Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

Who will be the next Prime Minister of Australia

  • Malcolm Turnbull

  • Julie Bishop

  • Scott Morrison

  • Andrew Robb

  • Someone from the LIberal Party other than those above

  • Bill Shorten

  • Someone from the Labor Party other than Shorten

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I reckon Turnbull is laying the groundwork for a possible leadership showdown with Abbott by the possibility of going on Q&A likely to be next week in defiance of the Prime Minister's orders to his frontbench not to appear on the show, and also disagreeing with him of the security threat by IS.

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No, I'm suggesting he wouldn't be, which means he has freedom of speech. We're going to see how this plays out when Malcolm Turnbull decides to go on Q&A next week.

Freedom of speech is the ability to say things without being jailed. It's not freedom from accountability for saying something, or the unrestricted ability to gain access to mass media to say something. The ABC could have made the point better with someone more credible. They chose Mullah and drove him to the studios with no red flags going off in their heads. That is poor judgement, but to have prevented Mullah from doing that would not be a restriction of his freedom of speech.

This shows a pretty incredible ignorance of the history of the two Federal Parliamentary parties. Gillard and Windsor was a one-term marriage of convenience. The Liberal and Country/National Parties have been in coalition federally for over 65 years, and the agreement has usually been a handshake, rather than a lengthy treaty of rights and responsibilities. Mr Joyce was, before becoming a MHR, a member of the LNP in Queensland, which is the merged party formed from the Liberal and National Parties in Queensland. To compare it to Gillard and her cobbled coalition of independents and Greens Party MPs is not at all a good one.
Seriously, what is the big deal, ABC made a mistake. Has apologised, conducted an internal review, move on people.
This nasty little government now continues to make more mistakes, carries on worse than a petulant 10 year old and bars MP from appearing on Q&A.
ABC bashing in the most childish way, doubt that the public support this.

Note: Tony Abbott, we will not live our lives as you would like.

As for Barnaby Joyce, not appearing on Q&A shows that the Nationals are an irrelevant political party.
What are you trying to say?

Once again it's a Lib vs Lab thing?

What if both parties are scumbags and want to hide as much as they can?
Trying to be impartial in his post. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

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Heard worse ideas!

The Feds need to be part of the solution - it's a decent old slap in the face to the current Australian of the Year.

It is better they leave state issues to the state. Our federal constitution is important; it is just a shame our citizens don't bother to read it or understand it.

That is why so many of our services and strategies are ballsed up.
Probably not too many people will be jailed at all.

Because that isn't really the aim of the legislation. The aim is to scare witless the people working in the coalface so they won't report any abuses that they see.

It's all about keeping people quiet. And threats of jail time are the means of achieving that.

Can you post the legislation or name it?
The problem for Malcolm Turnbull is, does he has the numbers (or votes) needed to topple Tony Abbott as leader of the Liberals and Prime Minister? Turnbull will need to get loyal Abbott supporters like Joe Hockey, Kevin Andrews, Bruce Billison, Andrew Robb over to his side, which is a lot easier said than done.

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Turnbull should be going to Barnaby - disgruntled, shore up support for a coalition with a deal to get rid of Truss. Odd bedfellows but that's politics.
Turnbull should be going to Barnaby - disgruntled, shore up support for a coalition with a deal to get rid of Truss. Odd bedfellows but that's politics.

Turnbull should quietly get the numbers together, and start kicking up a stink about gay marriage.

The public overwhelming supports it, they'll fall in behind Malcolm, and that could be his impetus to make a move.

The sooner, the better.

The only reason Abbott even has half a chance at the next election is because Shorten is just as rubbish.
Turnbull should quietly get the numbers together, and start kicking up a stink about gay marriage.

The public overwhelming supports it, they'll fall in behind Malcolm, and that could be his impetus to make a move.

The sooner, the better.

The only reason Abbott even has half a chance at the next election is because Shorten is just as rubbish.
The two things Turnbull must do to start up a leadership challenge is 1) go on Q&A in defiance to Abbott; and 2) announce 'I no longer support the Prime Minister, I'm challenging him for the leadership.'

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The two things Turnbull must do to start up a leadership challenge is 1) go on Q&A in defiance to Abbott; and 2) announce 'I no longer support the Prime Minister, I'm challenging him for the leadership.'

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I don't think he has the numbers, the back bench have gone with Abbott on national security in a big way.

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Turnbull should quietly get the numbers together, and start kicking up a stink about gay marriage.

The public overwhelming supports it, they'll fall in behind Malcolm, and that could be his impetus to make a move.

The sooner, the better.

The only reason Abbott even has half a chance at the next election is because Shorten is just as rubbish.

How Abbott can justify opposing gay marriage is beyond me. He was elected to represent the country and over 70% of people, and over 50% Liberal Party voters, support gay marriage. Abbott is putting his own religious beliefs over the will of the nation.
How Abbott can justify opposing gay marriage is beyond me. He was elected to represent the country and over 70% of people, and over 50% Liberal Party voters, support gay marriage. Abbott is putting his own religious beliefs over the will of the nation.

Same reason Gillard implemented the Carbon Tax; most of them are full of shit.
It was said to me by someone reasonably well connected that Abbott would rather cede government to the Labor Party, than he would the Libs to a pinko like Malcolm Turnbull
Same reason Gillard implemented the Carbon Tax; most of them are full of shit.

Its been so much better replaced with an indexed petrol tax. Thatll be cutting deeper than any carbon tax in no time. But will it be good for the car industry?!
Since I wasn't around then, have a lot of people pointed out that the only thing gained by Godwin Grech's intervention in politics was the downfall of Turnbull? He was a Liberal supporter so helping Labor wouldn't have been planned, yet by forging an email he was surely going to be found out.

Couldn't some Coalition members have used him to bring down Turnbull, the same way some Coalition members seemed to be overly attentive to the staffer who tried to bring down Slipper...?
To get a leadership spill up and running, it needs to be passed by 50% or more by the Parliamentary Liberal Party. Last time, it was 61 to 40 against a leadership vote, thus allowing Abbott to continue being PM-for the time being at least. What would be the second time around? And, how many of the backbenchers would vote against Abbott?

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