Health How often do you do drugs?

How often do you use recreational drugs?

  • Regular user - dependent/addicted

    Votes: 11 5.6%
  • Regular recreational user

    Votes: 29 14.9%
  • Only on certain social occasions /events

    Votes: 59 30.3%
  • Never use

    Votes: 96 49.2%

  • Total voters

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What's the price of LSD these days? Thinking about giving it a test run.
Fairly often, probably 75% of the time I go out I'll end up on something, sometimes go out every weekend for 6 weeks straight then not go out for a month etc. but I probably average 2 nights out a month. Only really touch mdma and speed but have dabbled in ketamine and cocaine surprisingly only puffed a blunt once in my entire life.
Dunno about Thai buddah but maybe its an Indica strain which has that couch effect. I get mostly Sativa's which have a tendancy to do the opposite. One cone this morning and I've done some painting and mowed the lawn...
This is complete bullshit, IMO. All marijuana makes you want to chill out. They're basically the same.

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Playing in bands around Melbs and partying with mates, I've done most things and enjoyed it.

Had a patch back in 2008-2009 where I hit the glass bbq with mates probably a little too regularly in hindsight, but never really got hooked like a few of them did, and soon realised that I didn't want to "need" it like they did.

Pills, whip, caps, mushies, cones, coke.....I've had some good times on drugs, but I think I've moved on.
What's the price of LSD these days? Thinking about giving it a test run.
Pretty cheap really. $10-$15 a tab, maybe a little bit more. you need to find a reliable dealer. But it's hard to test quality. With Coke and MDMA you can get tester kits. You can also take a real little bit that won't effect you and do a taste test and have a pretty fair idea of the quality. The taste test is not always a fool proof method though.

But with acid its not so easy to test quality. There shouldn't be any smell. You can also cut off a real small corner and give it a lick. There shouldn't be any taste. But no smell and no taste doesn't necessarily mean it's the good quality. You also want to make sure you cut off a real small bit because if it's too big you'll have small visual hallucinations.
I have used alcohol, cannabis, acid, ecstasy, nitrous oxide and ketamine. (Alcohol and cannabis a lot more than the others.) If I remember anymore I'll add them. I wouldn't recommend doing any of them weekly, they can be exhausting if nothing else.

I wouldn't try ice or heroin as most accounts suggest they are extremely addictive and in turn life ruining. I've got anxiety and depression issues (predating any drug use for wowsers reading - didn't get drunk until 22) and wouldn't want to get into a trap. Has anyone here tried them, what did you think?

I like this site because it's informative of the effects unlike government/official sites (which say nothing to maintain the facade you school kid will be fuuucked if you touch it) without straying into flimsy talk about spirituality like some 'fan sites' (they also tend have awful fonts and layout haha).
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What's the price of LSD these days? Thinking about giving it a test run.
10 bucks a tab, or wait a few months and go pick some shrooms for free, essentially the same effect.

I have used alcohol, cannabis, acid, ecstasy, nitrous oxide and ketamine. (Alcohol and cannabis a lot more than the others.) If I remember anymore I'll add them. I wouldn't recommend doing any of them weekly, they can be exhausting if nothing else.

I wouldn't try ice or heroin as most accounts suggest they are extremely addictive and in turn life ruining. I've got anxiety and depression issues (predating any drug use for wowsers reading - didn't get drunk until 22) and wouldn't want to get into a trap. Has anyone here tried them, what did you think?
Had ice once, was horrible. Was up for bloody ages and very anxious.
Haven't had heroin but smoked opium once, was awesome. Very relaxing.

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A lot of people early on in this thread seem incapable of distinguishing between drug use and drug abuse. Big difference to your recreational user and your abuser/addict. I think alof of people would be shocked to find out how many people there are living a perfectly healthy life but also use recreational drugs. IMO it's important to research what you're taking and please be responsible. Personally I never touch anything during the week, be that booze or anything. Just too busy and don't feel the need. Here's some of my experiences anyways;

What a special chemical this is, pure euphoria and great with a group of firends. Great anywhere, actually. Great for partying, chilling you name it some MDMA would enhance the shit out it.
Personally, I probably would have some MDMA every couple months. That has varied in the past and been a couple of times a month aswell, moderation and having a good understanding of the drug is key.

Don't mind speed, not bad for the weekend when you're tired from work but want to join in the drinking/clubbing sesh. Pretty pricey for what it is. Probably would only have this every couple of months.

Good coke is fun, but again the price works against it. What's great about coke is you can have a blast for an hour or 2 and then it's like you've not had anything at all. No wonder it's the glamour drug. Never really had much coke overall so wouldn't be able to comment on its negatives other than it's price.

Like other posters have said, it's impossible to explain these to anyone who hasn't had a hallucinogenic. The experience is absolutely incredible, it will blow your mind. If you're not open to altering your conicousness, these probably aren't for you. If you let yourself go, you will have one of the most amazing experiences of your life. Havnt had any for a long time, would be once or a couple times a year type thing. Shroom season is coming though haha.

Weeds awesome, probably smoked 1-2 days a week for a while, pretty much every weekend. Havnt really got contacts these days so don't smoke much at all. Not fazed, if it's there I'll smoke it.

I'd drink every weekend with friends and that, never have the desire to drink during the week. Make up for it with a weekend session though.

Have tried it and hate it. Actually struggle to comprehend how so many people are addicted to it. Personally I find it to be edgy and don't really get fun out it. Not for me.
Did some hormones today.

There's a buzz after swimming 1 k in warm water at a beach. The exercise releases a lot of tensions and feel good hormones. The x factor is if theres any hot women around, their generally scantly clad. Then went home and did some pot. A hemp protein shake. I take that every day.
Don't mind a drink, usually just beer, and on the odd occasions (lately) wine and bourbon. But beer 99% of the time. Getting on the piss is great fun as I'm never one of those c***s who gets the sulks up, or violent when they've had too much. Ran into too many pieces of shit who haven't handled their piss well, wanted a punch on and should've been home with their blanky.

In terms of weed - I don't do it, but I don't see the big deal about it at the same time. Plenty of people do it, and plenty of people also think it's the devil. Personally, weed is very, very, very minuscule on the drug scale. It really isn't a big deal. So choof away.

If you want a big deal, go no further than ice. Feral, feral, feral. It's an epidemic, destroying lives and families. Know plenty of people who came from good homes and good families who ruined their lives with it (and probably their family's lives in part too). Debt that they couldn't jump over, criminal convictions, mental and physical health, threats of violence, social isolation and so on. It's really caught the law off guard, and now it can't be controlled. But they can start with investing in more prisons for the people dealing it and come down hard on those who offend. Instead they cop a slap on the wrist and are free to re-offend, and before you know it, they're out driving cars under the influence and killing someone, belting someone senseless and killing them and the rest of it. The wet lettuce leaf law is in part to blame for the shit it's done to our society.
I cynically view regular drug users as being mentally weak. They need to resort to using it because they don’t have the self-esteem and confidence to get enjoyment from things without having something to kick things along. It just seems like a sad, pathetic thing to do. To me, it’s a mental health issue and community resolution to drug problems should be about this.

Perhaps it's best not to make outrageously negative assumptions about the lifestyle and motivations if something you clearly have NFI about, it kind if makes you just look really naive and dickish.

Saying things like 'they need' and 'they don't' when you blatantly have no idea about drug use or drug users only makes yourself look like a w***er. The whole 'drug users need drugs to enjoy themselves' line is seriously one of the most outrageously ill informed things I've ever seen, and yet sooo many people cling to this like it must be true. If you're not a drug user how the **** would you know?

Personally I'm not really into party drugs, I've tried coke and enjoyed it but just have no desire to get into it due to it's ridiculous pricing. MD and pingas aren't really my scene, that being said I wouldn't say no to the offer when I'm already pretty pissed, but usually I'm drunk enough/high enough to just not be interested when I'm out.

I've had a fair bit of experience with shrooms and LSD and as much as I hate the prick who tries to convince everyone to do drugs, I genuinely feel as though tripping is such an amazing experience that people really are missing out by not trying it at some stage in their life. And no that's not to say it's to enhance a situation, it's because tripping is such a unique and fun experience that it can't be described or replicated by anything else.

Recently I've escalated my weed consumption from semi regular recreational to an everyday scenario. Not because I'm feeling addicted but because I've got better contacts and love nothing more than just mellowing out at the end of the day with a few jays and the company of my mates.
How'd you know he was undercover?

Doing crap, pointless anti-recreational drug work is what would put me off ever being a police officer. That and having to attend bogan disputes and other gutter shit instead of interesting white collar crimes.