Unpopular Opinions you have (non-football)

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I love girls with tattoo's, I don't entirely mind smoking as long as she's not a chain smoker or anything like that. As you can tell my standards aren't that high and I'm quite easy to please.

The joys of being young and stupid :D

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Lolwut? Surely you jest...

Jackson in God Mode from 3:40 onwards.

Much more entertaining that the "Thriller" video IMO, and the moves look a lot cooler (possibly because they're somewhat achieveable) too.

Yeah much prefer the moonwalk.

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All tattoos look absolutely horrible - men or women. I have never seen a tattoo on a woman and thought it improved her appearance.

Of course there are reasons to get tattoos other than just looks - that's fine. But my god, they look shocking.

No there isn't. First and foremost, tattoos exist on a purely aesthetic level. Forget what other bullshit people try and sell you, they are their to achieve a look before anything else.

I don't have an AC/DC tattoo for any other reason than I love AC/DC, I love the aesthetics of their logo, and I wanted it on my skin cause I think it looks cool. Now I could sell that as some sort of life changing event where their music played a part in me finding myself, but I'd be pulling your leg.

Goes for all varieties of tattoos. You daughter, your grandma, your parents, your silly little sayings or your southern cross, whatever it is.
No there isn't. First and foremost, tattoos exist on a purely aesthetic level. Forget what other bullshit people try and sell you, they are their to achieve a look before anything else. I don't have an AC/DC tattoo for any other reason than I love AC/DC, I love the aesthetics of their logo, and I wanted it on my skin.

Post title;

How to contradict yourself in less than two sentences.
Post title;

How to contradict yourself in less than two sentences.

Selective bolding. If their logo was s**t or written in comic sans I wouldn't have it inked in, no matter how much I enjoy their music.

Likewise I wouldn't get something that represented something I wasn't keen on, no matter how nice it looks.

Point is, after all is said and done, it is only something that exists on the aesthetic level. It has no more meaning than an item of clothing. Actually, less meaning, cause at least some clothing is practical and offers protection and comfort from the elements.
Selective bolding. If their logo was s**t or written in comic sans I wouldn't have it inked in, no matter how much I enjoy their music.

Likewise I wouldn't get something that represented something I wasn't keen on, no matter how nice it looks.

Point is, after all is said and done, it is only something that exists on the aesthetic level. It has no more meaning than an item of clothing. Actually, less meaning, cause at least some clothing is practical and offers protection and comfort from the elements.

To each their own but all mine are significant to me. Obviously i like the aesthetics and worked on the design so it didnt look stupid.
ive got a harry potter tattoo and the saudi arabian army symbol (unintentional) on the inside of my elbows

i got the hp one because i like and bitches love hp
i got the SA army symbol because it was a sweet symbol on a hat and i was blind AF overseas

all in all im way tougher
Given I'm full of unpopular opinions I might as well be heard (I generally don't post stuff like this online but hell, why not?)

  • Israel should piss off out of Palestine and leave them be. I can't believe people support Israel in this.
  • Europe has made a HUGE mistake taking in all these immigrants. There's gonna be some huge problems within the next decade, parts of England are already shut off to white people (most of Bradford is basically Pakistan).
  • Over-population is probably the biggest problem around right now. What better way to fix this than to stop 'donating' to Africa? Most of the money ends up in the wrong hands and is pocketed by charity CEOs. All these years of work yet nothing much is changing in a majority of the country. Let natural selection run it's course and stop trying to 'save' the them all.
  • WA should NOT be considering taking 10,000 Syrians. Australia shouldn't be taking any more refugees full stop. We have way more than our fair share. We have thousands of homeless people in WA as it is.
  • All governments should worry about their own citizen's health and well being instead of all these 'refugees'. They can be left at sea or cut off at the border for all I care. A majority of 'refugees' are men anyway, where's the women and children?
  • People who kill/torture animals should be given life sentences instead of these shitty 10-15 years (at most) sentences.
  • Likewise Pedos/child molesters.
  • Mentally *ed/vegetables (ie those with zero quality of life) should be put down. What a waste of everything. In nature, you only survive if you're strong enough, the weakest are left for dead. Humans have learnt to cure everything which has destroyed this natural selection which I believe is the way it should work.
  • Women who deserve to be hit, should be hit without question. Not saying woman bashing is right, but say you've found your girlfriend cheating on you behind your back, a swift backhand is fair play.
  • Most things that come out of the US government announcements are untrue or tampered with. It wouldn't surprise me if a new world order or Illuminati did exist. 9/11 was an inside job too, and the original moon landing was fake. Area 51 is an alien experiment base. I hardly ever completely write off conspiracy theories, unless it's the flat earth theory (seriously wtf?)
  • A cure for cancer exists, but they're with holding it for a little while longer to make some big $$$$
  • Physical discipline on kids should be ok (not beating them obviously, but not being to smack them is so ******* pathetic.)
  • Obese/really fat people should be publicly shamed the same way smokers used to be.
  • Really fat kids should be taken from their parents on the grounds of a form of child abuse.
  • Learning bare minimum English should be a legal requirement for refugees (already posted this before).
  • If someones trespassing/breaking into your house, you should be able to do to them as you please. 'Trespassers will be shot' is fair and square.
  • Julian Assange is a legend, and I also fully support Anonymous.
  • Whilst extremely racist cops do exist, the Afro-Americans should stop blaming everyone else for their problems.
So yeah, TL;DR.
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