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In between the ridiculous lag I managed this...


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Nightfall in ttk requires level 40, interesting that a wipe will no longer return you to orbit
Maybe they have eliminated 'cheese' or 'safe' spots and so it is a bit harsh to boot back to orbit.
I'm pretty sure it would just restart the nightfall, just saving time.
Yeh, good point. The whole re kicking it off from orbit kind if stinks. Just make you start straight away is a better option.

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It better not. The whole point of a nightfall is the added challenge not wiping brings. It'll just be a weekly if they remove that.
it would be so ******* *ed if they do. I originally read it like that and face-palmed, but if you read the actual text I hope it is as you've interpreted it:

Our desired Nightfall experience is the weekly ritual where you get together with your friends for a test of thumbskill and allow players to optimize for gear.

Burn skulls motivate weapon rotation and now the Burn resist talents found on chest pieces will rotate armor.

The death penalty of being kicked to orbit often leads to players feeling forced to play too safe, rather than running through the world as a monster killing machine.

Another thing we didn't like about the Year 1 Nightfall was how players could feel forced to play Nightfall as early as possible in the week to maximize the benefit from the Nightfall buff. So, we've shelved that buff until we can reform it into something closer to its original intent - a mark of prestige for having achieved something challenging. We've adjusted sources of XP and Reputation up to account for its absence.
    • Now Requires Level 40
    • Wiping no longer returns Fireteams to Orbit
    • Now uses 30 second time-out penalty for Death (same as Raid Normal)

I've bolded the relevant bits and it does specifically say return to orbit, so the question is, are they using that as a descriptor for the wipe mechanism or specifically just the whole orbit, fly in thing.

My opinion is that it will still wipe you to the start. It has to. Why? Because it's called a ******* Nightfall. The whole point about "nightfall" is that you wipe as a team, you're done.

It would be insane as heck if that wasn't the case, and along with the no radiant light buff it would be ****ed. Even though you get "nightfall tier" rewards it just wouldn't be fun to do
I think the messenger just got his message wrong. It doesn't say that you'll return to the last checkpoint anywhere as far as I can see.
This is where I got it from

Moreover, Bungie is doing away with the Nightfall punishment in Destiny: The Taken King, meaning players will no longer be kicked to orbit upon a full team wipe. Like the Weekly Heroic Strike, the Nightfall will now keep track of the fireteam’s checkpoints, and restart them there if they wipe. However, if one player dies, they will be hit with a 30-second revive timer, instead of an instant revive option like before.
hopefully the nightfall is actually even harder, in exchange for not having to fly in. Now you can res someone immediately. The 30s wait will actually make it more of a challenge, so that's awesome as long as the nightfall mechanic is maintained.

The removal of weeklies is a funny one. They said they want people to not feel like it's a chore, having to do it on all 3 chars, so now you get legenary marks across account first 3 goes, no matter which char. And it's a playlist, so it will be random strikes, which is also good. But then they add a guaranteed legendary engram (good) for each chars first completion, which kind of defeats the purpose of not wanting people to feel pressured.

Me, I think it's just strange. Who cares if people feel "pressured"? They don't actually have to do it, they just might not get every single thing they possibly can. what's wrong with that?

And, heck only knows what's happening with strange coins. Are they still a thing? And if so, how do you earn them now?
This is where I got it from

Moreover, Bungie is doing away with the Nightfall punishment in Destiny: The Taken King, meaning players will no longer be kicked to orbit upon a full team wipe. Like the Weekly Heroic Strike, the Nightfall will now keep track of the fireteam’s checkpoints, and restart them there if they wipe. However, if one player dies, they will be hit with a 30-second revive timer, instead of an instant revive option like before.
right. Hadn't seen that.

I hope they have just misunderstood the weekly update because if that's the case it's ****ed. Don't call it a nightfall pls. I tend to think they are just idiots who've misinterpreted
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