Western Bulldogs Leadership Project

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Premiership Player
Sep 28, 2014
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Other Teams
Utah Jazz
Just wanted to ask whether anyone had any information or knowledge of the Western Bulldogs Leadership Project.

My daughter was nominated by her school for the program and was advised yesterday that from a field of hundreds of applications she has been selected to participate in the program over the next 6 months. Obviously I'm very proud of her achievement in being selected and I think it's great the club has such a program for young people in the region. Sounds like a good way to also encourage good kids to get on board and support the Dogs.

I've read what's on the club website about the program but I was interested to know if anyone else knew of someone who had participated in it previously and what it was like. My daughter told me that she will be going on a camp over the school holidays with them as part of the program and she has been invited by the club to our opening home game against the Swans. She will be going to Whitten oval once a fortnight for the next 6 months participating in various activities. If anyone has previously been involved or knows anything about the program I would be greatfull to hear from them.

Cheers and Go Dogs!!!
Just wanted to ask whether anyone had any information or knowledge of the Western Bulldogs Leadership Project.

My daughter was nominated by her school for the program and was advised yesterday that from a field of hundreds of applications she has been selected to participate in the program over the next 6 months. Obviously I'm very proud of her achievement in being selected and I think it's great the club has such a program for young people in the region. Sounds like a good way to also encourage good kids to get on board and support the Dogs.

I've read what's on the club website about the program but I was interested to know if anyone else knew of someone who had participated in it previously and what it was like. My daughter told me that she will be going on a camp over the school holidays with them as part of the program and she has been invited by the club to our opening home game against the Swans. She will be going to Whitten oval once a fortnight for the next 6 months participating in various activities. If anyone has previously been involved or knows anything about the program I would be greatfull to hear from them.

Cheers and Go Dogs!!!

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