Opinion Why Adam Goodes is booed and other anthropological discussion

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I think the racism side of it is overblown but it's really becoming like school yard pack mentality stuff... enough's enough he's a great player and a South Aussie.

[THATGUY]: As South Aussie as Shane Crawford and Bob Hawke. Raised in/identifies as Victorian.
Incorrect. Racism by definition needs have it intentions based on discrimination. Which is why calling someone a ranga isn't racist, because you know, red haired people don't die way earlier or get incarcerated at ridiculously disproportionate levels.

Ergo, the natural extension to that is, its impossible to be racists towards a white Australian as at the broad scale white Australian's are by far and away the most privileged demographic in this country.
This is just wrong. It doesnt meet the dictionary definition of racism and neither does it meet the Racial Discrimination Act's definition. Racism has nothing to do with economic privilege. It might mainly be fostered on the underprivileged but its not a necessary condition.
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because it probably wasn't considered wrong and probably not racist to use expressions like that 44 years ago.

44 years ago you could comfortably use n-, b-, a- & f-.

At some point you get a feel for things without needing to be hit between the eyes.
I have to wonder how many on this thread proclaiming everyone who boos Goodes racist, either directly or by implication, were just a few days ago bemoaning how Port has become vanilla and were unhappy with KT tarring all Port supporters with the same brush for the actions of a handful of (possibly not even) Port supporters by implication?

That cognitive dissonance could fill a large hole.
You could change the date of Australia day though couldn't you mate.
Bloody oath - Australia day is 1st January 1901 the day we were officially a nation. 26th January is NSW settlement day. The great southern land wasnt called Australia until about 1817 when Lachie Macquarie decided to call it something other than Macquarie.

But we cant have Oz day on the 1st, when we are all still hung over and everyone else around the world has the day off.
I think that the general overtone on this board is that the booing of Adam Goodes was excessive regardless of what it is fueled by.The people that clean up racism in Australia are all Australians. The journos that report it, the do gooders at the footy that complain about all types of abuse, the social workers that see the disenfranchised and speak out about the pain that they witness, the people right here on bigfooty that put racism in its place. I think this debate has been done in good spirit (including the people who don't agree with Adam Goodes).

I will make a point though. The booing occured in WA. WA people!!!! Do you remember our final there. That whole game was a boo-fest. You have to admit that our Brethren in Perth are "special".
He's taken time off from the club I hear, if it's causing him this much grief no matter what side of the fence you sit re-booing it's time to pack it in.

I think the racism side of it is overblown but it's really becoming like school yard pack mentality stuff... enough's enough he's a great player and a South Aussie.

Who cares where he's from, it's getting boring all the constant booing.
People need to find something else to do...like paying attention to the rest of the game and not just waiting for Goodes to get the ball so they can boo him.

At the end of the day it's now becoming more then just booing a 'hated' player.
It's quickly becomming bullying and torment. We don't accept this shit in our schools anymore(supposedly), nor in the work place. The footy field is his work place, why it is still acceptable for him to be bullied and tormented every weekend?

Get the **** over it Australia.
There's more important things going on then whether Adam Goodes deserved to be Australian of the Year.
I have to wonder how many on this thread proclaiming everyone who boos Goodes racist, either directly or by implication, were just a few days ago bemoaning how Port has become vanilla and were unhappy with KT tarring all Port supporters with the same brush for the actions of a handful of (possibly not even) Port supporters by implication?

That cognitive dissonance could fill a large hole.
Bullying someone is not being tough or agro. People hide behind 20000 or so other booing people, and on top of that none of the footballers respect it out there even the ones on our team. listen to the whole AFL world condemn this behavior.
Looking from the outside. Imagine coming into Australia and seeing the treatment of a dual Brownlow Medalist, Australian of the Year, anti-racism activist, Recognise Campaign Ambassador, AFL legend.......

Then people saying, 'yeah, all us guys boo him cause he's a cheat, he's a sook (because he says things we don't like to hear), he couldn't handle being called an 'ape', he's a dirty player. But we don't boo any other aboriginal players so we ain't racist'.

I like the line in Francis Leech's article 'Goodes will never be the Aboriginal player you want him to be'
Bullying someone is not being tough or agro. People hide behind 20000 or so other booing people, and on top of that none of the footballers respect it out there even the ones on our team. listen to the whole AFL world condemn this behavior.
Except the opponents 40.000 odd that turn out each away game to do it ,well it seems to be most of them anyway , don't know where you get ALL the AFL world from , heard Dermie and a few others give a contrary view to yours , definetly not ALL the AFL world , like most things its probably 50/50, if that.
I think that the general overtone on this board is that the booing of Adam Goodes was excessive regardless of what it is fueled by.The people that clean up racism in Australia are all Australians. The journos that report it, the do gooders at the footy that complain about all types of abuse, the social workers that see the disenfranchised and speak out about the pain that they witness, the people right here on bigfooty that put racism in its place. I think this debate has been done in good spirit (including the people who don't agree with Adam Goodes).

I will make a point though. The booing occured in WA. WA people!!!! Do you remember our final there. That whole game was a boo-fest. You have to admit that our Brethren in Perth are "special".
Living in Perth I wasn't surprised after landing back in Perth after the weekend in Melbourne that the Eagles fans had booed Goodes badly. That's what they do, they boo anything and anyone. Freo fans do it as well, maybe not quite to the same extreme as the Eagles fans at Subi. Not shocked it all that it blew up in Perth.

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Because someone?? One million people who live in this country feel that way. Also the fact that you came in yelling about pc crap means that... Well and all the other stuff probably means your opinion isn't worth listening to.
Are you trying to say 1 million have rights over 23 million because of race , if you are, then expect a lot more booing , rascist.
Are you trying to say 1 million have rights over 23 million because of race , if you are, then expect a lot more booing , rascist.
No I'm trying to say most Aussies couldn't give a stuff when Australia day is as long as they get a day off too get pissed. And one million care very much.
Is "Goodes will never be the aboriginal player you want him to be" the same as "Houli will never be the Muslim player you want him to be"? Both campaign for their respective minorities in this country to have equality, understanding, and education, nation wide, but only one comes of as a campaigner.
Good lord. Can't we just stop pretending to be social warriors on broader issues for one day?

I've spent time amongst aboriginal camps, elders, and activists, and they don't give 2 ****s about whenever Aus day falls. Why does everything always come back to that?

My sample size is small, but I reckon it's bigger than most here. It's also irrelevant to what takes place on the field and in the stands and around the club houses in the AFL. The GD and SRP forums are <<< that way.
Good lord. Can't we just stop pretending to be social warriors on broader issues for one day?

I've spent time amongst aboriginal camps, elders, and activists, and they don't give 2 ****s about whenever Aus day falls. Why does everything always come back to that?

My sample size is small, but I reckon it's bigger than most here. It's also irrelevant to what takes place on the field and in the stands and around the club houses in the AFL. The GD and SRP forums are <<< that way.
There are many many indigenous that live in the big smoke as well mate go ask one of them. What capacity have you spent time with the elders?

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