The future of the ABC - Guthrie sacked

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Every single mutt at the ABC who did or allowed this must be removed. Immediately.
agree. but wishful thinking. the libs managed to infect the once great abc with fellow travellers. from the board to senior management. frankly, i'm a bit pissed albo's gov't haven't taken some action to redress the issue. even by way of an inquiry. the communications minister is as weak as piss.

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she should never have been appointed chair. her experience is in a private women’s mag not a large complex electronic public media organisation. and she flaunted accepted process in the way managing directors are reappointed by not seeking gov’t approval for the reappointment of the failed g.m. anderson has been a disaster. driven the ratings down, lost the confidence of staff, and sought to commercialise the outfit. now obfuscating, even lying. piss off anderson.

Granted, I don't watch an awful lot of ABC these days so I mightn't be in the position to know. I think most presenters/political reporters on the ABC are pretty insufferable; it comes from paying for the best instead of building teams from within to be the best.

The other side of things is that the change in output during Ida's tenure has made personality the currency of the realm in their on air commentary roles, personality and weight of opinion being far more important than being correct.

Ida presents complex ideas as pure diametries, and has people represent them as pure two sides, shorn of any degree or real sophistication or nuance. Then, you add that point of view skews how one sees those they disagree with in negative terms; it's interesting to me how people viewed Christopher Hitchins as a fearless crusader when I saw him as a rude prick who lost as many debates as he won purely through dint of rudeness.

You need to be willing to discuss the issues in front of you, but also to share concensus as far as the facts are concerned.
Granted, I don't watch an awful lot of ABC these days so I mightn't be in the position to know. I think most presenters/political reporters on the ABC are pretty insufferable; it comes from paying for the best instead of building teams from within to be the best.

The other side of things is that the change in output during Ida's tenure has made personality the currency of the realm in their on air commentary roles, personality and weight of opinion being far more important than being correct.

Ida presents complex ideas as pure diametries, and has people represent them as pure two sides, shorn of any degree or real sophistication or nuance. Then, you add that point of view skews how one sees those they disagree with in negative terms; it's interesting to me how people viewed Christopher Hitchins as a fearless crusader when I saw him as a rude prick who lost as many debates as he won purely through dint of rudeness.

You need to be willing to discuss the issues in front of you, but also to share concensus as far as the facts are concerned.
I think Raf does try to build consensus and nuance though admit I may be biased; I find him better than Trioli at any rate. Most of the others on weekdays are more light entertainment (maybe harsh on Allie Moore)

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Content like this is why we need the ABC.

Well, it got you to click on it. And to post it here in a footy forum for others to do the same.

Sad as it is, the truth is that the ABC is like every other media outlet in posting fluff stories that attracts the clicks from those uninterested in 'proper' stories. And the click count is one of the measurement tools of media reach, including for the ABC.

Especially in an era when there are sections of the LNP and right wing independents and their friends in the commercial media giants constantly saying the ABC is no longer relevant to 'ordinary Australians' and public funding to it should be cut.

This from the ABC News Director 2021:

'We have TV and radio ratings, and as more content is created and shared online, we look at the reach and engagement statistics, how many people clicked on an article and how many seconds they spent reading it.

It's detailed data and an effective way to gauge what the audience is interested in but ABC News director Gaven Morris says it's not the whole picture.

'While we want to see audiences grow, we're not just interested in how many people click on our stories or watch or listen to our programs," he says.

How long before Laura Tingle gets the chop? Her position is untenable. She is hopelessly biased. Calling Dutton a racist because of his budget reply push to cut permanent migration to 140,000 per year. But the government pledging to cut migration by 50% isn't "racist" according to Fruit Tingle?
How long before Laura Tingle gets the chop? Her position is untenable. She is hopelessly biased. Calling Dutton a racist because of his budget reply push to cut permanent migration to 140,000 per year. But the government pledging to cut migration by 50% isn't "racist" according to Fruit Tingle?

(sometimes another post on another social media platform says it better than you can).

(sometimes another post on another social media platform says it better than you can).

So how is Dutton calling for migration to be slashed to 140,000 "racist" but the government calling for it to be cut 50% to 340,000 NOT racist?
Trust Murdoch to stoke the fires of right wing outrage without giving a damn about facts and context. Trust the right wing imbeciles to swallow it.

Everything Laura Tingle says here is on the money here btw...

And more lies from The Australian newspaper..

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How long before Laura Tingle gets the chop? Her position is untenable. She is hopelessly biased. Calling Dutton a racist because of his budget reply push to cut permanent migration to 140,000 per year. But the government pledging to cut migration by 50% isn't "racist" according to Fruit Tingle?
So how is Dutton calling for migration to be slashed to 140,000 "racist" but the government calling for it to be cut 50% to 340,000 NOT racist?

Why can't you ever actually look into issues yourself? Do you just lack the functional ability???

You don't even know what was said, but you're in here to attack and insult a strong, intelligent woman for daring to share a fact based opinion different to yours.

She's was referring to Dutton saying he'd stop 'foreigners' from buying houses in Australia, to solve the housing crisis.
Even though over the last two years less than 5k houses were purchased by 'foreigners'...

Most people would feel embarrassed if they were in your position. But you'll just double down.
Why can't you ever actually look into issues yourself? Do you just lack the functional ability???

You don't even know what was said, but you're in here to attack and insult a strong, intelligent woman for daring to share a fact based opinion different to yours.

She's was referring to Dutton saying he'd stop 'foreigners' from buying houses in Australia, to solve the housing crisis.
Even though over the last two years less than 5k houses were purchased by 'foreigners'...

Most people would feel embarrassed if they were in your position. But you'll just double down.
You are insufferable. I wasn't discussing anything with you, but as you are wont to do, you insert yourself in conversations and use offensive language...

Here are some of the things she said as quoted in the SMH:

“We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing."

Tingle criticised Dutton, saying she couldn’t recall a leader of a major political party “to be saying … everything that is going wrong in this country is because of migrants”. What Dutton actually said was, "I want to make sure that our migration program works for our country, not against the interests of our country.

She said that, after listening to Dutton’s budget reply speech earlier this month, in which he discussed migration and housing issues, she “had this sudden flash of people turning up to try and rent a property or at an auction and they look a bit different – whatever you define different as – [and] that basically he [Dutton] has given them license to be abused and in any circumstance where people feel like they’re missing out”.

Tingle also described Dutton’s move to slash migration as “so much dog whistling … it doesn’t make rational sense” As I asked previously, why is she so critical of Dutton calling for migration to be cut to 144,000, but has nothing to say about the government cutting it by 50% That is anything but impartiality.

This is a person who has been appointed to the ABC board and who is meant to uphold the ABC Standard of “Impartiality" which the Standard describes as fundamental... It is central to its public service purpose and to the ABC's reputation as a credible and trustworthy broadcaster.”
You are insufferable. I wasn't discussing anything with you, but as you are wont to do, you insert yourself in conversations and use offensive language...

Here are some of the things she said as quoted in the SMH:

“We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing."

Tingle criticised Dutton, saying she couldn’t recall a leader of a major political party “to be saying … everything that is going wrong in this country is because of migrants”. What Dutton actually said was, "I want to make sure that our migration program works for our country, not against the interests of our country.

She said that, after listening to Dutton’s budget reply speech earlier this month, in which he discussed migration and housing issues, she “had this sudden flash of people turning up to try and rent a property or at an auction and they look a bit different – whatever you define different as – [and] that basically he [Dutton] has given them license to be abused and in any circumstance where people feel like they’re missing out”.

Tingle also described Dutton’s move to slash migration as “so much dog whistling … it doesn’t make rational sense” As I asked previously, why is she so critical of Dutton calling for migration to be cut to 144,000, but has nothing to say about the government cutting it by 50% That is anything but impartiality.

This is a person who has been appointed to the ABC board and who is meant to uphold the ABC Standard of “Impartiality" which the Standard describes as fundamental... It is central to its public service purpose and to the ABC's reputation as a credible and trustworthy broadcaster.”
Have a sook

You guys are all for calling a spade a spade until it is aimed at one of your own and then you start wailing like babies.

I have never heard you call for any of the Murdoch ideologues - who are 100 times more biased - on the ABC resign. Why is that?

If you want a safe space free from any Dutton criticism watch Sky.
Tingle wouldn’t be where she is without her dad’s connections. It’s a bit rich to take money from the Australian taxpayer and then call them racist
100% Australia is a racist country.

Like Sttew if you want a safe space where you do not have to face that reality watch Sky.

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