The Law Ferguson

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Most libertarians are only libertarians when it suits them.

Its a cowards ideology. Its an excuse to pretend you aren't conservative (because its become an indefensivble ideology) while still remaining selfish.

the ideology for little weak boys.
Catalyst. Let's hope America burns.

They don't organise, though. Burning and looting in their own neighbourhoods won't sell the revolution, brother. They've got to destroy the ivory towers if they have to destroy anything at all.

Directionless ragers, even in the most heavily-armed civilian populace on earth, are no threat to the status quo.

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*lots of stuff

I appreciate the lengths you've gone to back up what you were saying.

I hadn't read that part of the transcript where the grand juror discusses the distance he had moved forward. It's worth noting that she was talking to a detective at that point, not a blood splatter expert. I'd still need to see an actual expert say that the blood trail is consistent with him charging rather than just the result of his brains being blown out of his head. Interestingly, when a court reporter asked the prosecutor if there was any evidence other than Wilson's testimony that Brown was charging at him, he avoided the question.
Yeah, and these cops lied.

Do you have a point?

this shit again? and now you're claiming the cops lied?
what did they lie about?

Once again where at a point where an absolute atrocity is happens Michael browns killer not going to trial.
and you seek to misrepresent a clear cut case of self defence.

stick to the ****ing case at hand if you want to make a separate thread about the shooting of Kajieme Powell.
I'll happily tear your frankly uneducated and emotive response to the case, to shreds.

this was clear cut self defence, there's no gaps or issues with what happened. unless you're going to sit their and tell me the cop's invented the knife and planted it on him.

stop bringing this into the MB case it's unrelated just like the bullshit about MB supposedly robbing a shop which never actually happened or MB's family getting into a fight over merch, it's all completely unrelated.

and furthermore these cops did nothing wrong! you actually make me angry, you make good solid points throughout this thread that i agree with then pull this shit which completely undermines your position on the Michael Brown case and because i happen to share it by extension if i don't go to pain's to explain that in the case of Kajieme Powell the police acted appropriately, it run's the risk of being dismissed as ranting's of people who are just hating on cop's.

and for the record i ****ing loathe cop's in general, but here they acted as they ****ing should have and you undermine entire case by bring this up.
let's review the "disputed fact's in this case"

A) he was holding the knife in an overhand grip: the officers never said he had his arm up just how he was gripping the knife, result it doesn't conflict with the statement the police gave.
B) that he actually had a knife, you mean the steak knife that was recovered at the scene
C) the distance the between the police which was described as 3 or 4 feet? the evidence for which is a video shot on a side on angle from quite a distance away and only put's the officers distance out by what? 3-4 feet? nevermind depth perception or the fact they were recalling an incident that escalated from "there's a dude that robbed my shop, he's out the front" to Put the knife down in just 15 seconds.

**** they were off by what? a metre? **** it let's hang em high.

what did they lie about?
And there we have it.

Eyewitnesses lie, whereas cops make errors.

The initial police report about that incident describes a far more threatening scene than actually happened. Meters became feet and yes the nature of how he was holding the knife differed in their initial report. Pretty important information if you're describing a situation in which a person died.

Had the video not surfaced I'm sure people would have taken what the police said on face value.

Like they are in this case.

Also, like in this case, the officers did not attempt to deescalate the situation. They also continue to fire shots once he's down.

Officers involved in fatal shootings have every reason to at the very least exaggerate the nature of the threat they faced. I could post numerous examples of this being the case. This example demonstrates perfectly, even when two officers are involved, their testimony can differ from what actually happened (and these guys are in the business of giving witness statements).

So we're supposed to believe Wilson simply because he carries a badge?
They don't organise, though. Burning and looting in their own neighbourhoods won't sell the revolution, brother. They've got to destroy the ivory towers if they have to destroy anything at all.

Directionless ragers, even in the most heavily-armed civilian populace on earth, are no threat to the status quo.

Once/if the gangs and trade unions get on board and armed, its over for the cops in the USA
"You can't trust the government, unless they convict a black man; then you can't question it."

-Typical white conspiracy theorist/conservative in the past 2 days.
Once/if the gangs and trade unions get on board and armed, its over for the cops in the USA

You people are honestly ****ed hey.

Page after page after page....

"Pig, pig, pig"

"I wish Wilson was dead"

"All cops are pigs"

"Never trust a cop"

"Cops inherently lie"

"All cops are racist bullies"

On and on and on.

I really hope the blokes on this thread are just a misrepresented cross section of the community out there who have had the rough end of it, because as much as I know police will never be the darlings of the community, and I'm used to hearing all this shit, I still find it sad that all the good and decent coppers out there just don't seem to exist in peoples minds.

The ones who worked in the pcyc's, who help out with the high schools - I did both in my time and so did a lot of mates I worked with....are they pig scum too? The police who caught Daniel Morcombe's killer....pig scum? The ones who attend the fatal car accident scenes....I did my share of that, pig scum?

Yes I knew plenty of blokes who shouldn't be in uniform too, don't worry about that...but I'm sure there are plenty of people who shouldn't be teaching or nursing either.

Think about this guys, love them, hate them....if the police went away tomorow, how long would it be before it was complete and utter ****ing anarchy on the streets?

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I have a problem with coppers who assume that an indigenous person has a chip on their shoulder or who threatens retribution if you don't respect the uniform. Fortunately natural selection is weeding out those sort of knuckle draggers.

I'm afraid if you exhibit behaviour and language 'pig, pig, pig' 'only good pigs and dead pigs' etc...I'll assume you have a chip on your shoulder.

Be you black, white, or pink polka dots.

Fair enough I would of thought.

Just remember in addition to just shooting innocent law abiding black kids police are also the ones who have to knock on your door to tell you your kids are dead in the morgue, and they are also who will catch the animals that rape and kill them etc

Worth a tiny bit of respect I would of thought.
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Think about this guys, love them, hate them....if the police went away tomorow, how long would it be before it was complete and utter ******* anarchy on the streets?

Honestly? Nothing hidden? There's extensive organized crime inside police forces, in this country, in all western country's. There's extensive discrimination towards the lower classes in all police forces in this country.

For some people, they'll get justice. For alot of people who don't get discrimination from the police, they'll get a rude shock and find out what the boot on the other foot is llike.

Yes the same will happen if police forces crumble as when those same police forces attacked and destroyed aboriginal societies for the last 200 or so years.
Yeah exactly he was walking down the middle of the road. The police officer asked him to walk on the sidewalk. He then noticed stolen contraband in his hands. Brown then attacked him.

How is that racial profilling? Proper police work.

Yeah, you basically made that up.
You people are honestly stuffed hey.

Page after page after page....

"Pig, pig, pig"

"I wish Wilson was dead"

"All cops are pigs"

"Never trust a cop"

"Cops inherently lie"

"All cops are racist bullies"

On and on and on.
I hope your reports as a cop were a touch more accurate than this.

Yes I knew plenty of blokes who shouldn't be in uniform too, don't worry about that...but I'm sure there are plenty of people who shouldn't be teaching or nursing either.

Yet you believe the community should trust every one of them on face value?


But hey . . . "where would be without them"? :rolleyes:
why chase the guy down when he has already gone for your gun? Baring in mind he was still in the car and Brown was leaving the scene
Lol backup. It wouldn't have got there in time. Brown attacked a cop while at the same time went for his gun. Brown would have been charged with attempted murder of a cop if he had lived. To Wilson at this point Brown is one seriously dangerous criminal, he has every right to at least try and pursue him. When at this time Brown stopped and faced Wilson he should have surrendered, not go at him and try to attack him again.

I'll ask again, you're out of the car, Brown is now facing you and has started coming at you (could be running), what would have you lot done here?
Lol backup. It wouldn't have got there in time. Brown attacked a cop while at the same time went for his gun. Brown would have been charged with attempted murder of a cop if he had lived. To Wilson at this point Brown is one seriously dangerous criminal, he has every right to at least try and pursue him. When at this time Brown stopped and faced Wilson he should have surrendered, not go at him and try to attack him again.

I'll ask again, you're out of the car, Brown is now facing you and has started coming at you (could be running), what would have you lot done here?
I'll answer if you answer this question first: do you believe Wilson's statement that the strength differential between him and Brown was the equivalent of a 5 year old up against a pro wrestler?
Lol backup. It wouldn't have got there in time. Brown attacked a cop while at the same time went for his gun. Brown would have been charged with attempted murder of a cop if he had lived. To Wilson at this point Brown is one seriously dangerous criminal, he has every right to at least try and pursue him. When at this time Brown stopped and faced Wilson he should have surrendered, not go at him and try to attack him again.

I'll ask again, you're out of the car, Brown is now facing you and has started coming at you (could be running), what would have you lot done here?

That's exactly what most of the witnesses claim happened.
I hope your reports as a cop were a touch more accurate than this.


Yet you believe the community should trust every one of them on face value?


But hey . . . "where would be without them"? :rolleyes:

I didn't say that the community should trust every cop at face value....that is something which must be earnt.

But the automatic presumption that they are likely to a man all racist, trigger happy, power crazed, thugs would be nice.
I'll answer if you answer this question first: do you believe Wilson's statement that the strength differential between him and Brown was the equivalent of a 5 year old up against a pro wrestler?
I asked first.

That's exactly what most of the witnesses claim happened.
Again, are we talking about the same witnesses who claimed at first Brown was shot in the back?

The physical evidence points to Brown moving towards Wilson. That's not surrendering.
Just in the interests of establishing any potential bias....are you Aboriginal by any chance?

Would it matter or would it re-affirm your racist views?


It would however certainly affirm my belief you have a big arse chip on your shoulder and are entirely lacking in any sense of objectivity regarding this matter.

Without fear or favour hey? Then we look at your thread on Muslims, I think the people of WA should be eternally grateful you are no longer in the patrolling their streets.
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