Should voting rights be restricted to net tax payers?

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try googling that phrase..

I know what it means and Menzies was no "warrior".

I believe the terms used by leader of the Conservative Country party to describe Menzies in the lead up to WW2 were "shirker" and a "coward".
Menzies was a warrior that ruled with strength and honour and kept the people safe from dread.
try googling that phrase..
What Belnakor is getting at is this:
A warrior ruled his people, he kept them safe from dread. And by strength and honour now, a crown upon his head.
They are the words in a Skrewdriver song "No Turning Back". Skrewdriver are a white supremacist band. This troll account clearly wants to be called a Nazi but then is vehement in saying it isn't one. I guess we should all respect that wish and refer to them as an anti-leftie fascist. We don't want to offend him or her.

Can anyone tell me how these nutters go from not liking someone frowning at their non-PC joke, to thinking that "lefties" are ruining the country and in need of re-education at prison camps?

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What Belnakor is getting at would appear to be this:

Is very similar to this:

They are the words in a Skrewdriver song "No Turning Back". Skrewdriver are a white supremacist band. This troll account clearly wants to be called a Nazi but then is vehement in saying it isn't one. I guess we should all respect that wish and refer to them as an anti-leftie fascist.

Can anyone tell me how these nutters go from not liking someone frowning at their non-PC joke, to thinking that "lefties" are ruining the country and in need of re-education at prison camps?
Put simply, this government's given them a legitimacy that they have never had before, and, inshallah, will never get again.
Get outta my country, ya foreigner! Although asking people to "attempt to speak English" is very soft. That'd include everyone who's ever come here.

Quite - on that standard, I could get into France, Spain and Italy because I can 'attempt' to speak French, Spanish and Italy even if that consists of "two beers, please."
A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it's the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. Those that aren't lifting are holding the herd back.
They used to shoot and skin buffalo for their skin....leave em to rot on the plains....
Antiquated analogy is antiquated.
We are not buffalo, but you may be all bull.;)
Menzies was a warrior that ruled with strength and honour and kept the people safe from dread.
Yellow Peril.

Are you really Tony Abbott?
Listen to yourself: "dark" + "light" = nazi?

Are you serious? Or is this an elaborate troll on your part?

Your "analysis" reads like that of a C Grade english lit student.

I am not a nazi, but I am a patriot and I make no apology for intervening at such a critical moment in our nations history - if we do not take action now then it is entirely possible that our nation will not see it through to 2050. We have dark clouds looming to our northern borders and we need all shoulders to the wheel. What we cannot afford is to have leftist whiteants working against us from within. As a patriot I cannot sit idle while leftists stab our great nation in the back. If that means I offend a few emasculated Eastern states posters on bigfooty then so be it.

Emasculated ?

Anyway, what you really need is a three word slogan.
Listen to yourself: "dark" + "light" = nazi?

Are you serious? Or is this an elaborate troll on your part?

Your "analysis" reads like that of a C Grade english lit student.

I am not a nazi, but I am a patriot and I make no apology for intervening at such a critical moment in our nations history - if we do not take action now then it is entirely possible that our nation will not see it through to 2050. We have dark clouds looming to our northern borders and we need all shoulders to the wheel. What we cannot afford is to have leftist whiteants working against us from within. As a patriot I cannot sit idle while leftists stab our great nation in the back. If that means I offend a few emasculated Eastern states posters on bigfooty then so be it.
People like you are dangerous. Hope you get deported.
I am not defending the nazi party or its record in power.

For the tenth time - I do not support action based on race, religion, sexual preference.

I do support what I like to call "inclusive nationalism" - open to all Australians regardless of ethnic background so long as they a patriotic, do not engage in leftism, work hard, pay their way and adopt our way of life.

Religious and ethnic minorities would have nothing to fear under an "inclusive nationalist" government. Leftist vermin on the other hand would find life a little tougher - that is all leftists regardless of race or religion.

Leftists are what is holding this country back, not minority groups.
Redneck, racist, uneducated ............and illiterate?
Who'd have thunk it.
I'm not saying you they do, and yet, you should.

No I most certainly should not. Why would any rational person feel that a clueless student union type like Gillard or Papist like Abbott should have legitimate authority over oneself?

"In moral and political philosophy, the social contract or political contract is a theory or model, originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual"
I do support what I like to call "inclusive nationalism" - open to all Australians regardless of ethnic background
Inclusive? Im down with that.

so long as they a patriotic, do not engage in leftism, work hard, pay their way and adopt our way of life.
You need to acquaint yourself with the term 'inclusive'.

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Check off "humourless hashtags" if you're playing Meds Bingo. Altho I have to admit I didn't think I'd have to put "sharing opinions with a Nazi" on the board of Meds clichés.
No I most certainly should not. Why would any rational person feel that a clueless student union type like Gillard or Papist like Abbott should have legitimate authority over oneself?

"In moral and political philosophy, the social contract or political contract is a theory or model, originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual"
Yeah - how dare the authority ask for tax and provide police and medical services and welfare and roads and defence and air monitoring and etc and etc.
No I most certainly should not. Why would any rational person feel that a clueless student union type like Gillard or Papist like Abbott should have legitimate authority over oneself?

"In moral and political philosophy, the social contract or political contract is a theory or model, originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual"
Abbott's nastiness here, and emboldened by Cameron's second term, you're really off your f***ing leash son. Question the government all you like, question their legitimacy, and your heading down a slippery slope.
I am not defending the nazi party or its record in power.

For the tenth time - I do not support action based on race, religion, sexual preference.

I do support what I like to call "inclusive nationalism" - open to all Australians regardless of ethnic background so long as they a patriotic, do not engage in leftism, work hard, pay their way and adopt our way of life.

Religious and ethnic minorities would have nothing to fear under an "inclusive nationalist" government. Leftist vermin on the other hand would find life a little tougher - that is all leftists regardless of race or religion.

Leftists are what is holding this country back, not minority groups.

You're suggesting a particular class, and a group of people with a particular political persuasion, should be denied participation in our representative democracy. Needless to say this wouldn't make it a representative democracy. It would, in fact, make us a fascist state.

Beyond all that, suggesting 'Leftists' are holding the nation back is just farcical. There are maybe a dozen MP's in parliament that could actually be called Leftist. Our nation's modes of production and trade, economic systems, laws, politics, institutions, social beliefs, etc., are all in step with any capitalist political economy. To suggest otherwise is in the realm of FOX news - namely, fantasy.

As for Leaners, well, I know them intimately, I assure you. I hate to generalise, but as that hasn't stopped you, I won't let it stop me.... The leaners I know are stupid little rich ****ers, who are spoon-fed educations from mommy and daddy's purse. They would not know 'hard work' if it hit them in the face. After dribbling their way through a degree they barely pass, they then walk into cushy jobs at law firms off the back of their entitlement. Beyond the odd line of coke, they are good for very little.

Seems to me you have yourself a nasty case of right-wing authoritarianism there. Perhaps get your case worker to have someone look into it.
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No I most certainly should not. Why would any rational person feel that a clueless student union type like Gillard or Papist like Abbott should have legitimate authority over oneself?

"In moral and political philosophy, the social contract or political contract is a theory or model, originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual"

Appreciate the philosophy lesson but if you think it's useful to debate the legitimacy of the state in a modern, representative democracy, then you rock on freedom warrior.

Appreciate the philosophy lesson but if you think it's useful to debate the legitimacy of the state in a modern, representative democracy, then you rock on freedom warrior.

Meh, Bastiat nailed that sort of thinking along time ago.

“Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.”
Frédéric Bastiat, The Law
The leaners I know are stupid little rich gooses, who are spoon-fed educations from mommy and daddy's purse.

Rich but leaners eh. Someone from a private school tease you once? Poor petal. Probably accounts for your constant barrage of life owes you a living diatribes.
Rich but leaners eh. Someone from a private school tease you once? Poor petal. Probably accounts for your constant barrage of life owes you a living diatribes.

Lol, hardly. But nice try. And i've never suggested life 'owes me a living'. Being 'left' doesn't mean one thinks life 'owes them'. Only dim wits caricaturing the left assume that. FWIW I'm left but earn plenty.

Speaking of which, you like to peacock as monied, but certainly don't read like it. Nouveau at best.
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I know what it means and Menzies was no "warrior".

I believe the terms used by leader of the Conservative Country party to describe Menzies in the lead up to WW2 were "shirker" and a "coward".
Was he a lifter or a leaner?
Yeah - how dare the authority ask for tax and provide police and medical services and welfare and roads and defence and air monitoring and etc and etc.

You forgot Pink Batts. One of the greatest economic answers to an economic downturn of all times. Sometimes cheques to dead people just wont get the job done.

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