Harley Bennell pictured cutting lines of speed - Courier Mail

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They were definitely upfront with Eade, and that was part of the appeal in getting him to the club...

Ablett you don't know.

Ablett would certainly have to have been somewhat aware of the 'party groups' exploits.
Hard to keep that under wraps within the club.

Also, the Club I doubt would risk hiding the Eade appointment and reasons from the highest profile signing ever and watch him potentially walk away mid deal when the shit hit the fan (as it is now).

I doubt it's been shared much wider than that, but coach and captain before signing and re-signing I'd say is a safe bet
Fill me in with the problem. If it's an old photo it hardly determines his character today.

So you've missed his club sanctions for not following team booze bans and heading out partying?

And given the names dobbed in by K Hunt, under what illusion would you be that this has not been an ongoing issue with Bennell up to today?

Apart from the fact that drugs are also illegal, imported by low life scum who prey on the metally weak and ruin peoples lives so being attached to that in any way\shape\form should attach a stigma to the person for life.

Look at Cousins, his mate Mainwaring, the ongoing bikie connections plaguing Dustin Martins career etc.
ALL will forever wear the stigma of ongoing issues in this area.

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Anyone who goes out and about in Melbourne would know that the majority of players do drugs. Luke Hodge is one example that might shock people, but he is a huge coke user. Now imagine that photo on the front page of the Herald Sun!

What a crap post.
So you've missed his club sanctions for not following team booze bans and heading out partying?

And given the names dobbed in by K Hunt, under what illusion would you be that this has not been an ongoing issue with Bennell up to today?

Apart from the fact that drugs are also illegal, imported by low life scum who prey on the metally weak and ruin peoples lives so being attached to that in any way\shape\form should attach a stigma to the person for life.

Look at Cousins, his mate Mainwaring, the ongoing bikie connections plaguing Dustin Martins career etc.
ALL will forever wear the stigma of ongoing issues in this area.


Actually does kind of look like you.
Apart from the fact that drugs are also illegal, imported by low life scum who prey on the metally weak and ruin peoples lives so being attached to that in any way\shape\form should attach a stigma to the person for life.

:rolleyes: We should just shoot everyone who has ever taken an illegal drug

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"Taking the game into disrepute"

This will be the line the AFL pursues. Its not the look the brand needs and is damaging to the logo as a whole.

Of course it happens at all clubs - just not in front of cameras.

Id expect a suspension and classes.

AFL can't let it slide as will have to enforce some form of penalty. Doing nothing creates the impression of complicity and they can't do that.

As for what happens contract wise from here - anyones guess. Massive talent that all 18 clubs would want. Not saying he is or would leave or be shown the door, but it reflects culture and its not like this is the first report of culture issues up there.

Go Catters
I hope there are some pics of journos getting up to this kind of stuff out there, would love to see them splashed around the internet. Such a low act to publish pictures like this.

Really don't like the media reporting style on footy side issues.

Way too tabloid, more on the entertainment side than sport.
UDL's are pissweak Harley

1.He's a decent guy, Let's not pretend this isnt something quite a few AFL players do, However what poor timing

2.Who took that picture? would be pretty filthy at them if i was Harley
Decent guy?
He was charged with carrying a pool ball with intent to use it as a weapon.
******* media. They'll publish these pictures today then in a week run sob stories about kids being upset at seeing their heroes doing things like this.

Report the story. Publishing the pictures is a disgrace.

There is no difference between printing the photo or describing what is in the photo.

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