Thor: Love & Thunder

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It wasn't a bad movie. I think it just tried to do too much, but I did enjoy it. There were some odd moments, though, and while the comedy provoked a few chuckles in me, there was nothing hilarious. Everyone played their part well. The special effects were fantastic. I think the recent Dr. Strange movie was better. 6.5/10 (Above Average)
I felt there was way too much humour in this one which undercut some potentially great dramatic storylines. Which is a shame. Bit of wasted potential here.

Jane could have been angry with the Gods for her situation which could have led to her supporting or sympathising with Bale’s cause, for example. Thor could have been challenged to reconsider his role as a God to become a better and more benevolent being.

Nah let’s just have a scene full of jokes instead at a meeting with parents whose children have just been kidnapped by a murderer instead.

Totally agree. So jarring compared to End Game.

Sequence after Gorr was almost like a "**** you Russos, laid some good ground work but we're going to press the fast forward button and montage interesting character development in 5 minutes so we can go back to doing a comedy"

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Wasnt the trailers nothing but comedy?

plus this came after ragnorok which was also just a comedy.

i dont know why anyone wouod of expected different.
Pretty early on in the movie there’s been a child’s death, a terminal illness diagnosis, and the kidnapping of dozens of children.

I guess we’re just expected to ignore the realities of that and laugh at screaming goats?

It’s the same issue as the Jurassic World movies. They don’t know what tone they actually want to stick with. The cinematic equivalent of the makeup shotgun from the Simpsons.

It’s not that comedic moments can’t work well to ease tension or create balance, but this movie was way too focused on comedy to it’s own detriment IMO.
Pretty early on in the movie there’s been a child’s death, a terminal illness diagnosis, and the kidnapping of dozens of children.

I guess we’re just expected to ignore the realities of that and laugh at screaming goats?

It’s the same issue as the Jurassic World movies. They don’t know what tone they actually want to stick with. The cinematic equivalent of the makeup shotgun from the Simpsons.

It’s not that comedic moments can’t work well to ease tension or create balance, but this movie was way too focused on comedy to it’s own detriment IMO.
The childs death scene was incredibly emotional. More so then anything in ragnarok.

kids being kidnapped is certainly not worse then all thors friends being murdered by hela and his civilisation being destroyed.
Hated them, I think I slept through over half of the second one when I saw it at the cinema

If you slept through half a movie, no wonder you didn't understand it :$
Ragnarok is one of my favourtie MCU movies and I love pretty much everything Taika Watiti has been involed in, so I just naturally assumed this would be fantastic.

I suprisingly did not like this movie at all though. The tone was conflicting (Christian Bale had a great performance but he felt like he was in a different movie to anyone else), the jokes didn't land for me and I just wasn't emotionally invested in what was happening.

Loki has always been a key part of each Thor movie and his absence was definitely felt here.

I've given the MCU post Endgame the benefit of the dobut up until now, but Doctor Strange MoM and now Thor should have both been slam dunks but have fell well short. Without a big Avengers event to tie-in all the stories together on the horizon, I'm starting to lose interest in the MCU pretty quickly. If Guardians 3 next year also disappoints I think I might be done with it.
Finally got around to seeing it, my thoughts:

- Overall it seemed liked a copy and paste of Ragnarok, surprised and not sure if Waititi challenged himself enough to push himself more creatively.
  • The OTT jokes were OTT, for example the kids have just been captured and the next scene is of them regrouping with more jokes straight away. Crazy
  • Would have loved for them to keep Lady Thor secret for that proper wow moment but it's impossible these days with spoilers of everything
  • Before the movie I was convinced that Hemsworth would finally depart and pass on the baton to Portman, now I'm in disbelief that Hemsworth is the longest standing out of all of the Phase 1 characters and still going. Also felt like a waste to bring Portman back to properly kill her off as that storyline was pretty much already closed.
  • Bale was amazing, Crowe I found weird as a wog boy.
  • Feige/Marvel are really pushing themselves into a corner now. So we have now seen the end of time and the centre of the universe, what nook of the universe/time is there left?!
  • The Marvel self depricating jokes are a bit boring now ('Infinity conez')
Why didn't they go there and wish everyone back/Thanos gone in those couple of movies tho. Why didn't Thanos do this instead of spending all that time finding stones?

Did the Gods worry when half the universe disappeared? Did half of them disappear?

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Why didn't they go there and wish everyone back/Thanos gone in those couple of movies tho. Why didn't Thanos do this instead of spending all that time finding stones?

Did the Gods worry when half the universe disappeared? Did half of them disappear?
Yep should’ve wished for everything pre thanos.

I guess finding the stones were easier than finding the sword?

Doesn’t matter as they’re all back anyway?

It's like after Ragnarok, they told the Director "everybody liked the comedy stuff, so do as much as of that as you can!" - I was there with 5 friends, 2 of them were sitting there confused and totally unengaged, 2 of us were trying to enjoy it but were constantly 'wtf'ing' - 1 hated it totally, 1 liked it.

It could've been alright, there was potential there, but it was just so ****ing ridiculous that it destroyed it.
So thank **** for Christian Bale because he killed it and saved the movie from being a total disaster. Man can act.

Taika Waititi should be banished from the MCU forever after that. He’s capable of more but the jokes were over the top, story line shit and with the cast at his disposal should have done more. I’m amazed he got this so wrong.

Felt Portman did well and Valkyrie was wasted. The chemistry between her Thor and Hulk in Ragnarok was good and this movie it was just wtf

The story itself was butchered overall and Marvel has delivered two underwhelming films in Strange2 and Thor4 now. People watched them based on previous films successes and right now there is nothing engaging enough to bring any of us back for more.

The Guardians were also wasted in this. Their movie should have come out before this but it is what it is.

Loki was also a big absentee and if they’re building up Hercules to be the next big bad for Thor then count me out.

You just know they’ll fight and in the end Hercules will find his inner good and make up with Thor. Yuck
Everyone involved in this movie should be highly embarrassed except Christian Bale. It was like it was written for 10 year olds by 13 year olds. The plot made no sense. The jokes all fell flat. The scene with Russell Crowe was eye-rollingly bad. Natalie Portman's height yoyo-ed between scenes.

Everyone involved in this movie should be highly embarrassed except Christian Bale. It was like it was written for 10 year olds by 13 year olds. The plot made no sense. The jokes all fell flat. The scene with Russell Crowe was eye-rollingly bad. Natalie Portman's height yoyo-ed between scenes.

you mean you didd not find this funny?


I’ve tried watching this twice now.

I’m now as far as an hour and ten minutes in, so I know I’ll finish it in the next few days, but gee it’s a nothing film.

I’ve seen worse, but it just feels pointless. Not funny, not exciting, not emotional, not interesting. It feels like the sort of film where nobody was trying, except for Bale in his 2-3 scenes that’s I’ve seen so far.

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Watched it last night. 4.5/10.
It's in my bottom 3 Marvel films and a massive disappointment after really enjoying Ragnarok.

It's okay to have some comedy and piss take in a Marvel film, but this was like the director and writers didn't take it seriously at all, and just made a mockery of the MCU.

Russell Crowe as a fat Greek Zues with one of the worst parody old Greek man accents making orgy jokes. That's one of the most eye rolling scenes in MCU history. The screaming goats? Ehhh, just annoying.

Mighty Thor was introduced really poorly, could have fleshed that out a bit more.

Bale did a good job as the villain. About the only thing that held this movie up. I like Valkyrie as a character and look forward to her stand alone movie.

Nothing else really worked for me.
I'm getting a bit worried the direction Marvel is going.
Very interesting reading the recent posts now that more people have seen it (presumingly because its now available on steaming via D+). Speaking of which, I would usually rewatch very soon after its become available, however with this (and Dr Strange 2), I just haven't felt the urge or need to.
Very interesting reading the recent posts now that more people have seen it (presumingly because its now available on steaming via D+). Speaking of which, I would usually rewatch very soon after its become available, however with this (and Dr Strange 2), I just haven't felt the urge or need to.
Thor4 and Strange2 will never get rewatched in the same way Spiderman3, EndGame and IW would if they were randomly played on the telly or if you saw a clip uploaded to social media.
Just nothing movies.

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