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Where are they at in terms of ceasefire in Gaza? Is there any additional significance now that Ramadan is on?
It’s utterly miserable.
There is widespread famine, they’ve just come out of winter and frighteningly so Israel won’t have to answer for any of its atrocities and will continue to bomb Gaza indiscriminately.

Biden would rather lose the upcoming election as a Zionist, instead of holding Israel and Netanyahu to account.
It’s just disgusting and shameful.

We deserve better than Biden and Trump.
The US global influence is outdated and getting extremely tiresome.
We are fed up and over it
Yeah something the Clintons did wasn’t it?

I listened to a history podcast about how they were slaves and rose up and defeated the slavers.

There is loads of material on the Clinton crime family Haiti operation. This is a snippet for you.

They are evil

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They attacked it sure, but don't seem to have destroyed any. They also haven't shot down two recently.

Most likely Russian AD accidentally shot one down.

The Ukrainians have been making all kinds of wild claims about shooting down Russian aircraft - mostly SU34s - recently.

They've always made a stupidly inflated claims of Russian casualties/equipment destroyed but the aircraft claims are particularly ludicrous these days, to the point where even their most rusted on supporters mock them about it.

That the A-50s are hugely important is very true, and the only real metric as to whether Ukraine - or let's be honest, the US/NATO, the Banderite idiots couldn't mount missions like this by themselves - is having success against them is whether the rain of FABs stops or slows.

As it is, for all the claims of shooting down/destroying/damaging them, the Russians keep dropping more FABs, of bigger size, and with more accuracy.

Its fascinating that they gave an Oscar for documenting the siege of Mauripol, the main base for the Azov Nazis.

They also gave Al Qaeda's promo outfit in The White Helmets an Oscar too lolololol.

You don't hear much about The White Helmets these days though do you.


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The carnage they’re responsible for makes me wish there is a hell.
Alot of what happened after the earthquake is typical of what happens in Australia with indigenous communities and why they wanted the Voice to happen. Saviour mentality and white man's burden bullshit.
By Alice Cuddy
BBC News, Jerusalem
Palestinian medical staff in Gaza have told the BBC they were blindfolded, detained, forced to strip and repeatedly beaten by Israeli troops after a raid at their hospital last month.

Ahmed Abu Sabha, a doctor at Nasser hospital, described being held for a week in detention, where, he said, muzzled dogs were set upon him and his hand was broken by an Israeli soldier.

His account closely matches those of two other medics who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals.

They told the BBC they were humiliated, beaten, doused with cold water, and forced to kneel in uncomfortable positions for hours. They said they were detained for days before being released.

The BBC supplied details of their allegations to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). They did not respond directly to questions about these accounts, or deny specific claims of mistreatment. But they denied that medical staff were harmed during their operation.

They said that "any abuse of detainees is contrary to IDF orders and is therefore strictly prohibited".

WARNING: Some readers may find details in this article distressing.

The IDF raided the hospital in the southern Gazan city of Khan Younis - which was one of the few in the Strip still functioning - on 15 February, saying intelligence indicated that the hospital housed Hamas operatives.

They also said Israeli hostages taken by Hamas on 7 October had been held there - and some of the hostages themselves have publicly said they were kept at Nasser. Hamas has denied that its fighters operate inside medical facilities.

Footage secretly filmed in the hospital on 16 February, the day the medics were detained, was shared with the BBC.

It shows a row of men stripped to their underwear in front of the hospital's emergency building, kneeling with their hands behind their heads. Medical robes are lying in front of some of them.

There is loads of material on the Clinton crime family Haiti operation. This is a snippet for you.

They are evil

This is what forever wars is about, this is what Ukraine is about and why Israel ceasefire doesn’t exist.
It’s all about the Benjamin’s, they’re getting the world to donate billions and proceed to steal it.
This is what forever wars is about, this is what Ukraine is about and why Israel ceasefire doesn’t exist.
It’s all about the Benjamin’s, they’re getting the world to donate billions and proceed to steal it.

It’s hard to ignore that it’s a motivation, every country that joins NATO is forced to use US weapons systems, made by companies that Blackrock has a huge financial interest in.
It’s hard to ignore that it’s a motivation, every country that joins NATO is forced to use US weapons systems, made by companies that Blackrock has a huge financial interest in.
it’s not just weapons, look at the reconstruction effort, the NGO’s attached to political parties are dodgy as hell.

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it’s not just weapons, look at the reconstruction effort, the NGO’s attached to political parties are dodgy as hell.

Aren't they just

The snow bogans dare lecture the rest of the world on human rights lol.

FFS, they shit in the faces of their own veterans from places like Dieppe and later Juno Beach, where they executed SS on the spot after the Nazis killed a bunch of Canadian prisoners.

Trudeau's liberalism is the worst kind - as long as you posture loudly about not being mean to gay people, you can ally with Nazis on the other side of the world.
Apparently leaked French military assessments of the situation in Ukraine:

According to this document, Moscow reinforces its units before they are completely worn out, mixes recruits with experienced troops, ensures regular rest periods in the rear... and "always had a coherent reserve force to manage unforeseen events." This is far from the widespread idea in the West of a Russian army sending its troops to the slaughter without counting...

This is interesting. Freedom of Russia legion reporting that they've made a big counter-push (successfully) in the Kursk Oblast, Tyotkino.

The Russians have released footage of cross border attacks being blown to pieces.

Tbh man, I'm not sure why you're still trying to push a line that Ukraine's still in this fight

They're just not, even their PR stunts like this are being spotted and countered and shot to shreds.

The Ukranians did manage to launch an Australian made cardboard drone against the side of a building though.

Yay, glad we did that, now to see what the latest childcare fees are ...
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The Russians have started releasing much more footage lately and one thing that's certain is they can "see" what's happening on the battlefield with far more detail now.

There's lots of of conspiracy theories as to why - China is sending them spy satellite data - but I think its just part of the ongoing war of attrition they're fighting.

Their EW and drone surveillance capability keeps increasing and Ukraine's ability to defend/negate against it keeps diminishing.

Sooner or later you reach a critical point where Russian drones basically have free range to roam well behind the Ukranian lines and stuff like this is the result.

That may be accurate, but I'll wait for a source that isn't an overt Russian propaganda before I believe it.

The 'Sentdefender' Twitter account has been repeatedly outed as pushing a pro-Russian narrative, with numerous examples such as presenting Ukrainian gains as dubious, whilst Russian gains are presented ipso facto. Sure, that account will share footage from 'both sides', but it shares pro-Russian footage much more often, and when it shares pro-Ukranian footage it's always with a caveat

One such example is seen from yesterday - when pro-Ukrainian forces release footage showing gains, it's "claimed" and presented as unconfirmed/doubtful. When pro-Russian forces release footage, it's shared without any such caveats and presented as facts.


Just one example of how propaganda is being used in this conflict to shape the narrative.

Also, that account is a staunch defender of other far-right/Nazi accounts on Twitter so yeah, **** him.
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