Fear of Flying

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flying is sweet.

yeah turbulence is lacking, but chances of anything happening are slim at best.

for all those worried just think "what could possibly go wrong hurtling through the air 30,000 feet above the ground at 1,000 k's an hour in a steel cage?" ;)
I hate flying I have panic attacks for days leading up to the flight.
I had to get prescribed valium just to fly to Melbourne last year to watch the footy.
With all these aviation incidents this year it's scary to think about.
I couldn't handle an international flight, but I would like to see the rest of the world someday.


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I hate flying I have panic attacks for days leading up to the flight.
I had to get prescribed valium just to fly to Melbourne last year to watch the footy.
With all these aviation incidents this year it's scary to think about.
I couldn't handle an international flight, but I would like to see the rest of the world someday.



A half decent psychologist should be able to help. Don't allow your anxiety prohibit you from experiencing travel. Your GP can refer you, which you can access through medicare. An evidence based approach, that contains some form of exposure therapy (graded) would be the best way to go
I love flying. Especially take off and landing. Those tail cams are absolutely spectacular for landings.
Only been in one go around and that was on my first flying lesson where ATC told the instructor to go around. I do get ear pressurisation issues though which sucks when flying commercially.

http://www.fearlessflyers.com.au/ is apparently awesome for assisting nervous flyers. Not cheap though!
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Have flown a few times and always enjoy it. Love take-off/landing for the views and the acceleration/touchdown.

I guess I don't give too much thought to the possibility of anything going wrong. Usually the people around are white-knuckling it though.

Wasn't a pleasant experience flying back to Melbourne from the Gold Coast back in May, though. Got up and wandered down to talk with relatives that had seats at the front (I was two rows from the back) and my eyes wandered over to the window, I was almost staring straight down at the ground, which was still visible, and somewhat unnerving. Get into Victoria and the wind is buffeting the plane around and we were stuck in a holding pattern around Lake Eildon for 45 minutes while a group of tourists freaked out.

Luckily I don't seem to get colds or suffer because of the pressure, it's just others panicking and making a scene that makes flying unpleasant.
I wasn't born with wings, So I figure that's the universe telling me.....Don't fly mate
When we were on school holidays, and if there were spare seats on the plane, my old man used to to take us up to Roxby Downs. Flying on those little six seaters in turbulence isn't my idea of a good time, come to think spending time in Roxby Downs wasn't exactly my idea of a good team either. It wasn't bad in decent weather though, you could and sit up with the pilot which was cool at the time.
The chances of anything going wrong are so minute but in the unlikely event of an emergency, it pays to understand the emergency procedures, hence why you should pay attention to the safety demonstration on board your aircraft. Once that's done, sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.

Generally take off and landing is the most dangerous as others have said but you still have more chance of getting hit by a bus crossing a road than being involved in a serious air accident.
you just have to remind yourself you have a better chance of getting killed on the road

I always imagined that this would just make people horrified of driving as well

We've become fairly good at ignoring our own mortality, not sure why people get worried about flying in particular though

Think of all the flights in Australia that have taken off and landed safely today, and yesterday, and the day before and so on and so on, thousnads upon thousands upon millions of flights taken off and landed without an issue

Could you imagine if every night on the news they noted "and another good day for aviation travel today, all 4000 flights around Australia landed safely today with no deaths"

After a month of getting the same message it would get a little boring, but it could drum the idea that flying is safe in to peoples heads
Once I get an hour or two into the journey, I adopt a very blase attitude to the flight. 'What was that noise' becomes 'if that was something horrible, then **** it what can I do about it?'

In saying that, I spend the weeks heading into a flight when I haven't been on a plane for a while with a little extra attached anxiety.

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I do, but I have little interest in traveling so it doesn't effect me too much.
Probably had close to 150 flights. I used to get ready for a flight like I was going to Luna Park and loved it. Then all off a sudden I got the dirtiest phobia of flying and it's right off the charts! I don't sleep one minute the night before a flight and get major anxiety. In the terminal I'm utterly petrified and struggle to hold a conversation.

When it's time to board it's like faaaaaaaark here we go!! I walk down that shoot like I'm going to the gas chamber. I refer to it as an air coffin. Once in there I root about trying to get my mind of it but, the hands start sweating up, I can't sit still, does the person sitting next to me think I'm a suicide bomber because I'm way to nervous. Many times before take off I've been close to getting up and saying let me the f uck off.

Every bump, noise and movement of the plane I shit my pants. Clenched fists for the entire flight and when offered food I just nod no because I can't speak. I basically sit the entire flight with my head down and my fists clenched. I even read my flight number to myself in the terminal and think of the news saying flight number 295 has gone down in the ocean.

Um yer I'm not a fan. I just can't put a finger on why all of a sudden I got this phobia.
I hate flying I have panic attacks for days leading up to the flight.
I had to get prescribed valium just to fly to Melbourne last year to watch the footy.
With all these aviation incidents this year it's scary to think about.
I couldn't handle an international flight, but I would like to see the rest of the world someday.


Had four 5mg Valium 40mins before my last flight and two more 10mins after boarding...........did zero and may as well of had 20 red bulls (never had one in my life). Flipping completely off my lid at having no control I think.
No, train no probs, travelling in a car doing 220-240, not fussed about confined spaces. Just came from know where:thumbsdown:

Same thing happened to my sister-in-law. Had no problems for years, then boom! panic attacks prior to flying. A bit of cognitive restructuring and graded exposure and now she's good
I used to be fine with it and done a bit of flying over the last few years but I'm not sure if it was watching too much Air crash investigations or what but on the flights to Europe and back I was freaking out. Since the MH disasters I dont really want to go back on one but realise I'll have to at one stage.

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