Possibly the first book of the saga - Martin Hardie KickStarter Funding

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All Australian
Sep 3, 2013
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Saw the link on the Essendon Board
Don't know how many other books are in the wings, but maybe Martin Hardies one will be the first on out there. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/762779633/black-optics-the-story-of-essendon-asada-and-the-a

If one is indeed going to re-write history (or at least put your spin on it), then it is always good to be the first one out in the market. I do find it pretty presumptuous on Hardies part to write a chapter entitled "4. Banned or not? Did Essendon breach any anti-doping rules? " prior to the finalisation of the ASADA notices to the players. Capture.JPG
Interesting times.

Edit: Comment regarding Tania removed as it was incorrect
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Hmmm, the problem with books, is they are no different to blogs in many ways. People who are being interviewed are going to say what suits them. Plus months down the track certain things are discovered to be wrong and the book needs heavy editing. Its just people cashing in, but no doubt the first of many.
I wonder why they needs funds to get the ball rolling and who will give freely? Plus people who do purchase it, will believe most of it as gospel, I won't be buying any of them that eventually make their way on to the market.

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Ian Thorpes last book said he wasnt g.iay
So do i pay another load of cash to find out in his next book .he has come out.?
The books and interviews about EFC will get a target audience forever and a day,And will create argument for a 1,000 years.
Not interested unless they get all parties to sit in the same room for interview.
Saw the link on the Essendon Board
Don't know how many other books are in the wings, but maybe Martin Hardies one will be the first on out there. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/762779633/black-optics-the-story-of-essendon-asada-and-the-a
Make of it what you will, but Tania approves.
If one is indeed going to re-write history (or at least put your spin on it), then it is always good to be the first one out in the market. I do find it pretty presumptuous on Hardies part to write a chapter entitled "4. Banned or not? Did Essendon breach any anti-doping rules? " prior to the finalisation of the ASADA notices to the players.View attachment 68146
Interesting times.
Tania approves, does she?

How do you know that exactly?

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Hmmm, the problem with books, is they are no different to blogs in many ways. People who are being interviewed are going to say what suits them. Plus months down the track certain things are discovered to be wrong and the book needs heavy editing. Its just people cashing in, but no doubt the first of many.
I wonder why they needs funds to get the ball rolling and who will give freely? Plus people who do purchase it, will believe most of it as gospel, I won't be buying any of them that eventually make their way on to the market.

Just wait a couple of months from release, you should be able to pick it up from a bargain bin for $3.
Actually Rocky, I'm looking forward to Robbo's book the most.

Working title "Sports science, trans fats and the amber glow - my part in the ASADA investigation".

So you think Robbo's preferred title "Hird Only Do Good Stuff - Hird Never Do Bad Stuff" will get shelved by the Publishers?
Waiting for the future audio version myself.
Hopefully narrated by Hirdy and Teflon.
I find their voices both soothing and inspirational.
Jeez that's one badly worded and executed kickstarter. I'd encourage people to think twice before chipping in. It smacks of a drive for $20k which will never see the light of day. There's no credit for any of the backers, save a very vague "signed by someone" opportunity for $100 or more, and what seems to be a non committal "lunch or dinner, we're not sure if anyone will even want to do this" option for a cool hard grand with "one of the protagonists". Who exactly classifies as a protagonist in this?

All the facts will be available, for free, soon enough. If enough people wanted Hardie to write a book about a version of truth he'd have plenty of backing from people for whom $20k is a piss in the ocean. I dislike kickstarter programs who only want fleece common joe to make a buck for the person driving it. Avoid is my opinion.
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