NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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I’m not even ‘on the left’ mate. I’d describe myself as very slightly right of centre. I just hate bullshit artists and rip-off merchants.
Why are you in Joe's corner then? Serious question.

Joe had to pull out of the race in 1988 because he lied and plagurised. Even as President many stories he tells are verifiably false but here you are going into bat for him eventhough you're supposedly right of centre and hate bullshiot artists.

Doesnt add up.

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Why are you in Joe's corner then? Serious question.

Joe had to pull out of the race in 1988 because he lied and plagurised. Even as President many stories he tells are verifiably false but here you are going into bat for him eventhough you're supposedly right of centre and hate bullshiot artists.

Doesnt add up.
I’d prefer Joe out. He’s too old and the Dems need a better candidate. If you want to interpret that as being in his corner, good luck to you.
My question to you was about how the massive Biden corruption probe is going.
I’d prefer Joe out. He’s too old and the Dems need a better candidate. If you want to interpret that as being in his corner, good luck to you.
My question to you was about how the massive Biden corruption probe is going.
It was your first reaction when I brought up your political leanings. Trying to understand why if you're right of centre and want Joe out.
It's also haven for clueless idiots who loudly and repeatedly regurgitate misinformation due to their high level of gullibility. Usually confirming their ignorance by doubling down when they're shown to be wrong.

Then they sook when they're called on it.
How quaint.

Not only do we have WikiMal spamming pages of out of date misinformation worshipped by the echo chamber, the vicious Kanga bully-in-chief who only posts to pile on about a full stop, is projecting.

So proud of yourself.
How quaint.

Not only do we have WikiMal spamming pages of out of date misinformation worshipped by the echo chamber, the vicious Kanga bully-in-chief who only posts to pile on about a full stop, is projecting.

So proud of yourself.

Thoughts on the recent Judgement re sovereign immunity not being applicable to Trump?

Does your 'Constitutional lawyer' from that Twitter feed (you definitely don't look at) have anything to say about it?
In a US first, judge rules that presidents can be charged with crimes

When you've finished 'not' looking at those social media sites you're definitely not on, and that the Russians are also definitely 'not' spamming with the exact stuff you believe to be true, in an effort to cook people just like you into thinking it is true, care to comment on the above?
Already asked the clown 🤡 patrol which social media sites and he can't answer.

Despite spending 4 months of repeated lies with your revision of history and abusive slurs, you can't tell the difference between social media and the Internet.

And still you can't help spamming and derailing every thread you go on with Russia, Russia, Russia, because outdated Wiki told you.

All about you boo.

But Putin and Kissenger seemed close.

Aren't you curious why 'the judge' rushed her ruling through without allowing oral arguments?

Straight to the SCOTUS I'd expect.
Thoughts on the recent Judgement re sovereign immunity not being applicable to Trump?

Does your 'Constitutional lawyer' from that Twitter feed (you definitely don't look at) have anything to say about it?
Ahh more gaslighting and strawmen.

You must be so popular in real life relationships.

Amazing really how abusive men think another lashing of the usual manipulative insults is normal commutation and should be immediately answered.
Amazing really how abusive men think another lashing of the usual manipulative insults is normal commutation and should be immediately answered...

...says the Trump supporter, without a hint of irony.

Again, any thoughts on the Judgement? You were claiming last week that the Law supported Trump having sovereign immunity.

Do you still think that's true?

The Judge literally refers to the oral arguments (that were made) in the decision itself.

Perhaps read the decision yourself, rather than have a Russian bot or grifter from Twitter tell you what it says.
He wouldn't understand it if he tried.

His grasp on English norms is basic at best. It's why he posts walls of unrelated text to answer a question.

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It was your first reaction when I brought up your political leanings. Trying to understand why if you're right of centre and want Joe out.
I don't think you're trying very hard, but I'll make it as easy as possible...

I think Joe has done a pretty good job in all the circumstances -- mopped up the Covid response left in a mess by Trump, very good performance on the economy, restored some dignity and respect in foreign policy, dealt with Ukraine and Gaza pretty well, about level with Trump on the border, hasn't threatened or tried to overturn the democratic system.

Notwithstanding all that, the next election is about the next four years and beyond, not the last four or the four before that. The voter should be preoccupied with what is in the best interests of the country. In what seems like an easy judgement to me, the best interests of the country will be served by not electing Trump again.

Trump is anathema to any true conservative. He’s a danger to everything conservatives should value — the continuity of precious institutions, the rule of law, social cohesion, common decency, etc. The US is rooted if it elects him again.

Biden could beat him, but it’s not looking like the slam dunk it should be. Hence my preference for a different Dem candidate.

I hope that answers your question.

Reposts a link to a YouTube video on this social media site, which featuring a (Jewish) academic and economist talking about why the UN security council should actually have the power to enforce its resolutions.

Jeffery Sachs:

In 2022, he appeared twice on one of the top-rated shows funded by the Russian government, hosted by Vladimir Solovyov, to call for Ukraine to negotiate and step away from its "maximalist demands" of removing Russia from Ukrainian territory.

Jeffrey Sachs - Wikipedia

'Not on any social media'. 'Not exposed to any content pushed by Russian algorithms'.

How quaint.

Not only do we have WikiMal spamming pages of out of date misinformation worshipped by the echo chamber, the vicious Kanga bully-in-chief who only posts to pile on about a full stop, is projecting.

So proud of yourself.

Haha, you poor little victim. I'm so mean to you.

The full stop item highlights your level of ignorance, your total dishonesty, and your inability to acknowledge others know more than you. You just have a big sook every time.

The Judge literally refers to the oral arguments (that were made) in the decision itself.

Perhaps read the decision yourself, rather than have a Russian bot or grifter from Twitter tell you what it says.

This is what happens when you get your legal advice from Ship for brains like BlueE does
You just like encouraging him for the train wreck that ensues.

Oh please. Your meltdowns are your own responsibility.

Your reliance on wikipedia is a forum wide joke now.

And you've spent the last few days on the srp arguing Kissinger deserves a peace prize. You can hardly be surprised when posters take the piss out of you.
These past couple of pages have incredible. We have an actual judgement in a case and CTs still deny it exists, and deny the reasons given for it.

It's full fruit loop territory.
Oh, it'll be a repost to a link to some Russian bot from Twitter as 'authority', followed by waffle misrepresenting the whole argument, and then will conclude by drawing bizarre conclusions blaming whomever the Russians tell him to blame (Biden probably).

And then afterwards, deny doing it.


That's the judgement. Her Honor basically says exactly what I said she would say, just over 47 odd pages.

I'm only partway through. I haven't gotten to the bit yet where her Honor seeks to characterize a President acting to literally overturn an election he lost, knowingly and willfully, as part of a Criminal conspiracy to remain in power after that loss as being repugnant to his duties as President and to the Constitution itself (and thus leaning him unable to avail himself of any protections available to a President, even should some be available to him).

Or 'If you act contrary to your fundamental role and duty as the President, you can't rely on any protections being President might afford you (even should those protections exist in the first place).'
And as I said, didn't allow oral arguments.

A memorandum opinion by a single judge, already shown bias against Trump, denies motion to dismiss based on Presidential immunity, without a hearing to allow for oral arguments.

Who the **** do you think argued for and against?

No one.

Should be on the first page and impossible to miss.

Puppet masters are going tick tock.

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