was about as bloodless as you get. again doesn't make it right, but oh well.

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So you are denying 9 months of no compromise pro war rhetoric coming from Kiev?

I'm not denying that Ukraine are fighting back against a violent military offensive launched by the rebels and backed by Russian troops / weapons. Any nation would do the same when attacked.

Facts are no Russians / no separatists = no war no matter how much you try and skin it otherwise.
I'm not denying that Ukraine are fighting back against a violent military offensive launched by the rebels and backed by Russian troops / weapons. Any nation would do the same when attacked.

Facts are no Russians / no separatists = no war no matter how much you try and skin it otherwise.
You'd have to be stupid to think that that is all it boils down to though. The vp's cocaine snorting Son being appointed to a directorship of a ukrainian gas firm is a clue as to what this is really about. Since when has the USA given a damn about the people whose lives they have got themselves involved in? A million deaths in the middle east in the past decade says not.
F*ck the EU!
I think it was Influential academic Zbigniew Brzezinsky who said

"Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;

"Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;

"Who rules the World-Island commands the world.

He is Obama's mentor and still wields considerable power.
He is to democrats what Kissinger is to republicans.
Europe and Russia cooperating is not in the interest of the assholes in Washington, its indisputable that Kiev and the Donbas had different political wills, and this shouldn't have had to become such a disaster.
So you are denying 9 months of no compromise pro war rhetoric coming from Kiev?
Its weird. The Germans tried doing treaties prior to ww2, and came across war mongering Stalinists. Now the Russians are finding the same attitude from the Nazi sympathizers in the Ukrainian western backed administration.
First lets be brutally honest about this whole thing..the only reason bogans like you have any interest in Ukraine is because a plane got shot down with some Australians on board who lost their lives.

Judging by your comments so far it's quite clear you're the one with your head lodged up your ass.

There's always two sides to a conflict. What's your IQ out of curiosity, because it appears you think that one side can fight a war by it self.
Why would I show disgust about something that has yet to be proven?
The only reason you give a shit about MH17 is because a few Australians were on board.
Otherwise you wouldn't give a toss about it ya muppet.

Grow a brain and learn to think for your self ya low life racist.

Posting this as an example of what not to do on these forums.

If anyone is wondering why someone has gone red in color, wonder no more.

Keep it civil people. Personal abuse is not on.
Hahaha what fresh hell is this?
I see more lunatics have joined the other escapees from the asylum.

No rebels, no separatists, no fascists, no nazis.
Just a standard invasion of a country by Russia, headed by its psychopathic despot, Putin.
Thousands of Ukrainians dying ... but don't worry Vlad, you have many fans here.
Unfortunately, like you, they're not very well.
The final nail in Russia's blatant propaganda about a mystery "fighter jet" popping up and shooting down MH-17 in broad daylight in a supposed attempt to "frame" Russia and/or the rebels:


Russian passenger aircraft continued to use east ukranian airspace AFTER the shoot down of MH17. Like to see Vlad explain this one away since Russia had supposedly "seen" fighter aircraft on "their radar screens" shooting down MH-17. If that really were the case and Ukranian fighter jets were shooting passenger jets out of the sky Russian ATC would undoubtedly divert Russian passenger aircraft around East Ukranian airspace.

That wasn't the case though as it was a Russian missile battery that took out MH-17. Putin knew it. ATC knew it. Time to admit their mistake and start the compensation package to help out relatives of the victims. And while they're at it piss off out of Ukraine - you're not wanted and not welcome back for a long time.

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the confirmation bias of the usual suspects in this thread (and others) is hilarious. the incompetent efforts from the russian government to sow doubt over who really shot down the plane is the stuff that conspiracy theorists would normally be jumping all over. government conspiracy coverup they'd be crying. strangely silent here though. the wiki page edit and the photoshopped fighter were my personal faves.
Yep. The Ruskies are stuck in the dark ages where they could get away with posting ridiculous bullshit. These days any propaganda attempts are dismantled almost immediately by millions of Internet users in possession of common sense and known facts.

Really time for them to stop putting on the facade about MH - 17 and face up to the atrocity they have created. Even if it means pulling out of Ukraine.
Hahaha what fresh hell is this?
I see more lunatics have joined the other escapees from the asylum.

No rebels, no separatists, no fascists, no nazis.
Just a standard invasion of a country by Russia, headed by its psychopathic despot, Putin.
Thousands of Ukrainians dying ... but don't worry Vlad, you have many fans here.
Unfortunately, like you, they're not very well.
Wut! thats not what the myriad videos of the conflict appear to show.
Yep. The Ruskies are stuck in the dark ages where they could get away with posting ridiculous bullshit. These days any propaganda attempts are dismantled almost immediately by millions of Internet users in possession of common sense and known facts.

Really time for them to stop putting on the facade about MH - 17 and face up to the atrocity they have created. Even if it means pulling out of Ukraine.
You bloodthirsty vultures are just dancing over the bodies of dead children, no one is innocent, but especially not Kiev or Washington.

Here is the situation of th front near gorlovka/debalcevo, see how kiev has foolishly risked its troops getting stuck in a pocket. Shit military leadership. These people don't even care about the lives of thier own troops.
OCSE reporting rebels firing shells indiscriminately at civilian areas with no government forces in them with the maun aim if rendering debalcevo a ghost town.How lovely of them.

Talks are these fresh attacks have been spurred in because the Russians / Rebel scum fear that NATO and/or the US will eventually intervene and they have no hope if defeat if /when that happens. I must say I hoped the Russians would see sense and understand that Ukraine will not allow them to invade their land and move on.

Seems as if they aren't getting the message and it's about time these murderous scumbags who have brought nothing but death & destruction to eastern ukraine are taught a lesson.
Debalcevo has been a base for Kievs own indiscriminant shell firing for months now, driving Kievs forces out of that pocket means that the troops will no longer be able to shell Donestk and Gorlovka. More intense war is not the answer. You, by calling for that are foolishly calling for the deaths of thousands more innocent civilians. The war needs to STOP. Not pause for regrouping. Anyway assholes in Kiev are super close to attacking each other on a large scale.
You're plain wrong claiming legitimate government forces are behind shelling. They've been attacked for months now by rebels trying to claim extra territory that wasn't agreed upon in peace talks. OCSE state that rebels are behind civilian deaths. They are a neutral party in the war.

The only solution is for the rebels and the Russians to surrender and cease all illegal operations & actions in East Ukraine.

It would help if they actually then turned up to political negotiation talks involving limited autonomy for Ukranian areas that want to maintain links to Russia. Most reasonable people respect Russia's right to pursue legitimate interests in Ukraine.

If they don't agree to ceasing their war on freedom in Ukraine NATO & the US will be forced to intervene and that will result in the deaths of rebel terrorists mainly & unfortunately some civilians they use as human shields. The choice is theirs.
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And potentially the ENTIRE population of earth. Over what ? Domination of Donbass?

What do you mean the entire population of earth? The Ukranians have zero nuclear weapons and the US certainly won't use them. Putin is a moron but even he wouldn't consider using them.
It could start conventionally then build up.

Why? Don't the rebels have the best interests of the Ukranians at hand? There's absolutely no way any NATO nation will use nuclear weapons unless attacked with nuclear weapons on a large scale. It just won't happen.

The Russians and/or Rebels are hoping that Ukraine continues to receive no help fighting their war. For the moment that will happen but NATO and/or the US are not going to standby forever and watch Russia undermine & rape a neighbouring country like it is their own personal toy.

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