Scandal Clem Smith in drunken altercation

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I see Richmond supporters are still championing the mistreatment of women, whether it be physical or verbal. It says a lot about these people & further sets back attempts to stamp out this type of behaviour.

This defence of Martin's behaviour is not unlike the blind defence of James Hird by EFC supporters.

It says a lot about you that a Police investigation clearing Martin is not enough to satiate your rabid need to vilify another clubs player.

Don't feed us the BS that this is about Richmond supporters championing the mistreatment of women, because we haven't done that, its about a a few Carlton supporters trying to get a sly boot in against Richmond supporters, by using the cause of stopping violence against women as the vehicle to deliver the kick, pathetic.
lol you would snap him up in a moment, even if he did commit the crime Carlton are not exactly known for their morals.

That's not exactly true. Many clubs steered clear of Martin last year when he put himself on the market.

Carlton haven't been a moral argument, but we may have just started to think that it may be a good idea. About time.
That's not exactly true. Many clubs steered clear of Martin last year when he put himself on the market.

Carlton haven't been a moral argument, but we may have just started to think that it may be a good idea. About time.
The thing is all this talk of Martins priors are more about his neck tatts and haircut than anything he has really done, cleared of the violence charges but will most likely be punished for bad behaivour for the recent incident, he was late for training once after mixing sleeping tablets and alcohol and the only other thing was the prison salute, not really the bad boy he is made out to be, and his onfield performances are well worth the extra effort required with him.
The thing is all this talk of Martins priors are more about his neck tatts and haircut than anything he has really done, cleared of the violence charges but will most likely be punished for bad behaivour for the recent incident, he was late for training once after mixing sleeping tablets and alcohol and the only other thing was the prison salute, not really the bad boy he is made out to be, and his onfield performances are well worth the extra effort required with him.

I haven't seen Martin do anything wrong first hand, so one should be wary to pick up gossip as gospel, but if (I know "IF") some of the stories that people may have heard about Martin are true, one can reasonably draw a line into thinking that things may not end well.
Let's hope (?) they do end well, as I think we'd all sooner be hearing of a players attributes on-field than off.
Don't feed us the BS that this is about Richmond supporters championing the mistreatment of women, because we haven't done that, its about a a few Carlton supporters trying to get a sly boot in against Richmond supporters, by using the cause of stopping violence against women as the vehicle to deliver the kick, pathetic.

In fairness, a lot of opposition supporters have sunk a sly boot into Richmond regarding the Martin situation. You may just notice the Carlton supporters more because they annoy you the most.

I do note however that this thread is going the way of the Yarran thread on the Drafts board, which was sort of understandable given Carlton and Richmond were the two clubs involved in the trade but this thread .... the Tigers presence seems a little disproportionate given they aren't involved with Clem Smith at all.
That's not exactly true. Many clubs steered clear of Martin last year when he put himself on the market.

Carlton haven't been a moral argument, but we may have just started to think that it may be a good idea. About time.

It was actually 2013 when his manager hawked him around.
Maybe clubs that might have been interested already had full TPP commitments. Similar to Carlton last year or the year before being at 100% of the cap.
Or his managers demands had overpriced him.
Or maybe like with his interview with GWS they knew his heart wasn't into leaving.
To say that morally clubs were adverse to taking him 2 + years is to be a little sanctimonious. What were his list of indiscretions back then?
Do people really believe that all clubs or only their own club has a list of choir boys?
I see Richmond supporters are still championing the mistreatment of women, whether it be physical or verbal. It says a lot about these people & further sets back attempts to stamp out this type of behaviour.

This defence of Martin's behaviour is not unlike the blind defence of James Hird by EFC supporters.
This is the Clem Smith thread.
Good to see Bolton setting the culture early by sentencing Clem to a weeks worth of treadmill runs and sit-ups.

Seems they take drunken physical assault seriously down at the blues.
It was actually 2013 when his manager hawked him around.
Maybe clubs that might have been interested already had full TPP commitments. Similar to Carlton last year or the year before being at 100% of the cap.
Or his managers demands had overpriced him.
Or maybe like with his interview with GWS they knew his heart wasn't into leaving.
To say that morally clubs were adverse to taking him 2 + years is to be a little sanctimonious. What were his list of indiscretions back then?
Do people really believe that all clubs or only their own club has a list of choir boys?

That was two years ago? Is this where one feels compelled to say, "Time Flies?"

We all know just how disruptive a 'difficult' individual or a collective for that matter, can be to a club.
Clubs are still willing to take the odd risk where the reward may warrant but there isn't a club out there that welcomes disruptions.

Richmond could have well done without this Martin incident and i wouldn't be surprised should they be just a little concerned of further incidents.
I think even Richmond people may feel just a little nervous......., what about Clem?
He's done/doing his penance and this incident wasn't his first indiscretion either.
Has the ability to make for a good story but fair to say that Carlton people may just be a little edgy about him, also.
That was two years ago? Is this where one feels compelled to say, "Time Flies?"

We all know just how disruptive a 'difficult' individual or a collective for that matter, can be to a club.
Clubs are still willing to take the odd risk where the reward may warrant but there isn't a club out there that welcomes disruptions.

Richmond could have well done without this Martin incident and i wouldn't be surprised should they be just a little concerned of further incidents.
I think even Richmond people may feel just a little nervous......., what about Clem?
He's done/doing his penance and this incident wasn't his first indiscretion either.
Has the ability to make for a good story but fair to say that Carlton people may just be a little edgy about him, also.
I agree with you. Hopefully players learn from their indiscretions. After all, players are only human, with human frailties and a lack of judgement apparent at times. Some can have discretion so "managed".
Even the best, even the most senior, even those well respected (reference to Hodge) by the media. Some get off lightly compared with the spotlight put on others.
Nervous? Certainly would be.
Hopefully young Clem can get guidance and turn things around
I agree with you. Hopefully players learn from their indiscretions. After all, players are only human, with human frailties and a lack of judgement apparent at times. Some can have discretion so "managed".
Even the best, even the most senior, even those well respected (reference to Hodge) by the media. Some get off lightly compared with the spotlight put on others.
Nervous? Certainly would be.
Hopefully young Clem can get guidance and turn things around

Like it or not, players do get provoked when out in public.
Some can turn a blind eye and some somehow just find a way to get involved.

I don't know the full Clem Smith story...............and you may not want to hear this, but Smith got himself into trouble along with Yarran earlier this year.
Yarran went to the reserves and Smith had a day off by not playing VFL.
There are many of these stories that never find light of day but when a player does have a couple of strikes against his name, he invariably gains a reputation that some like to feed off - Media and the public.

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This is the Clem Smith thread.
Good to see Bolton setting the culture early by sentencing Clem to a weeks worth of treadmill runs and sit-ups.

Seems they take drunken physical assault seriously down at the blues.

Blatant defamation is blatant. When was the last time you thought before you posted?
Clem himself has admitted to being involved in a physical assault while on the grog in the city.
Not sure why you are trying to sugar coat his violent behavior.
Another slanderous statement is slanderous, you seriously have it out for him don't you?
Clem himself has admitted to being involved in a physical assault while on the grog in the city.
Not sure why you are trying to sugar coat his violent behavior.

1. City? Wasn't it Windsor?
2. By physical assault do you mean he was attacked or he was the one attacking?
3. Did you witness this incident?

Generally speaking it's the sillier people that somehow find a way to get involved in altercations (as if you don't know that) so there is little excuse, but you are coming off to know a lot so show us what you know that we don't.
Another slanderous statement is slanderous, you seriously have it out for him don't you?

Nah, just commenting in the Clem Smith thread. Its a shame Carlton supporters just sweep this sort of behaviour under the carpet.

Physical violence while out on the grog is a terrible example to set and shouldn't be tolerated.
1. City? Wasn't it Windsor?
2. By physical assault do you mean he was attacked or he was the one attacking?
3. Did you witness this incident?

Generally speaking it's the sillier people that somehow find a way to get involved in altercations (as if you don't know that) so there is little excuse, but you are coming off to know a lot so show us what you know that we don't.
Fact is, he was involved in a physical assault while out on the grog. Clem admitted this to Carlton officials and apologised to his team mates. No need for me to be there to witness the event to make it real for you to believe it happened.

And if Carlton supporters want to make them feel better that it was Windsor rather than the CBD then good for them. Seems strange that you would trivialise the event based on where it occurred.
Fact is, he was involved in a physical assault while out on the grog. Clem admitted this to Carlton officials and apologised to his team mates. No need for me to be there to witness the event to make it real for you to believe it happened.

And if Carlton supporters want to make them feel better that it was Windsor rather than the CBD then good for them. Seems strange that you would trivialise the event based on where it occurred.

Was he the aggressor or the one being attacked? Simple question deserving of a simple answer............and if anyone seem to be the man.

Re. The Chapel st thing: Just pointing out that your 'facts' aren't really stacking up. Maybe you like adding a bit of mayo to things......I thought so. :)
Was he the aggressor or the one being attacked? Simple question deserving of a simple answer............and if anyone seem to be the man.

Never stated as such.
Fact is, Clem apologised for being involved in a violent altercation while out on the grog.

There should be no excuse for drunken violence by AFL players don't you agree?
After that last post, there isn't any point in debating with Rich01, he's either deliberately baiting and trolling or he really is that....ummm..."confused". If he wants to stand up against drunken violence then maybe he should look in his own backyard where apparently drunken violence against women/drunken threats of violence against women is acceptable behavior when you're the best player on your team.
Never stated as such.
Fact is, Clem apologised for being involved in a violent altercation while out on the grog.

There should be no excuse for drunken violence by AFL players don't you agree?

Simon White had to apologize earlier in the year (last year?) also, even though he was the one being provoked.
Chris Judd would have also apologized should have he got involved in an altercation not of his may have been the case in Lygon st.

I just don't think that there's enough info out there on Smith as to what has gone down.
I fear for it not to be favourable for him and he's a silly lad to be getting involved, but the 'facts' of the matter are...........I don't have the facts..
After that last post, there isn't any point in debating with Rich01, he's either deliberately baiting and trolling or he really is that....ummm..."confused". If he wants to stand up against drunken violence then maybe he should look in his own backyard where apparently drunken violence against women/drunken threats of violence against women is acceptable behavior when you're the best player on your team.
Not sure what your issue is.
This thread is to discuss Clem Smiths drunken behaviour and I'm
doing that. No need for you to respond if you don't want to.

But my stance on the Martin matter is that if witnesses and or cctv have found him to have committed what the alleged victim claimed, he should be suspended for a long time.

There is no room for drunken violence from AFL players.
Clem Smith included.
Simon White had to apologize earlier in the year (last year?) also, even though he was the one being provoked.
Chris Judd would have also apologized should have he got involved in an altercation not of his may have been the case in Lygon st.
This Simon White incident?
The one where he was heckled by a bloke then White punched him in the face? Yeah I reckon he probably had to apologise for that one. You think this behaviour was acceptable? What was his punishment from Carlton? Swept under the carpet I spose.
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Scandal Clem Smith in drunken altercation

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