Society & Culture Things that Shit me part X- The Tenth edition!

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Canada are actually bidding for the 2026 World Cup (the one after Qatar), so unless FIFA strips Qatar of the World Cup and gives it to the US (not getting my hopes up), Canada are in with a chance of hosting it. THAT would make me jealous.
Zurich Old Bill, and the US authorities may yet have something to say about this.
I don't think $55 for a world cup qualifier is the issue - rather $55 for a round 1 qualifier against Bangladesh... That is getting steep.

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I don't think $55 for a world cup qualifier is the issue - rather $55 for a round 1 qualifier against Bangladesh... That is getting steep.

This. If we were playing someone half decent then the money wouldn't be an issue. For example, we have Jordan in our group. They would put up much more of a fight than Bangladesh will and so I'd pay $55 to go see that. Instead, it will probably be played at a quarter full SFS or Suncorp.
This. If we were playing someone half decent then the money wouldn't be an issue. For example, we have Jordan in our group. They would put up much more of a fight than Bangladesh will and so I'd pay $55 to go see that. Instead, it will probably be played at a quarter full SFS or Suncorp.

There's probably a bigger Bangladeshi population in Perth and bigger Jordanian population over east.
Businesses that want to know every ******* detail about you. I'm not talking about taking out a home loan, I'm talking about mundane shit.

I bought 3 bar stools the other day for a new breakfast bar I've put in. They were about $80 each from the local A-Mart furniture shop.
Me: 'These stools here, do you have 3 in stock in black. I'll take them if you do'
Salesman: 'Yep we have plenty, just come over to the counter and the girl will sort you out'
Me: 'Three of these stools thanks'
Counter girl: 'Sure. Now what's your name. And your phone number. And your address. And...'

WTF, I just want to buy 3 stools. If I get home and open the boxes to find you've given me manchester or science fiction novels by accident I'll bring them back with the receipt. You really don't need to know my life story.

Job applications that ask the same questions over and over.

*Please register to apply*
*Please enter your name, address... blah blah to register*
*Please submit your CV in .docx or .pdf format*
*Please enter your contact details*
FFFUUU can't you get this from the registration I just filled out!
*Please enter your work history*
FFFFUUUU why did you ask for my CV which has all this listed???
On a similar note when you get a call and are asked to give your full name and date of birth for security purposes. You rang me campaigner
Canada are actually bidding for the 2026 World Cup (the one after Qatar), so unless FIFA strips Qatar of the World Cup and gives it to the US (not getting my hopes up), Canada are in with a chance of hosting it. THAT would make me jealous.

We'd have to redo all our stadiums. Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton is the only one with real grass.

The Women's World Cup is being played here next month. A few countries kicked up a fuss about playing on artificial turf but Canada was the only country that bid on it so they have no choice.

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People who own two or three investment properties and keep buying them. Probably a flawed argument but I feel that they're the reason housing affordability is up the pooper. If the tax concessions weren't so ridiculously generous in allowing investors to keep buying multiple properties people could afford their own place.
i wish i liked tuna

so cheap and seems like a easy thing to grab for lunch and throw in rice or something when broke on pay week off

Forget about it, fish is full of mercury and is unsustainable. Save the fishes.
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