"New drug and two more clubs in AFL doping saga"

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The character assassination continues...
Might be time for some of the lurkers here to aim your vitriol at some real criminals in society.
I'll leave that to ASADA, the AFP and the ACC
Nothing in Large Fries article should come as a surprise.

The ACC investigated Dank for more than 12 months.

That Downes, Holmes and Young knocked backed a variety of charges for various Drugs at various Clubs just meant they didn't have a lock case for them. Not that they didn't happen and weren't illegal.

That they Gold Stamped TB-4 use at EFC was always damning for that case as far as the charged are concerned.

What we do know is that ASADA allege that EFC players were hit up with Hex, TB=4 and AOD , but they only have Gold Stamp quality evidence for TB-4.
By Chip's label of the Carlton Coach as "high profile" and going by Gavstars linked article , would he be referring to Paul Williams? None of the others would be "high profile" unless it was Ratten.

I think, and this is speculation, that is would have been Ratten. What we do know is that Carlton met with Alavi after the Essendon game because they suspected that Essendon were taking PED's. Again, simply speculation, and we don't know the veracity of the article, Ratten et al, may have decided they needed to get on the bandwagon as well - although why report the meeting to the AFL - or, they wanted to understand what Essendon were taking in more detail so they bought some? Neither alternative really holds up but, as a Carlton supporter, this just got a whole lot more interesting!!

It would typify the last 15 years of being a Carlton supporter if an investigation into possible drug use at Essendon ended up with charges at Carlton......
I'll leave that to ASADA, the AFP and the ACC
When not even a show cause notice is given to Hird, it might suggest that he is some way off being in the 'criminal' category. But I guess when it comes to the blind fury of HTB posters, a criminal is classified on the basis of a subjective bias. But hey, carry on.
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But the GeeGee assured us that there was no evidence, was all a storm in a teacup, and that it would all be dismissed in five minutes!

He also assured us that the Darkest Day press conference was overblown with manufactured outrage about other substances like human growth hormone, SARMs, Hexarelin, Mechano Growth Factor and CJC-1295 and there was no evidence that showed anything like that existed.

I just don't know who to believe any more!

I suspect that you have known who not to believe for some time now.....lol
Whilst most clubs would fray and crumble over all the speculation by finger-pointing and ripping at each other's throats, our club has remained defiantly united as best could be expected despite the unprecedented media attacks. Of this, I am very proud of my club. And whatever your opinion of Hird, there is no denying his strength of conviction in the face of the character assassination.


No doubting Hird's ability to carry out assassinations might be a little more accurate, don't you think?

Just how many people have been knifed to save his sorry arse? We have the dietician at one extreme and the Chairman at the other. How many in between? 5? 6?

Very united.
I think, and this is speculation, that is would have been Ratten. What we do know is that Carlton met with Alavi after the Essendon game because they suspected that Essendon were taking PED's. Again, simply speculation, and we don't know the veracity of the article, Ratten et al, may have decided they needed to get on the bandwagon as well - although why report the meeting to the AFL - or, they wanted to understand what Essendon were taking in more detail so they bought some? Neither alternative really holds up but, as a Carlton supporter, this just got a whole lot more interesting!!

It would typify the last 15 years of being a Carlton supporter if an investigation into possible drug use at Essendon ended up with charges at Carlton......

When not even a show cause notice is given to Hird, it might suggest that he is some way of being in the 'criminal' category. But I guess when it comes to the blind fury of HTB posters, a criminal is classified on the basis of a subjective bias. But hey, carry on.
Patience grasshopper, it's only time now, he'll never coach another game of AFL in his life
There's a clear reason why no clubs have said a word against essendon or complaining they are vsing drug cheats, probably because most if not all teams where on peds, if I was a clean club of refuse to play Essendon.

AFL has clearly created culture of do what you like just don't make us look bad, heck I bet they would even be happy clubs are taking peds just to improve entertainment.

I find it extremely odd that the AFL has stated they want to really push stem cell research to get injured players back on the park quicker? This was stated this year.

It would not at all surprise me this is an attempt to make up for the loss of PED's now that ASADA will be looking closely.
When not even a show cause notice is given to Hird, it might suggest that he is some way of being in the 'criminal' category. But I guess when it comes to the blind fury of HTB posters, a criminal is classified on the basis of a subjective bias. But hey, carry on.

Well James appeal in the supreme has not been adjudicated yet. Never say never

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Nah, Dank specifically asked WADA about Thymomodulin back in Feb when he was checking on Cerebrolysin and Thymus-L. We definitely got Thymomodulin.

Still entirely plausible that he gave the players Hex and Thymosin Beta 4 but I'd wager he did it without their knowledge.

Is that true? I have not heard that before. I think to an extent, that is a pretty strong indicator that Thymomodulin may have been at Essendon.
Is that true? I have not heard that before. I think to an extent, that is a pretty strong indicator that Thymomodulin may have been at Essendon.
I found it in a PATRICK SMITH article! Hahaha how shit Patrick Smith must feel that he published something that assists Essendon's case. Gil probably took him off his BCC list for a week or two.

In another exchange, Dank asked about three other substances - PFC thymomodulin, Thymex-L and Cerebrolyson.

"I want to confirm that the following products would be permissible for use in the therapeutic treatment of athletes," he wrote.

WADA's response: "Dear Steve. Please address your inquiry to ASADA as they would be in a better position to assess medications sold in Australia. WADA only provides information to federations and anti-doping organisations. This is why you must contact them directly."


No doubting Hird's ability to carry out assassinations might be a little more accurate, don't you think?

Just how many people have been knifed to save his sorry arse? We have the dietician at one extreme and the Chairman at the other. How many in between? 5? 6?

Very united.
Record membership, loyalty of sponsors, loss of one player due to saga and several joining club on the back of meeting Hird, inevitable Board debates kept in-house, legends returning to club. AGM went down without too much friction/controversy. We're united enough.
I found it in a PATRICK SMITH article! Hahaha how shit Patrick Smith must feel that he published something that assists Essendon's case. Gil probably took him off his BCC list for a week or two.

In another exchange, Dank asked about three other substances - PFC thymomodulin, Thymex-L and Cerebrolyson.

"I want to confirm that the following products would be permissible for use in the therapeutic treatment of athletes," he wrote.

WADA's response: "Dear Steve. Please address your inquiry to ASADA as they would be in a better position to assess medications sold in Australia. WADA only provides information to federations and anti-doping organisations. This is why you must contact them directly."


Thanks for that. Did Dank follow up?
Record membership, loyalty of sponsors, loss of one player due to saga and several joining club on the back of meeting Hird, inevitable Board debates kept in-house, legends returning to club. AGM went down without too much friction/controversy. We're united enough.
Gosh, you should have done it years ago
Record membership, loyalty of sponsors, loss of one player due to saga and several joining club on the back of meeting Hird, inevitable Board debates kept in-house, legends returning to club. AGM went down without too much friction/controversy. We're united enough.
Pretty impressive in some respects BUT I'd wait for this to he sorted before thinking this will be smooth sailing
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