Will Australia get hit by a major terror attack?

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Feb 21, 2002
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Lots of differences between here and France (e.g. number of Middle East refugees, apparent availability of AK-47s, geography etc) but we both use the same kind of digital surveillance (which failed) and young Muslims are being radicalised here.

Will Australia get hit by a major terror attack? Do we have the resources we need? Interesting article here

The journalist should get her facts right re funding:

Of the $1.2 billion in new funding for national security, the 2015 Budget will provide $450 million to strengthen intelligence capabilities and to counter extremist messaging.

This is in addition to the $630 million we invested in the 2014-15 MYEFO.

Does not include the increased funding for Defence.
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What would we class as a 'major' attack? And trying to project many years into the future isn't particularly meaningful. What is the chance of an attack where 10 or more people die within the next 5 years?

We are on high alert which means a terrorist attack is likely but there is no indication of an imminent attack. We should carry on as normal, being alert but not fearful.

As the article says

ASIO have assured the government that there is nothing to warrant raising Australia's terror alert level from high..

A NSW Police spokesman said they are "continuing to monitor the situation in Paris but there is no information of any immediate threat in Australia and members of the public are urged to go about their daily lives as usual".​

Port Arthur?
Or does it have to be politically motivated to meet the definition of terror attack?

All free societies are vulnerable to lone wolf style attacks.
I've always feared for years that when we have a major event, whether it's in Melbourne or Sydney or whatever, that we'd be attacked.

It's inevitable IMO that Australia will one day be attacked severely.
Why exactly?

We have handed extra ordinary powers to the state, be it surveilance or legal immunity. If they can't prevent an attack, then there should be an investigation into the services and AG.

If you want surveilance state powers, surely that comes with extreme responsibility. Failure should mean very serious consequences

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Lots of differences between here and France (e.g. number of Middle East refugees, apparent availability of AK-47s, geography etc) but we both use the same kind of digital surveillance (which failed) and young Muslims are being radicalised here.

Will Australia get hit by a major terror attack? Do we have the resources we need? Interesting article here


Define what is a terror attack. If the Syrians took the war France made in her streets to French streets, then that is not terrorism. Maybe it was Libyans who retaliated for what France did there in 2011?. That wouldn't be terrorism either. French companies are making alot of money out of what they did to Libya.
We have handed extra ordinary powers to the state, be it surveilance or legal immunity. If they can't prevent an attack, then there should be an investigation into the services and AG.

If you want surveilance state powers, surely that comes with extreme responsibility. Failure should mean very serious consequences

What good does posting stupid irrelevant images do?

My point is sound.

You want undemocratic powers and say they will protect us, well if they don't there should be hell to pay.

Dude, easy. I'm not your enemy and the image isn't irrelevant.

In the scene it refers to Lisa remarks to Homer that she could just as easily claim that her rock keeps bear attacks away - a rare threat as bear attacks are not particularly frequent, but their danger has been hyped by the media to an exaggerated level as to seem omnipresent.

In the same fashion terrorist attacks have been hyped to similar degrees and bulk data-collection has been presented as the solution, despite its efficacy in this regard having serious question marks. Regardless, both major political parties in this country have waived it through with little criticism from major media outlets (they actually only really piped up when their interests were threatened).

In short we've been rain-made. If no terrorist attacks occur here we'll be told that these new laws/powers are clearly working. If terrorist attacks do occur here I have no doubt that stronger powers will be argued for and then summarily granted.

I'm all for arguing against such mission creep that goes against the very nature of democratic/libertarian ideals, however I'm also aware of how dissent is always dealt with in an encroaching police state.

*sigh* I also hate long-winded posts, especially when I do it.
Dude, easy. I'm not your enemy and the image isn't irrelevant.

In the scene it refers to Lisa remarks to Homer that she could just as easily claim that her rock keeps bear attacks away - a rare threat as bear attacks are not particularly frequent, but their danger has been hyped by the media to an exaggerated level as to seem omnipresent.

In the same fashion terrorist attacks have been hyped to similar degrees and bulk data-collection has been presented as the solution, despite its efficacy in this regard having serious question marks. Regardless, both major political parties in this country have waived it through with little criticism from major media outlets (they actually only really piped up when their interests were threatened).

In short we've been rain-made. If no terrorist attacks occur here we'll be told that these new laws/powers are clearly working. If terrorist attacks do occur here I have no doubt that stronger powers will be argued for and then summarily granted.

I'm all for arguing against such mission creep that goes against the very nature of democratic/libertarian ideals, however I'm also aware of how dissent is always dealt with in an encroaching police state.

*sigh* I also hate long-winded posts, especially when I do it.
Fair post I misunderstood the intention
What would we class as a 'major' attack? And trying to project many years into the future isn't particularly meaningful. What is the chance of an attack where 10 or more people die within the next 5 years?

We are on high alert which means a terrorist attack is likely but there is no indication of an imminent attack. We should carry on as normal, being alert but not fearful.

As the article says

ASIO have assured the government that there is nothing to warrant raising Australia's terror alert level from high..

A NSW Police spokesman said they are "continuing to monitor the situation in Paris but there is no information of any immediate threat in Australia and members of the public are urged to go about their daily lives as usual".​

High still means they expect an attack
Absolutely we'll be hit by an attack, it's only a matter of time. It only takes a few wacko's to do the job, and the Government can't watch everybody.

It's such a difficult thing to stop, personally my first thoughts were, f**k it, ban religion, it's good for nothing, it causes all this shit, start kicking people out of the country etc etc, the typical knee jerk reactions that people like Pauline Hanson and the Australian Liberty Alliance, and these sorts of groups want us to think/feel. But when you think about it more rationally, you realise that that's exactly what they want you to think. These extremist groups want us to fear them, and fear Islam, and to take our fear/anger out on the entire Muslim communitiy, therefore pushing already alienated youngsters towards radical ideas, and people who supposedly share their pain, and understand them. Obvioulsy that's a big way they recruit young people, and fill their head with false ideals and shallow promises.

There's no quick fix, and by Australia getting more involved with air strikes, and the likelyhood of ground troops, the target on us will only get bigger.
Their lack of sophistication and money should delay a major attack for another 10 years in Australia. Smaller wolf attacks will be around forever.

Strange situation when known child rapists and murderers are 'tolerated' by large sections of the government and society.

The rapists and savages are trying to attack foreign lands yet where are the foot solidiers trying to protect the high number young girls raped and killed?

Don't they worship a guy that married a 6 year old kid when he was 50?

Yea, let's trivialize historical differences between civilizations while mass murdering rapists carry on terrorizing and have some support from sections of white middle class Melbourne.

The West is under attack? Well **** me.

This shit is backwards.
Absolutely we'll be hit by an attack, it's only a matter of time. It only takes a few wacko's to do the job, and the Government can't watch everybody.

It's such a difficult thing to stop, personally my first thoughts were, f**k it, ban religion, it's good for nothing, it causes all this shit, start kicking people out of the country etc etc, the typical knee jerk reactions that people like Pauline Hanson and the Australian Liberty Alliance, and these sorts of groups want us to think/feel. But when you think about it more rationally, you realise that that's exactly what they want you to think. These extremist groups want us to fear them, and fear Islam, and to take our fear/anger out on the entire Muslim communitiy, therefore pushing already alienated youngsters towards radical ideas, and people who supposedly share their pain, and understand them. Obvioulsy that's a big way they recruit young people, and fill their head with false ideals and shallow promises.

There's no quick fix, and by Australia getting more involved with air strikes, and the likelyhood of ground troops, the target on us will only get bigger.

It will really only get bigger if we alienate the Muslim community in this country. Remember that ISIS are an extreme bunch who have killed far more Muslims than Christians in all this.

So we need to continue to work with the local Muslim communities to make them feel like part of the solution, not part of the problem. Education, monitoring, socialisation into society, all with a close alliance with the local Muslim communities. I believe the vast majority of that community dont want to live in an ISIS world, & certainly dont want to lose their youth. So we need to work with that, not against it.

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