Random Discussion - NO POLITICS, NO RELIGION

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If a foreign country has a law and punishment for that law and someone goes over and breaks it they should face the consequences.

They didn't just make up the punishments last week been around for a long time.
If a foreign country has a law and punishment for that law and someone goes over and breaks it they should face the consequences.

They didn't just make up the punishments last week been around for a long time.

Completely agree. This whole recent commotion about the Bali 9 members and their upcoming penalty is doing my head in.

The death penalty is barbaric and IMO should only be handed down to those who commit the most heinous of crimes, which drug trafficking is not.

However, they are the laws of that country and anyone who lives there, or travels there, is governed by those laws.

There's a very simple way to avoid facing the death penalty over there. Don't be a ****ing idiot and get involved in drug trafficking, or indeed break any law which has that as a punishment.

Chan and Sukumaran made a terrible error in judgement. Harsh as the penalty may be, they have to face the consequences for their actions and the prescribed penalty for that crime is the death penalty.

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We pump that much money into the economy over here. We are driving on roads that were built from Australian money.

That may be the case, but it certainly doesn't exonerate them from any responsibility nor does it make them exempt from the laws of that country.
I don't agree with the death penalty at all, it's not a proven deterrent and it is barbaric and archaic.

That said, they went to a country with TONS of warnings saying that you will DIE if you bring drugs here and they went there fully knowing this. Regardless of the fact whether this is a good law or anything, they knew the penalties when going. I'm not going to go jump into a pit full of poisonous snakes that is surrounded by signs warning me of imminent death and then complain when no one would give me an antidote.
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