Science & Mathematics The Future of Medicine

I would rekon you won't. Which makes you chicken.
Hey Feathers. What about responding to my post before challenging others to do so.

Can you post your diet regime for a week please. Also I have a family member about to undergo chemo. Will you treat them with hemp oil with the understanding you will die if they do.

Do you believe this much in your cure
But hey prove me wrong ;)
I know i'm right about psychiatry, I've been following the most prominent scientists in the reform movement for a long time. Scientist that draw up the regulations for things like commercial airline pilots. When people try and claim the high moral ground with medicine and the scientific validity, the reality that is psychiatry contradicts those morals. You're just bluffing with bullshit. That doesn't mean that you're wrong about whatever it is you're trying to say.

Perhaps the greatest similarity is that both Santa Claus and the chemical imbalance are mythical. Santa Claus, as we know him today, has never existed, and many authors (e.g., Gotzsche, 2015; Healy, 2012; Moncrieff, 2009; and Whitaker, 2010) agree that there is not one shred of evidence for the notion that an imbalance of chemicals in the brain causes mental health problems. Ironically, any imbalance in chemicals associated with mental health problems seems to occur after people have begun ingesting psychotropic medication not before (

only tin foil hat nutters believe psychiatry. psychology is a different story.
Dr. David Healy speaking at a Press Conference prior to the 2006 FDA Advisory Committee Public Hearing on the connection between antidepressants and suicidal thoughts and actions.

Crime against humanity.
A Washington state research team discovered chemotherapy does not in any way treat or cure cancer. To the contrary, their research showed that invasive, chemo treatments actually cause the development and spread of cancer cells, making the disease exponentially harder to treat. The study confirms that chemotherapy, the go-to cancer treatment in Western medicine, is a complete scam and incredibly harmful to cancer patients.


Chemotherapy kills more than cancer. Want proof? Did you know that 9 out of 10 oncologists would refuse chemotherapy if they had cancer? That's up to 91% -- a huge percentage that clearly shines a light on the truth: chemotherapy kills. Conventional oncologists are not only allowing this to happen, but they're also bullying many patients into chemotherapy and surgery right after their diagnoses.

I've had personal experience with the behavior of oncologists in Australia bullying dying me.

Still good to see you struggle with the whole concept of science, god i'd hate for you to realize what a proper researched and presented piece looks like. :rainbow:

That said you do have my sympathy if you do believe a doctor was bullying you into a choice you didn't want to make.
They can be pretty scary. I got prescribed Aropax a few weeks ago, the day before an exam. I took it that day as told by my doctor. I ended up feeling like I was on speed, hyperventilated and collapsed, passing out on the ground. Never again.

May i ask what was the process you went through to be prescribed that dangerous brain altering drug?

these are some of the withdrawal symptoms.

aggression, anxiety, balance issues , blurred vision , brain zaps, concentration impairment, constipation, crying spells, depersonalization, diarrhea, dizziness. electric shock sensations, fatigue, flatulence, flu-like symptoms, hallucinations, hostility, highly emotional, indigestion, irritability, impaired speech, insomnia, jumpy nerves, lack of coordination, lethargy, migraine headaches / increased headaches, nausea, nervousness, over-reacting to situations, paranoia, repetitive thoughts or songs, sensory & sleep disturbances, severe internal restlessness (akathisia), stomach cramps, tremors, tinnitus (ear ringing or buzzing), tingling sensations, troubling thoughts, visual hallucinations / illusions, vivid dreams, speech or visual changes, worsened depression

These are some of the side effects.

abnormal ejaculation, abnormal orgasm, constipation, decreased appetite, decreased sex drive, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, gas, impotence, male and female genital disorders, nausea, nervousness, sleeplessness, sweating, tremor, weakness, vertigo, abdominal pain, abnormal dreams, abnormal vision, agitation, altered taste sensation, blurred vision, burning or tingling sensation, drugged feeling, emotional instability, headache, increased appetite, infection, itching, joint pain, muscle tenderness or weakness, pounding heartbeat, rash, ringing in ears, sinus inflammation, tightness in throat, twitching, upset stomach, urinary disorders, vomiting, weight gain, vertigo, yawning. Abnormal thinking, acne, alcohol abuse, allergic reaction, asthma, belching, blood and lymph abnormalities, breast pain, bronchitis, chills, colitis, difficulty swallowing, dry skin, ear pain, exaggerated sense of well-being, eye pain or inflammation, face swelling, fainting, generally ill feeling, hair loss, hallucinations, heart and circulation problems, high blood pressure, hostility, hyperventilation, increased salivation, increased sex drive, inflamed gums, inflamed mouth or tongue, lack of emotions, menstrual problems, migraine, movement disorders, neck pain, nosebleeds, paranoid and manic reactions, poor coordination, respiratory infections, sensation disorders, shortness of breath, skin disorders, stomach inflammation, swelling, teeth grinding, thirst, urinary disorders, vaginal inflammation, vision problems, weight loss

In 2012 drug company GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay US authorities a record $3 billion for fraudulently promoting drugs for diabetes and mental illness, including Aropax.
The company encouraged doctors to prescribe it "off-label" to teens – for which it had not been formally approved – and relied heavily on a key study that claimed the drug demonstrated "remarkable" efficacy and safety.

The company's study's have been shown to be fraudulent. Written by ghost writers, leaving out all the nasty stuff and completely lying about its efficiency.

Honesty makes no money, but death and suffering is a gold mine.
I never know which side of the fence GG.exe is on cause he likes every post.

If you resort to abuse and character attacks of people who bring up the reality of modern/western medicine being a sham then you're on the side of those who profit from the suffering of others.

That's no side at all, it's a sign of a mental illness.
May i ask what was the process you went through to be prescribed that dangerous brain altering drug?

Went to the doctor to get a medical certificate because I'd missed an exam after having a panic attack. They just threw the prescription at me and I decided to try it out of curiosity. Prior to that I'd always said no to anti depressants. I'm staying clear of any medication now. I'm sort of glad that it happened so that I'm 100% sure to avoid anything like that now.

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Went to the doctor to get a medical certificate because I'd missed an exam after having a panic attack. They just threw the prescription at me and I decided to try it out of curiosity. Prior to that I'd always said no to anti depressants. I'm staying clear of any medication now. I'm sort of glad that it happened so that I'm 100% sure to avoid anything like that now.

So I gather they never tried investigating the cause of the panic attack? They tried suppressing it with medications not caring how severe those drugs can be in sensitive people? You're lucky to be alive or not in trouble for acting out as result of what those pills do to some people.

Panic attacks are a sign of sensitivity and sometimes an allergic reaction to something. People with panic attacks are much more likely to encounter serious issues from doctors drugs and street drugs. Its severe negligence what you describe. it's a matter of public record that some doctors are bribed to use these pills in the way you describe.

According to The Washington Post(September 16, 2015), researchers investigating this recent analysis, which was published in The British Medical Journal, concluded that paroxetine (aropax), marketed as Paxil by GSK, was no more effective than a placebo and considerably more dangerous than the original study indicated. The researchers examined 77 ,000 pages of previously unavailable documents in Study 329, which was originally published in 2001. By 2002, over 2 million Paxil prescriptions were written for children and teens, and many more for adults. Experts speculated that psychiatrists may have prescribed Paxil after reading Study 329.

Sadly, it is impossible to know how many individuals committed suicide as a result of taking Paxil, but thousands of Paxil lawsuits, many of which allege paxil suicide, have been filed against GSK.

In late 2004, the FDA ordered makers of SSRIS to include a Black Box warning on all SSRIs, specifically mentioning the risk for suicidal behavior among youth using them. This warning was expanded in 2007 to include people 25 years of age and under.
The increased cancer risks, identified in a newly available study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health, were found at fluoride exposure levels common in both the US and Britain. It was the first examination of the link between exposure to the chemical at the critical period of a child's development and the age of onset of bone cancer.

old news for some.

called it.

yet it won't be long until you next claim that science is suspect and peer review can't be trusted (except for the stuff you find convenient to believe).
i should also note that this study hasn't been published, and wasn't even done by EWG. it's a phd student's thesis from 2001- which the author is claiming is still in peer review? i know the peer review process can be brutal, but its not 15-years-after-i-graduated brutal. what's taking so long?

also, EWG isn't exactly "well-respected"; it promotes all kinds of dubious research such as their mobile phone radiation stuff that did the rounds not long ago. essentially a bunch of greeny lobbyists.

however, the great thing about science is others can and will re-produce the results from this thesis (if it ever gets published), so we can make evidence-based decisions. unlike partisan hacks, normal people are capable of changing their mind based on new facts.
So I gather they never tried investigating the cause of the panic attack? They tried suppressing it with medications not caring how severe those drugs can be in sensitive people? You're lucky to be alive or not in trouble for acting out as result of what those pills do to some people.

Panic attacks are a sign of sensitivity and sometimes an allergic reaction to something. People with panic attacks are much more likely to encounter serious issues from doctors drugs and street drugs. Its severe negligence what you describe. it's a matter of public record that some doctors are bribed to use these pills in the way you describe.
Not sure saying this helps in any way anybody who is subject to panic attacks. You sir are a quack.

Rates of infants dependent on opioids, identified as "neonatal abstinence syndrome," or NAS, rose dramatically between 2004 and 2013, most noticeably in rural areas, according to this study, which looked at almost 24,000 infants in samples of hospital discharge data, part of a database sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

There is better and less addictive forms of pain relieve that has been deliberately denied to us.

this just not should be, but since you can grow pot in your own back yard and make cbd oil yourself, on your stove, there is no money it for doctors and pharmaceutical companies. so with all the profits they make, they create propaganda and bribe politicians, to maintain that profit. all those babies become customers.

it makes you think how evil all the trolls in this thread are defending this. Merry christmas campaigners.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of pain relief and anti-inflammation drugs available, so why would anyone choose a relatively untested treatment? The answer is simple and multifaceted. First, its cost effective. This is a natural component, not a synthetic drug, so it can’t be patented by pharmaceutical companies, meaning they can’t hitch up prices based on supply and demand. Second, most strong painkillers are opioids. Opioid side effects include constipation, nausea, drowsiness, and worst of all, they’re extremely addictive.