Things that sh*t me the sixteenth

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Half the time you just skim through anyway, usually the quiz is common sense also.
Yeah I will say I have a half hearted whinge to myself that the 'tick all that apply' questions can be BS when there's at least one option where you can definitely say "It depends" (one that I did recently was asking about who needs to be notified about a potential fraud being committed and I decided not to select "Your line manager" along with a couple of other definite options), but you're spot on. Just do it and get it over with.

It's apparently the most frustrating thing that happens in the work week for some people, which says a whole lot more about them than it does about the training as far as I'm concerned.

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Sunkist no sugar is
Solo no sugar is decent
Coke no sugar is good
Pepsi Max is

On CPH2005 using mobile app
I thought Solo was ordinary. Havne't tried sunkist. The Creaming Soda zero is pretty good. Can't remember the brand
I think via card. It is a debit card attached to my bank account.
This happened to me twice, and I think it had something to do with some small, obscure websites from which I had shopped online (clothes etc). They may have had data breaches and exposed my card. I was alerted by seeing small transactions of about $30 claiming to be from sites I'd never visited.
Half the time you just skim through anyway, usually the quiz is common sense also.
There is a local council here in Adelaide (the West Torrens Council) that requires relevant employees to do a food safety online course every year. Every year. **** me. And most of the questions are common sense like 'Is it OK to leave food out of the fridge for over three hours?' and 'Should you wash your hands before preparing food?'
The company I work for having yearly training modules to complete. Nothing wrong with that element.
The login phase is behind the Microsoft 365 UI.

Absolute campaigner of login process. Password needs changing every 30 days.
Doesn't register passwords that meet criteria as being acceptable. Registers new passwords only to then refuse you logging in under that new password.

Angry Jon Bernthal GIF by NETFLIX
The human brain is not built for, and is not capable of, remembering several long strings of nonsensical characters that get changed regularly. People say don't use the same password for multiple things. Who the **** can remember several passwords that are strong? Saved passwords are making that easier.
30 days resets is actually against best practice security anyway as it encourages bad password management
The more you expect human beings to use increasingly lengthy and nonsensical passwords and change them very frequently, in my view the more you encourage people to write it down and rehash the same thing.
In just a short amount of time, like 2-3 months, ChatGPT has become incredibly sanitized. It won't even allow discussion about hypothetical situations. It won't compare music, movies etc.

I have big problem with censorship because it's limiting our creativity especially in storywriting. You can't even write up a potential horror story.

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In just a short amount of time, like 2-3 months, ChatGPT has become incredibly sanitized. It won't even allow discussion about hypothetical situations. It won't compare music, movies etc.

I have big problem with censorship because it's limiting our creativity especially in storywriting. You can't even write up a potential horror story.

Using AI is generative, not creative.
The human brain is not built for, and is not capable of, remembering several long strings of nonsensical characters that get changed regularly. People say don't use the same password for multiple things. Who the * can remember several passwords that are strong? Saved passwords are making that easier.
All my passwords are written in a small book, otherwise I’d have no hope. Some are used on more than one site. I never change any of them. Including my bank one (which is unique and not written down, 🤞 I’ll always remember it).

Am I dicing with death?
In just a short amount of time, like 2-3 months, ChatGPT has become incredibly sanitized. It won't even allow discussion about hypothetical situations. It won't compare music, movies etc.

I have big problem with censorship because it's limiting our creativity especially in storywriting. You can't even write up a potential horror story.
So don’t use it. It’s too easy to allow novelties like this to take over because they’re “fun” and “easy”. Why do we want everything to be fun and easy? The world would have got nowhere if people hadn’t put in the hard work and brain power and critical independent thinking. Sure, there might be limited usefulness but if the population gets to rely on it it just leads to even more thought control…
First dentist appointment since December 2019. Yes I'm aware that's a long time ago. Yes I'm aware that's not a smart thing to do.

Have managed to skillfully avoid any fillings for the first couple decades of my life, but unfortunately I will need one soon. That's not all though.

Apparently I'm going to need a f*cking root canal for my front tooth. It was knocked backwards 6 years ago while playing footy with my mates and suffered a fair bit of nerve damage. I don't have any pain in it because I have a slight overbite, but the tooth will apparently start to decay and get darker, so I need to think about getting it done soon unfortunately.

Pain in the ass and expensive by the sounds of things
The human brain is not built for, and is not capable of, remembering several long strings of nonsensical characters that get changed regularly. People say don't use the same password for multiple things. Who the * can remember several passwords that are strong? Saved passwords are making that easier.
Password manager ftw.

Just gotta make sure it's a good one

2FA on top is good as long as you don't use your password manager as your 2FA as well, because that means if it gets breached they have everything.

But the issue you describe is why they are trying to move away from passwords altogether
In just a short amount of time, like 2-3 months, ChatGPT has become incredibly sanitized. It won't even allow discussion about hypothetical situations. It won't compare music, movies etc.

I have big problem with censorship because it's limiting our creativity especially in storywriting. You can't even write up a potential horror story.
I like how you said this with a straight face

Limiting your creativity - by asking someone else to write your story - your creativity

All my passwords are written in a small book, otherwise I’d have no hope. Some are used on more than one site. I never change any of them. Including my bank one (which is unique and not written down, 🤞 I’ll always remember it).

Am I dicing with death?
Same, Mrs Syd knows where the book is in case I cark it and needs to access Bank, Super etc..

Always remember to clear your browser history though.
Always ;)
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