Other Ray Rice - Woman Basher

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Nice title change
To be fair, throwing any 'extraneous discussion' of other types in here isn't going to be found.

I think Goodell will get away with it.
There is no way known that the NFL or Ravens did not know about that video. Any idiot would have asked to see the video when the story first came out. Do they take people to br that stupid?

That was a vicious hit on a small woman, could have easily been fatal. I think the owners need to stand up and show some balls as well. It's become too much of a boys club these days.

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There is no way known that the NFL or Ravens did not know about that video. Any idiot would have asked to see the video when the story first came out. Do they take people to br that stupid?

That was a vicious hit on a small woman, could have easily been fatal. I think the owners need to stand up and show some balls as well. It's become too much of a boys club these days.
Next NFL Commissioner...........drum roll.............seriously...............Amy Trask
I have read a few quotes from officials and players and a lot start with "as the father of a daughter (or two)" before they stick the boots in.
Rice would not want to be practising without full pads right now.
Having seen Janay Rice's statement... well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific enough, and most of all, sad because after all this, she thinks she did something wrong. Just sad.

Everyone comes out of this smelling like shit.

I'd be surprised if the NFL hadn't seen the video. And if they hadn't seen the video when TMZ were able to get it, they were absolutely derelict in their duty. Goodell's conduct throughout this whole affair has been reprehensible, and if anything is ever going to take Mr Teflon down, surely it's this. There was clearly a cover up from a Commissioner who wants to be seen as tough on potheads, but doesn't want anyone thinking there are violent woman-beaters in the league.

I didn't know til I read the Fairfax report on Rice today that the Ravens released a tweet soon after the incident happened (so a few months ago now) - it said that Jenay Rice wanted to say that she regretted her role in what happened. What the hell were the Ravens thinking tweeting that? What a heinous attempt to try and get everyone to ignore what he did!

And Jenay herself? I try not to judge women in this situation, but I'll never understand why women put up with this.

Ray Rice obviously stinks worst of all. He was on a downward spiral last year, and the PR disaster is just too bad for anyone to want to take a risk on. Although that said... well, Michael Vick went to jail for what he did.

Even Peter King looks ridiculous. His claim from months ago that the NFL and the Ravens had both seen the video became a big part of the story as it developed - it was Peter King from SI and MMQB, it wasn't some chump blogger.

The word "unsavory" doesn't seem anywhere near strong enough in this situation, but it's the best word I can think of to describe a situation in which everyone involved should lose their job.
He has been taken out if Madden after the week 1 update. EA Giving him the Hernandez treatment. good i think. and Dicks Sporting Goods and other places have taken down all Ray Rice Jerseys.
Having seen Janay Rice's statement... well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific enough, and most of all, sad because after all this, she thinks she did something wrong. Just sad.

Lets face it as well, she knows Ray is where the money is at, and that has now been taken away as well. Becomes a lifestyle changer. Sometimes people put up with a situation because 'most' of the time everything is good, and they don't want to give that up.

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Steve Biscotti coming out and trying to give his side of things.

Again, I ask, why wasn't the first video enough of evidence to cut Rice? Why the need for them to see a grown professional footballer knock his wife unconscious? Wasn't the footage of him dragging his unconscious wife's body out of the elevator enough?

That's what's missing here. Yes they finally cut him, and yes the NFL suspended him indefinitely. But no one's coming out and saying that's what they should have done as soon as they saw the first video.

The second video, as shocking as it is, shouldn't have been required for this end result to be reached.
You wonder if the NFL (Goodell) after getting the backlash it got for the 2 games has come up with this way to dig itself out of a hole. Did they organise for the new footage to be released, so they could re-visit the suspension?
I think reading Janay Rice's statement on instagram she seems to miss the fact that this has gone beyond just her and Ray and their altercation in the lift, it's a bigger issue now because this is at the heart of the NFL and their response to violence by NFL employees toward women going forward.
Having seen Janay Rice's statement... well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific enough, and most of all, sad because after all this, she thinks she did something wrong. Just sad.


I think the saddest thing about this is that this very post is probably a result of domestic violence. This is the exact stereotype of a 'battered woman' - blaming everyone except the perpetrator (including the media and herself), apologising for her partners indiscretion, and defending what he did to her.

Perhaps even sadder is reading the response to this statement both here and elsewhere on the internet... people saying how stupid she must be or worse, saying that it was her fault because she spat on him... it's not her fault that Ray Rice is a piece of shit, and I hope that people will one day have a better understanding of DV to know that a statement like this is likely the result of that DV.

(everything in this post assumes that Jenay Rice actually wrote that, which I guess we don't even know for certain.)
:eek: Comments are getting a bit out of hand. She is not stupid, she is not a bitch and for what it is worth i truly believe Rice is embarrassed and ashamed of his actions.
Lets show a little sensitivity - sorry Juggalo but posts like that can come bite you in the ass.

I don't know what's going through her head. Domestic Violence is terrible and unpredictable but people in love do weird things. I am sure everyone telling her how she is feeling or why she is feeling certain things certainly isn't helping. I'm not a psychologist or a counselor nor am I going to pretend to be one. The fact is she is suffering at the moment however Ray has to pay the price of his actions. Players in the NFL are role models if they choose to be or not. No one wants their kids looking up to woman bashers.
I didn't deny her the right to stay with the wife beater. That's her choice and she is free to make that choice.

What I didn't agree with is that there is still a place in the NFL for anybody that displays that behaviour no matter how their partner feels about it.

By calling her "stupid bitch" I was expressing my disgust that she is defending a wife beater.
I didn't deny her the right to stay with the wife beater. That's her choice and she is free to make that choice.

What I didn't agree with is that there is still a place in the NFL for anybody that displays that behaviour no matter how their partner feels about it.

By calling her "stupid bitch" I was expressing my disgust that she is defending a wife beater.
It's very easy to think we know best when we aren't involved and have no responsibility or any connection to the situation.
Just don't think it is appropriate to belittle her when she is the victim. We're better than that here.

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