Resource Mental Health

One of the things I’m starting to realise is that despite my sister saying she’s going to help out, she never does. She might help once or twice, but the rest of the time, she’s leaving me to do everything for my mum.

I’m thinking I might have to call in respite care, and have a couple of days up at a mates might save my long term sanity (too late cries the narrator).

Sorry to hear this. Hang in there. Your mum would be so grateful for you. Take care xx
Ok, the tl;dr version up front. Mother dearest decides she needs 6 new nighties… TODAY. Car is temp broken, wants me to get sister to take me, sister says nope, mum calls friend to get to take me down to Kmart. I ask why now (for the nighties) she cracks the sads and gets her friend to take her. My car decides to start working again.

ok, you’ve all heard of my dramas with my mum… but today is a shining example of her narcissistic personality disorder. But first, a bit of background on my car. There is something wrong with my alternator. Sometimes it recharges the battery, sometimes not. Every now and then, I have to chuck it on charge to get it running, and sometimes, the fuel system cacks up and it won’t squirt fuel into the cylinders. Today is one of those days.

The story. Mum decides that she needs 6 new nighties. I have zero idea why she arrived at the number 6, but she wants new nighties. And she wants me to drive down to Kmart immediately to get them. I’m trying to do some UE4 tutorials today, so I reckon I’ll go down at lunch time. I’ve started at 10a, so 2 hours and a break is good for me.

Nope… mum starts going on “can you go down to Kmart and get the nighties”. And she chucks on another couple of things. I know I’m not going to get to 12 without being driven insane. So I grab my keys, wallet and phone and go out to the car… turning over, not firing… well sh*t. Give it 5 minutes and try again, this time though, I can hear the starter slowing down as the battery gets a bit lower. Put the battery charger on the battery, figure an hour and it’ll be fine.

But nope… mum wants those ******* nighties… NOW! Call your sister, get her to come around and pick you up take you to Kmart and get me my nighties. I ask mum why she doesn’t call the sister and get her to come around, pickup mum’s card and go and by the nighties… “I don’t want her having access to my card!”. Call the sister… tell her what mum wants, and she hopes right out of there. The weather here is sh*te, she’s on holidays and she’s not going anywhere she doesn’t want to go.

Tell mum sister says she’s not going anywhere in this weather. Mum makes disparaging remark about how can my sister drive a bus if she wont drive in this weather. So mum gets the idea of calling her friend and getting her friend to come around here, pick me up, take me to kmart so I can guy her her nighties. I’m starting to lose it at this point. The sheer selfish audacity of my mother at this point… getting her friend to take me down the street because she wants her nighties now! So I ask her why the fu** can’t she wait until tomorrow when my car will be working again. And she cracks the sads… “you’re not the boss of me”.

So, she decides that instead of me going down the street with her friend, she’s going to go down the street with her friend. About thirty minutes after she leaves with her friend, I take the battery charger off the car and Lo and behold, the ******* car starts. So I fu** off down the street to do what I wanted to do while I would have been out doing my mum’s sh*t.

I get this sort of sh*t happening on a daily basis. “What are we having for dinner” “I’m cold, light the fire” “make me a cup of tea”.

When she asks me what are we having for dinner, I respond with a “what would you like” to which I usually get an “I don’t know”.

When she complains about the cold, I suggest that she go down the local pool and exercise in there, lose some weight, improve her mobility and circulation and she wouldn’t feel so cold. “I can’t be bothered“ or “I have no one to go down there with me”.

She complains that I spend so much time on the computer. When I explain to her that it’s my safe space for my anxiety and depression, she says it’s all in your head, just get over it. She’s had depression for years... and we’re supposed to watch out for her… but when it’s not her depression, it’s all in your head.

She is also completely transactional when dealing with her kids and grandkids, if she does something for you, she expects you to pay her back or she holds it over your head as a guilt trip. It’s all me me me. If us kids did something exceptional, it was because she did something for us prior to that or she helped us out. I got a bachelors degree, on the day I crossed the stage to get the parchment, she showed up late. I wanted to get a picture of myself in my robes, mum, and my sister and her son. But by the time she got there it was too late. My sister had to leave a bit early to get my nephew home, and as we walk out… she’s like let’s get a picture now. Too late, the time for the family picture has disappeared. So we head back to my place for a cuppa. As we’re sitting there, mum’s looking at the parchment and then she comes out with “and thank you mum”. I’m like “thanks for whatever you think you need thanks for, but I did all the work to get the degree”.

She seemed to think that helping me out occasionally by buying me some food was the main reason I managed to get my degree. I mean really… most parents don’t need thanks for helping out their kids occasionally. It’s called parenting. It’s a thankless job, but it seems my mum thinks we owe her for giving birth to us. I’m surprised that she hasn’t given us invoices for back rent for the 9 months we spent in her womb.

Anyway, rant over… bodily twitching again with anxiety. I need to calm down now.
You need to organise a carer for a few days or tell your sister to get the * over there for a few days as you are going out of town.
Then go out of town...3-5 days should do it...maybe go on a retreat to a monastry? I'm not kidding...really cheap ...quiet...peaceful and they help you. Buddhist or Catholic....check it out.
Are there alternate options for your ma? Like moving into care?
Anyway....sounds horrible. Well done for hanging in there all this time.:blueheart:
Ps I had a mum just like yours. NPD. When I got cancer the 1st time she said...I almost got cancer once....

Everything gets a lot better when they pass on . Sounds harsh... but it's true. Meantime...get the break and the help you need.
You need to organise a carer for a few days or tell your sister to get the fu** over there for a few days as you are going out of town.
Then go out of town...3-5 days should do it...maybe go on a retreat to a monastry? I'm not kidding...really cheap ...quiet...peaceful and they help you. Buddhist or Catholic....check it out.
Are there alternate options for your ma? Like moving into care?
Anyway....sounds horrible. Well done for hanging in there all this time.:blueheart:
Ps I had a mum just like yours. NPD. When I got cancer the 1st time she said...I almost got cancer once....

Everything gets a lot better when they pass on . Sounds harsh... but it's true. Meantime...get the break and the help you need.
Yeah, it's going to take a bit to sort out the s**t after she has passed.

As for moving her into care, it's something that we've talked about as a final option only if her alzheimers gets to bad for me to manage.
Ok, the tl;dr version up front. Mother dearest decides she needs 6 new nighties… TODAY. Car is temp broken, wants me to get sister to take me, sister says nope, mum calls friend to get to take me down to Kmart. I ask why now (for the nighties) she cracks the sads and gets her friend to take her. My car decides to start working again.

ok, you’ve all heard of my dramas with my mum… but today is a shining example of her narcissistic personality disorder. But first, a bit of background on my car. There is something wrong with my alternator. Sometimes it recharges the battery, sometimes not. Every now and then, I have to chuck it on charge to get it running, and sometimes, the fuel system cacks up and it won’t squirt fuel into the cylinders. Today is one of those days.

The story. Mum decides that she needs 6 new nighties. I have zero idea why she arrived at the number 6, but she wants new nighties. And she wants me to drive down to Kmart immediately to get them. I’m trying to do some UE4 tutorials today, so I reckon I’ll go down at lunch time. I’ve started at 10a, so 2 hours and a break is good for me.

Nope… mum starts going on “can you go down to Kmart and get the nighties”. And she chucks on another couple of things. I know I’m not going to get to 12 without being driven insane. So I grab my keys, wallet and phone and go out to the car… turning over, not firing… well sh*t. Give it 5 minutes and try again, this time though, I can hear the starter slowing down as the battery gets a bit lower. Put the battery charger on the battery, figure an hour and it’ll be fine.

But nope… mum wants those ******* nighties… NOW! Call your sister, get her to come around and pick you up take you to Kmart and get me my nighties. I ask mum why she doesn’t call the sister and get her to come around, pickup mum’s card and go and by the nighties… “I don’t want her having access to my card!”. Call the sister… tell her what mum wants, and she hopes right out of there. The weather here is sh*te, she’s on holidays and she’s not going anywhere she doesn’t want to go.

Tell mum sister says she’s not going anywhere in this weather. Mum makes disparaging remark about how can my sister drive a bus if she wont drive in this weather. So mum gets the idea of calling her friend and getting her friend to come around here, pick me up, take me to kmart so I can guy her her nighties. I’m starting to lose it at this point. The sheer selfish audacity of my mother at this point… getting her friend to take me down the street because she wants her nighties now! So I ask her why the fu** can’t she wait until tomorrow when my car will be working again. And she cracks the sads… “you’re not the boss of me”.

So, she decides that instead of me going down the street with her friend, she’s going to go down the street with her friend. About thirty minutes after she leaves with her friend, I take the battery charger off the car and Lo and behold, the ******* car starts. So I fu** off down the street to do what I wanted to do while I would have been out doing my mum’s sh*t.

I get this sort of sh*t happening on a daily basis. “What are we having for dinner” “I’m cold, light the fire” “make me a cup of tea”.

When she asks me what are we having for dinner, I respond with a “what would you like” to which I usually get an “I don’t know”.

When she complains about the cold, I suggest that she go down the local pool and exercise in there, lose some weight, improve her mobility and circulation and she wouldn’t feel so cold. “I can’t be bothered“ or “I have no one to go down there with me”.

She complains that I spend so much time on the computer. When I explain to her that it’s my safe space for my anxiety and depression, she says it’s all in your head, just get over it. She’s had depression for years... and we’re supposed to watch out for her… but when it’s not her depression, it’s all in your head.

She is also completely transactional when dealing with her kids and grandkids, if she does something for you, she expects you to pay her back or she holds it over your head as a guilt trip. It’s all me me me. If us kids did something exceptional, it was because she did something for us prior to that or she helped us out. I got a bachelors degree, on the day I crossed the stage to get the parchment, she showed up late. I wanted to get a picture of myself in my robes, mum, and my sister and her son. But by the time she got there it was too late. My sister had to leave a bit early to get my nephew home, and as we walk out… she’s like let’s get a picture now. Too late, the time for the family picture has disappeared. So we head back to my place for a cuppa. As we’re sitting there, mum’s looking at the parchment and then she comes out with “and thank you mum”. I’m like “thanks for whatever you think you need thanks for, but I did all the work to get the degree”.

She seemed to think that helping me out occasionally by buying me some food was the main reason I managed to get my degree. I mean really… most parents don’t need thanks for helping out their kids occasionally. It’s called parenting. It’s a thankless job, but it seems my mum thinks we owe her for giving birth to us. I’m surprised that she hasn’t given us invoices for back rent for the 9 months we spent in her womb.

Anyway, rant over… bodily twitching again with anxiety. I need to calm down now.

Dram, I completely empathise on having a parent that dredges up history and throws things back in your face as a means of justifying why you should feel obliged to do a particular task, and secondly the scenario of the care of a parent falling my predominantly on one child.

Not sure obviously about the dynamic or relationship you have with your sister. But I truly hope that when the time comes that it is just you and your sister, that you two have a long, enduring and close relationship with one another.

The burden of providing care for your mum may well continue to fall on your shoulders, but if that burden is too much and compromises your wellbeing and even your relationship with family members, then definitely consider alternative forms of care. We all want to take care of your parents in times of need but sometimes we need external assistance for it or we my not be the best option in the circumstances.

As for the guilt tripping, it’s such a frustrating thing to cop - it shouldn’t be tit for tat with family. We don’t do things for our loved ones so that we can one up them or to throw it back in their face at some later stage. It’s ingrained behaviour and unfortunately, from personal experience with family members, things don’t seem to change

just make sure that you don’t burn the candle at both ends and operate within your own limitations. Whether your mum understands it or not, or acknowledges why you may not be able to do certain things, you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it.

take care mate.
Yesterday, I called into the local cancer council place here in Bunbury to find out how they could help me out as the carer of a cancer sufferer. Ended up being there for 2 hours describing my mum and what I am doing for her as her carer. The nice young lady listened as I poured out all my frustrations and woes and has given me a few options to check out.

she also said my mum is a classic NPD type person and will never change. It’s all about the instant gratification and me me me. When I described it as a child chucking a tantrum, she agreed. I just though the young lady was a social worker type, but it appeared she was a fully qualified clinical pshrink. When she asked what my mum was going to say when I got home, and when I told her, she said that my entire body flinched.

Got some work to do to get over my mum eventually.
It looks like I won't be in court when my partner has to go to trial. Instead, I'll be in hospital for "at least a week" and "potentially significantly longer"

Back in February the specialists in the osteo unit - after two years of deadends - admitted that they couldn't help me. But maybe if they referred me onto the spinal unit they'd have "better luck."

Had my meeting with the spinal unit who gave me a solid physical examination and decreed "Wick, we're not sure why you weren't referred onto us after surgery... but you're here now."

They wanted to refer me to their SPOT (spinal unit outreach team). That was the end of my meeting with them last week. I was to wait on a call from SPOT and we'd take it from there.

I was at Garden City this afternoon picking up an early Christmas gift for Mr 6 when my phone rang. Partner answered it as she typically does. It's the Spinal Unit at the PAH.

I'm now on a "relatively short" waiting list (essentially waiting for a bed and for specialists to be available) before I'm going to go into hospital.

I'm going to be tested for absolutely everything. They're going to put me onto the NDIS throughout this (I've been rejected multiple times, in a "you're disabled, sure but how does it affect you?" type way). They want to hook me up with disability aids and equipment and teach me how to use them effectively. Potential for multiple surgeries when I'm there. Lots of tests, etc.

This is probably what I should have had two years ago. Better late than never. Scared but like my partner we're optimistic that I might finally get some answers and solutions to live a normal-ish life again. We both wish that it wasn't happening at the same time as her family court trial but we'll soldier through this and get the guidance and counselling we both need to be better for it in the long run.
It looks like I won't be in court when my partner has to go to trial. Instead, I'll be in hospital for "at least a week" and "potentially significantly longer"

Back in February the specialists in the osteo unit - after two years of deadends - admitted that they couldn't help me. But maybe if they referred me onto the spinal unit they'd have "better luck."

Had my meeting with the spinal unit who gave me a solid physical examination and decreed "Wick, we're not sure why you weren't referred onto us after surgery... but you're here now."

They wanted to refer me to their SPOT (spinal unit outreach team). That was the end of my meeting with them last week. I was to wait on a call from SPOT and we'd take it from there.

I was at Garden City this afternoon picking up an early Christmas gift for Mr 6 when my phone rang. Partner answered it as she typically does. It's the Spinal Unit at the PAH.

I'm now on a "relatively short" waiting list (essentially waiting for a bed and for specialists to be available) before I'm going to go into hospital.

I'm going to be tested for absolutely everything. They're going to put me onto the NDIS throughout this (I've been rejected multiple times, in a "you're disabled, sure but how does it affect you?" type way). They want to hook me up with disability aids and equipment and teach me how to use them effectively. Potential for multiple surgeries when I'm there. Lots of tests, etc.

This is probably what I should have had two years ago. Better late than never. Scared but like my partner we're optimistic that I might finally get some answers and solutions to live a normal-ish life again. We both wish that it wasn't happening at the same time as her family court trial but we'll soldier through this and get the guidance and counselling we both need to be better for it in the long run.
Amazing news Wick.
Luck and courage to ya.
You can do this! :blueheart:
It looks like I won't be in court when my partner has to go to trial. Instead, I'll be in hospital for "at least a week" and "potentially significantly longer"

Back in February the specialists in the osteo unit - after two years of deadends - admitted that they couldn't help me. But maybe if they referred me onto the spinal unit they'd have "better luck."

Had my meeting with the spinal unit who gave me a solid physical examination and decreed "Wick, we're not sure why you weren't referred onto us after surgery... but you're here now."

They wanted to refer me to their SPOT (spinal unit outreach team). That was the end of my meeting with them last week. I was to wait on a call from SPOT and we'd take it from there.

I was at Garden City this afternoon picking up an early Christmas gift for Mr 6 when my phone rang. Partner answered it as she typically does. It's the Spinal Unit at the PAH.

I'm now on a "relatively short" waiting list (essentially waiting for a bed and for specialists to be available) before I'm going to go into hospital.

I'm going to be tested for absolutely everything. They're going to put me onto the NDIS throughout this (I've been rejected multiple times, in a "you're disabled, sure but how does it affect you?" type way). They want to hook me up with disability aids and equipment and teach me how to use them effectively. Potential for multiple surgeries when I'm there. Lots of tests, etc.

This is probably what I should have had two years ago. Better late than never. Scared but like my partner we're optimistic that I might finally get some answers and solutions to live a normal-ish life again. We both wish that it wasn't happening at the same time as her family court trial but we'll soldier through this and get the guidance and counselling we both need to be better for it in the long run.
As you know, I can fully relate to that moment when you actually see the prospect of “resuming life”. Did not realise the extent of your issues mate, makes your generous visit to this old fart in hospital post surgery even more noteworthy. You are an inspiration. If anyone deserves a great outcome it is you.
As you know, I can fully relate to that moment when you actually see the prospect of “resuming life”. Did not realise the extent of your issues mate, makes your generous visit to this old fart in hospital post surgery even more noteworthy. You are an inspiration. If anyone deserves a great outcome it is you.
Speaking of which...
How are you doing Coona?
Speaking of which...
How are you doing Coona?
Sitting around putting on all of the weight I lost in the early part of the year. Bed to wheelchair. To lounge chair to wheelchair to dunny. Rinse and repeat, lol. Set up my garden beds with river rock pathways so impossible to get chair around.Couple of shopping trips, couple of appearances at school pick up. Am allowed to stand transfer between seats, beds etc so can get around house. Got a bit of touch up painting to do when up and about. Bloody wheelchair makes a mess of walls.

Medicos been typical of modern day. No contact other than GP for drugs. 5-7 weeks non weight bearing they said, stay in chair until review. Set review at 7 weeks (28th). So have to wait the max to get mobile. Not sure about timeframe getting going. Standing easy, left leg big issues with nerve pain, thus an unhealthy reliance on meds until mobile, tried to cut back, but can’t sleep without them. Actual operation areas/incisions feel good, so thinking has been a success.

Edit: neglected to list fridge as a part of my mobility chain. With boredom and frustration getting too much of a workout. Haven’t put all the weight back on but muscle tone non existent. Had thighs to compete with Wines and Bam Bam in playing days, now thinner than I can remember them, while gut rounding out.

In summary, this will pass quick enough, all will be fine. Extra frustration as missus was destroyed by her boss with holiday and leave entitlements which should still be available. Fair Work is a very unfunny joke, airtight case and they have no interest and ignoring their own rules. Now unfair dismissal case pending. Has another job already which will leave us OK and her a lot happier and healthier. Just meant leaving me to fend for self earlier than expected. They have been great tailoring her shifts around school drop off and pick up for little one so mentally a godsend. Few less hours, but we will survive. Who knows after a bit of rehab someone may employ a 60yo who hasn’t been able to work for over a decade.

Sh1t happens for a reason, high anticipation of a renaissance of “living” in near future. Roll on warmer weather to return to my wonderful beach exercise pool to rehab my “core” and lose those extra kilos (again).

Thanks for asking. Sorry for my habit of presenting a short story when a couple of sentences would do #anychancetovent.
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As you know, I can fully relate to that moment when you actually see the prospect of “resuming life”. Did not realise the extent of your issues mate, makes your generous visit to this old fart in hospital post surgery even more noteworthy. You are an inspiration. If anyone deserves a great outcome it is you.

Thank you.

I'll always make sure that I put in my best effort to do something for a mate (regardless of where I've met you, online/offline) especially when they're in hospital let alone the distance you were from home.

I'm not great at advocating for myself. There are plenty of people worse off than I. I wish that I didn't have to go through what I have. However, I have an amazing partner who has a wonderful child who has kept my spirits up. I have become a co-communications officer for the kid's school's P&C; have lots of people online who I consider friends or certainly acquaintances.

As you've said, s**t happens for a reason. Life is also too short to sit around and feel sorry for yourself all the time. I've been there and it gets you nowhere. I want to try and make the most of it and help others. If I can do that then bingo.
Sitting around putting on all of the weight I lost in the early part of the year. Bed to wheelchair. To lounge chair to wheelchair to sunny. Rinse and repeat, lol. Set up my garden beds with river rock pathways so impossible to get chair around.Couple of shopping trips, couple of appearances at school pick up. Am allowed to stand transfer between seats, beds etc so can get around house. Got a bit of touch up painting to do when up and about. Bloody wheelchair makes a mess of walls.

Medicos been typical of modern day. No contact other than GP for drugs. 5-7 weeks non weight bearing they said, stay in chair until review. Set review at 7 weeks (28th). So have to wait the max to get mobile. Not sure about timeframe getting going. Standing easy, left leg big issues with nerve pain, thus an unhealthy reliance on meds until mobile, tried to cut back, but can’t sleep without them. Actual operation areas/incisions feel good, so thinking has been a success.

Edit: neglected to list fridge as a part of my mobility chain. With boredom and frustration getting too much of a workout. Haven’t put all the weight back on but muscle tone non existent. Had thighs to compete with Wines and Bam Bam in playing days, now thinner than I can remember them, while gut rounding out.

In summary, this will pass quick enough, all will be fine. Extra frustration as missus was destroyed by her boss with holiday and leave entitlements which should still be available. Fair Work is a very unfunny joke, airtight case and they have no interest and ignoring their own rules. Now unfair dismissal case pending. Has another job already which will leave us OK and her a lot happier and healthier. Just meant leaving me to fend for self earlier than expected. They have been great tailoring her shifts around school drop off and pick up for little one so mentally a godsend. Few less hours, but we will survive. Who knows after a bit of rehab someone may employ a 60yo who hasn’t been able to work for over a decade.

Sh1t happens for a reason, high anticipation of a renaissance of “living” in near future. Roll on warmer weather to return to my wonderful beach exercise pool to rehab my “core” and lose those extra kilos (again).

Thanks for asking. Sorry for my habit of presenting a short story when a couple of sentences would do #anychancetovent.
Haha. I have a great argument for checking stats before applying the “eye test”. Just went through laborious task of full shower, shave, shampooo…….you know the rest.

To cut the bullshit, I jumped on scales to find am same weight as I was entering hospital. So much for feeling and looking bloated. Positive vibes for the day, as well as son and daughter in law doing the 200km trip from Gladstone with my Grandsons. (Was keeping it secret, clever miss 5 just twigged her nephews were coming - happy household)

Spectacular boost for this old fellas mental health.
Sitting around putting on all of the weight I lost in the early part of the year. Bed to wheelchair. To lounge chair to wheelchair to sunny. Rinse and repeat, lol. Set up my garden beds with river rock pathways so impossible to get chair around.Couple of shopping trips, couple of appearances at school pick up. Am allowed to stand transfer between seats, beds etc so can get around house. Got a bit of touch up painting to do when up and about. Bloody wheelchair makes a mess of walls.

Medicos been typical of modern day. No contact other than GP for drugs. 5-7 weeks non weight bearing they said, stay in chair until review. Set review at 7 weeks (28th). So have to wait the max to get mobile. Not sure about timeframe getting going. Standing easy, left leg big issues with nerve pain, thus an unhealthy reliance on meds until mobile, tried to cut back, but can’t sleep without them. Actual operation areas/incisions feel good, so thinking has been a success.

Edit: neglected to list fridge as a part of my mobility chain. With boredom and frustration getting too much of a workout. Haven’t put all the weight back on but muscle tone non existent. Had thighs to compete with Wines and Bam Bam in playing days, now thinner than I can remember them, while gut rounding out.

In summary, this will pass quick enough, all will be fine. Extra frustration as missus was destroyed by her boss with holiday and leave entitlements which should still be available. Fair Work is a very unfunny joke, airtight case and they have no interest and ignoring their own rules. Now unfair dismissal case pending. Has another job already which will leave us OK and her a lot happier and healthier. Just meant leaving me to fend for self earlier than expected. They have been great tailoring her shifts around school drop off and pick up for little one so mentally a godsend. Few less hours, but we will survive. Who knows after a bit of rehab someone may employ a 60yo who hasn’t been able to work for over a decade.

Sh1t happens for a reason, high anticipation of a renaissance of “living” in near future. Roll on warmer weather to return to my wonderful beach exercise pool to rehab my “core” and lose those extra kilos (again).

Thanks for asking. Sorry for my habit of presenting a short story when a couple of sentences would do #anychancetovent.
Amazing how well you are doing despite a gazillion challenges Coona. You and your wife get my resilience trophy for excellence in shite circumstance. :trophy: :blueheart:
I like the sound of that pool...and spring /summer will definitely come.:)
Amazing how well you are doing despite a gazillion challenges Coona. You and your wife get my resilience trophy for excellence in sh*te circumstance. :trophy: :blueheart:
I like the sound of that pool...and spring /summer will definitely come.:)
Google The Basin, Bargara my equine friend.
I've had enough of lockdown and this whole corona thing after all this time. Trying to look after an 87 year old parent while awaiting a bunch of surgeries( which I will say none are life threatening, all wear and tear only thankfully) gets a bit difficult at times. I am mindful though of how much better off I am than others.

My brother has just been diagnosed with lymphoma and it's a bit frustrating not to be able to go to see him as well.

Good luck to all of you who are facing your own issues, I wish you all the best.
I've had enough of lockdown and this whole corona thing after all this time. Trying to look after an 87 year old parent while awaiting a bunch of surgeries( which I will say none are life threatening, all wear and tear only thankfully) gets a bit difficult at times. I am mindful though of how much better off I am than others.

My brother has just been diagnosed with lymphoma and it's a bit frustrating not to be able to go to see him as well.

Good luck to all of you who are facing your own issues, I wish you all the best.
Sorry to hear Gab...
Wish you and your brother all the best...

If you ever wish to talk, any of the people here are great to talk to
I've had enough of lockdown and this whole corona thing after all this time. Trying to look after an 87 year old parent while awaiting a bunch of surgeries( which I will say none are life threatening, all wear and tear only thankfully) gets a bit difficult at times. I am mindful though of how much better off I am than others.

My brother has just been diagnosed with lymphoma and it's a bit frustrating not to be able to go to see him as well.

Good luck to all of you who are facing your own issues, I wish you all the best.
Go gently, gabs. You're in the pick of the bunch around here but if you need to go lie down for a while, I can highly recommend it. All the best.
Update: The edge is a little further away today. I can still see it, but my anxiety is slowly easing off. Mum must have felt something yesterday while I was still teetering on the edge because she started asking if I was ok.