Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

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You're not saying anything of value.

You're claiming to know that he ran based on policies, yet haven't named any of his policies when asked to do so. You cant in the same breath claim you are not an American therefore cant offer insight, and to know why he ran.
Pretty sure I stated his overall basis is around trade agreements.

But I’m not campaigning for Trump, I’m not trying to educate people. I’m just pointing out the lack of knowledge people with a high opinion have.

No one is saying his strategy is bad for x, y, z reasons because people don’t know what he’s trying to implement.

If you want to know his policies going listen to him and then have an opinion, don’t need to listen to a 3rd party like myself on Big footy.
Pretty sure I stated his overall basis is around trade agreements.

But I’m not campaigning for Trump, I’m not trying to educate people. I’m just pointing out the lack of knowledge people with a high opinion have.

No one is saying his strategy is bad for x, y, z reasons because people don’t know what he’s trying to implement.

If you want to know his policies going listen to him and then have an opinion, don’t need to listen to a 3rd party like myself on Big footy.

You’re trying to point out the lack of knowledge other people have, while constantly saying you don’t know anything about US politics.

You are the Trump supporting equivalent of Essendon saying “we don’t know what we injected our players with but we know it wasn’t illegal.”

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Pretty sure I stated his overall basis is around trade agreements.

As I pointed out to you, he brought in his own trade agreement, which is so bad now that Mexico is using it to bring Chinese owned electric cars tariff-free to the US.

It's so bad it's gonna cause an automotive bloodbath (whatever that is) after the election.
You’re trying to point out the lack of knowledge other people have, while constantly saying you don’t know anything about US politics.

You are the Trump supporting equivalent of Essendon saying “we don’t know what we injected our players with but we know it wasn’t illegal.”
Mate I don’t have a high opinion on US politics. You are assuming I am a Trump supporter, I haven’t claimed anything of such.

I’m just pointing out people with a high opinion can’t tell me if he implemented his strategy it would be bad for America for x,y,z reasons.
As I pointed out to you, he brought in his own trade agreement, which is so bad now that Mexico is using it to bring Chinese owned electric cars tariff-free to the US.

It's so bad it's gonna cause an automotive bloodbath (whatever that is) after the election.
The American people with first hand knowledge of what’s going on are the ones that are voting. If that’s the case they’ll decide.
Trump Policies:
  • Reduce public servants (those that don't agree with him) “corrupt bureaucrats who have weaponized our justice system”
  • Mass deportation of illegal immigrants “immediately stop the invasion of our southern border”
  • Ban Muslims “ideological screening” to ban “dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs,” “empathize with radical Islamic terrorists and extremists.”
  • Trade: tariffs “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act,”
  • Foreign Policy: hand Ukraine to Russia “endless flow of American treasure to Ukraine”
  • Energy and environment: fossil fuels only “DRILL, BABY, DRILL,”
  • Homless: round them up into tent cities
  • Trangender: “only two genders,”
  • Education: “patriotic education.” “teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they’re taught right now” “the nuclear family” “the roles of mothers and fathers” “things that make men and women different and unique.”
  • Abortion: Full ban
  • Crime: National guard on streets
Sounds like a nice and freindly place to live :drunk:
Can you give your opinion on his top three 'politics'?

Because if you can't, and you're not able to debate/defend them, surely you'd agree that it would appear that you support Trump for unspoken reasons.
Think you are looking too deeply here. ...
.. It's likely just as simple as lil troll looks up to King troll.
What's your point caller???

He also neglects to remember that the US electoral system is setup in a very bizarre way such that Trump won the election in 2016 despite losing the popular vote.

Trump being re-elected isn't necessarily a reflection of the support of the US people for his agenda.
What's your point caller???
Americans will decide what’s best for their country

He also neglects to remember that the US electoral system is setup in a very bizarre way such that Trump won the election in 2016 despite losing the popular vote.

Trump being re-elected isn't necessarily a reflection of the support of the US people for his agenda.
No one has neglected anything. Australia the aim is to win the most seats not the popular vote.

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Cannon underfire from smith

In an open display of frustration, federal prosecutors on Tuesday night told the judge overseeing former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents case that a “fundamentally flawed” order she had issued was causing delays and asked her to quickly resolve a critical dispute about one of Mr. Trump’s defenses — leaving them time to appeal if needed.
The unusual and risky move by the prosecutors, contained in a 24-page filing, signaled their mounting impatience with the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, who has allowed the case to become bogged down in a logjam of unresolved issues and curious procedural requests. It was the most directly prosecutors have confronted Judge Cannon’s legal reasoning and unhurried pace, which have called into question whether a trial will take place before the election in November even though both sides say they could be ready for one by summer.
In their filing, prosecutors in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith, all but begged Judge Cannon to move the case along and make a binding decision about one of Mr. Trump’s most brazen claims: that he cannot be prosecuted for having taken home a trove of national security documents after leaving office because he transformed them into his own personal property under a law known as the Presidential Records Act.
The prosecutors derided that assertion as one “not based on any facts,” adding that it was a “justification that was concocted more than a year after” Mr. Trump left the White House.
Pretty sure I stated his overall basis is around trade agreements.

But I’m not campaigning for Trump, I’m not trying to educate people. I’m just pointing out the lack of knowledge people with a high opinion have.

No one is saying his strategy is bad for x, y, z reasons because people don’t know what he’s trying to implement.

If you want to know his policies going listen to him and then have an opinion, don’t need to listen to a 3rd party like myself on Big footy.
I have listened to him:
His policies are:
Deport millions of people he doesn’t like. ( good luck with your future workforce USA)
Jail, without real cause, everyone who has not bowed down to him, has ridiculed him or opposed him.
Release the jan 6 criminals.
Give Ukraine to Putin.
Admire and emulate foreign dictators.
Stop the criminal investigations against him.
Give him as President free reign to do as he wishes without restraint or personal repercussions.
Defund the DOJ and any police who are not his personal army.
And probably more tax cut for his rich mates.
I have listened to him:
His policies are:
Deport millions of people he doesn’t like. ( good luck with your future workforce USA)
Jail, without real cause, everyone who has not bowed down to him, has ridiculed him or opposed him.
Release the jan 6 criminals.
Give Ukraine to Putin.
Admire and emulate foreign dictators.
Stop the criminal investigations against him.
Give him as President free reign to do as he wishes without restraint or personal repercussions.
Defund the DOJ and any police who are not his personal army.
And probably more tax cut for his rich mates.
? week abortion ban and if elected go to 6 weejs
And if elected
Pardon all his lawyers convicted federally
Go after biden et al , fauci , jack smith and the fed judges in his cases except Cannon
Go after the witnesses who spoke negatively in the J6 commission , liz cheney etc
Try to take the broadcast licence from nbc
Install acolytes in his cabinet
Pretty sure I stated his overall basis is around trade agreements.

But I’m not campaigning for Trump, I’m not trying to educate people. I’m just pointing out the lack of knowledge people with a high opinion have.

No one is saying his strategy is bad for x, y, z reasons because people don’t know what he’s trying to implement.

If you want to know his policies going listen to him and then have an opinion, don’t need to listen to a 3rd party like myself on Big footy.

You keep saying there is a lack of knowledge around Trump's policies and asserting you have that knowledge.

You follow up by demonstrating zero knowledge or understanding, clinging to this farcical assertion that Trump has had clear and consistent policies for 40 years. You posted one clip as your supposed evidence. You could post another hundred or more Trump clips and they would not support your contention.

It is so typical of people who argue like this to make a Trump supporting argument* based on a ridiculously simplistic premise that simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but they repeat it anyway. Then suggest that everyone who disagrees has a lack of knowledge. The irony.

* yes, I know, you're not a Trump supporter. Your one argument is, though.
I’m still waiting for Blackas87 to fill me in on the best three policies Trump enacted during his term as President.

I’m after specific policies not some airy fairy generic trade tariffs bullshit.
I wouldn’t know. I’m not American I wouldn’t know how those politics affect my lifestyle. I’m not keeping tabs on what policies Biden, Trump, Obama ect… implement or didn’t.

The only thing I’ve been stating are the reasons why Trump ran in the first place. It’s not up to me, you or others from Australia to decide what’s best for the American people. They themselves will be the ones that vote.
It's the same with most 'hope Trump wins for the melts' people.
Loudly repeat talking points that are spoon fed to you.
Then when it's pointed out that you're repeating lies, you just insist that they're all as bad as each other and only nerds keep up to date with what's actually happening in the world.

Stop making loud statements, and then shrugging your shoulders when asked to explain them.

It makes you look like a ****ing idiot, and a child.
I’m still waiting for Blackas87 to fill me in on the best three policies Trump enacted during his term as President.

I’m after specific policies not some airy fairy generic trade tariffs bullshit.
Previously stated

I wouldn’t know. I’m not American I wouldn’t know how those politics affect my lifestyle. I’m not keeping tabs on what policies Biden, Trump, Obama ect… implement or didn’t.

The only thing I’ve been stating are the reasons why Trump ran in the first place. It’s not up to me, you or others from Australia to decide what’s best for the American people. They themselves will be the ones that vote.
I just came on here after watching Bill Maher struggle to debate policies with a political analyst he was interviewing and just jumping down the attack the person strategy, thought it was hilarious and thought I’d come for a laugh here as well. I didn’t think I’d have so many lovely responses and that I’d still be in here.

I’m sure if I looked into it I could easily find 3 policies both Trump and Biden that were positive outcomes.
? week abortion ban and if elected go to 6 weejs
And if elected
Pardon all his lawyers convicted federally
Go after biden et al , fauci , jack smith and the fed judges in his cases except Cannon
Go after the witnesses who spoke negatively in the J6 commission , liz cheney etc
Try to take the broadcast licence from nbc
Install acolytes in his cabinet
If I didn’t know better zone would think that maybe he has zero p
Previously stated

I just came on here after watching Bill Maher struggle to debate policies with a political analyst he was interviewing and just jumping down the attack the person strategy, thought it was hilarious and thought I’d come for a laugh here as well. I didn’t think I’d have so many lovely responses and that I’d still be in here.

I’m sure if I looked into it I could easily find 3 policies both Trump and Biden that were positive outcomes.
Well do so
I’m sure if I looked into it I could easily find 3 policies both Trump and Biden that were positive outcomes.
So you can’t come up with three trump policies that worked?
blinking trailer park boys GIF

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