The future of the ABC - Guthrie sacked

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Absolutely.....Especially when I'm a tee-totaller.

"Pour you another cuppa Earl Gray sir"?....Jam or cream with your scones Sir"?...."Oh, isn't that such a fine tea-cossie, you'd have to go miles to see another so fine as that one Sir".;)

Speakin of , think Col's been on the cans tonight....

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How many MP's have the Conservatives succeeded in having elected to Parliaments in their own right thus far? In terms of net MPs they're still in negative territory if you count the ones who sat as independents rather than join Cory's mob, all he's done so far is make ON look like the party of choice for right wing Australians. It's a disaster.

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They needed the cut to pay for the School Chaplain program.

As a taxpayer I'd rather the extra funding went to the ABC and SBS rather than paying ordained religious activists to pollute the minds of vulnerable children with guilt and sin. But there you go.
As a taxpayer I'd rather the extra funding went to the ABC and SBS rather than paying ordained religious activists to pollute the minds of vulnerable children with guilt and sin. But there you go.

Oh but the glory of safe schools has changed all that. God has been superseded.
The conservatives ran a poll, on twitter and 1000 people responded, on the “big poll”, and the result is shocking?!

The former failed UN Secretary-General candidate and maestro of Manadrin came in first in the “most destructive stakes” (38%) ahead of another former failed Labor PM Julia Gillard (29%) who beat Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (15%) and the man he knifed, Tony Abbott (18%).

The poll result is made all the more remarkable - contrasted with the ABC's claim - when considering the traditionally strong left-wing bias of the Twitter audience.

those warped looney left they!
He is so weak. Should have slashed it. Pathetic.

It could be worse.......It could go the way of the BBC & be nothing but a political mouthpiece for the City banksters & M15.

And if Murdoch & the IPA get their way, then that's looking highly likely, unfortunately.....The last bastion of a public utility broadcasting free-speech.
Oh but the glory of safe schools has changed all that. God has been superseded.
What is god? You mean the sky fairy that supposedly runs your life but you also have free will?

For a secular country, we shouldn't be paying for any religion to have anything and they should be paying tax, but you seem to be fine to let them get away with it. Oh as long as it's not Mussies.
Yep, great for the world to let Sky News tell you how leftists are ruining the world and only the Liberals can do you good, because that's not biased at all.
Lol so ignorant!
Just because they aren’t a total mouth piece for the left like the abc is they are evil!

Difference is sky is a private/listed company they can broadcast what they want as they have they need viewers for sponsors & answer to share holders & owners
The abc is a tax payer funded broadcaster that they left have infected as their mouth piece

Pick the difference
Lol so ignorant!
Just because they aren’t a total mouth piece for the left like the abc is they are evil!

Difference is sky is a private/listed company they can broadcast what they want as they have they need viewers for sponsors & answer to share holders & owners
The abc is a tax payer funded broadcaster that they left have infected as their mouth piece

Pick the difference
Yeah... sure buddy. Despite numerous independent studies saying differently. But hey, you know more without knowing anything right?

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