Society/Culture Schoolies

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Like i said after the 1st week (QLD Schoolies, in queensland students turn 17 in yr 12) Most th kids will be 18. Of coarse there will be 17 year olds after the first week but more 18 year olds.

This week will be the one i think. Party week. im going there so ill let ya know how it goes :p
Half the year 12s in Victoria turn 17 in their final year, so there will be plenty of 17 year olds.
I could go into detail about the logical fallacies, the nonsense and the mind-blowingly stupid statements made in this article.

But I'll just pick out a few choice statements.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

In fact, you're a complete ****ing idiot.

Not the best quality post, worthy of a card I think.

Try reading this, it might help
To be honest, at the end of Year 12, I never felt compelled to have some big 'release' such as schoolies at all. I just felt like it was another year of high school over, and that I'd be going to uni (which is essentially a bigger, more matured, but relaxed version of high school) next year anyway, so I just conducted myself as normal after that (ie. just did the usual socialising and bludging that you do in your spare time as a 17-year-old). I went to a party with friends after our school's official Year 12 graduation night in early December, but that was about the extent of my post-Year 12 celebrations.

But then again, I never saw/felt Year 12 to be the big stress test that everyone else seemed to, and I'm Straight Edge (don't drink, do drugs or have promiscious sex) so I'm probably not an ideal individual case study :p

You sound like me.

My 'schoolies' involved going to the 2006 Grand Final, and watching the Swans lose, sadly. Granted, it was before the exams, but that's what I spent my money on :p

Obviously banning schoolies is a stupid thing. It's a free country. But at the same time, this idea that it's some sort of 'release' after the horrors and stress of the HSC or equivalent is pretty funny. It's an excuse for a massive piss up.

Besides, something tells me the majority of people that go to schoolies weren't the ones who did all the really hard studying. Atleast, that's what I gathered from all the people at my school that went.

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I could go into detail about the logical fallacies, the nonsense and the mind-blowingly stupid statements made in this article.

But I'll just pick out a few choice statements.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

In fact, you're a complete ****ing idiot.

"Rule 1 Of Bigfooty:
Keep it civil. Remember these are real people you are talking to. Don't bag other people just for the hell of it. Keep your posts respectful of other people.. Insults like ******, **** and ******* are particularly repugnant to many moderators. Don't bait or provoke negative responses or you may be hit for points as well. Frac: Warning to Mid."

Why don't you contribute? Instead of breaking rules? Tell us your opinion instead of insulting.

Do you really think that if condoms weren't handed out, schoolies wouldn't have sex?

It almost sounds like you're saying that if a teenage boy is given a condom, he is definitely going to use it. I can tell you as a 18yo/year 12/schoolie I had in my possession a lot of condoms (often handed out at events) that were never used.

you make a very good point.

If a young guy or girl loaded runs into the right situation, having a condom is often not going to be the difference between "doing it" or not.

BUT....if 1/2 hour earlier someone handed them one and they stuck it in their pocket, there is a good chance they'd use as even in that state they know that is the right thing to do and hell, it's right there, isn't going to mean you have to get up and go get one and possibly blow the opportunity etc etc.

The OP is a religious freak, his ideas and beliefs are so out of touch it is not funny.
"Rule 1 Of Bigfooty:
Keep it civil. Remember these are real people you are talking to. Don't bag other people just for the hell of it. Keep your posts respectful of other people.. Insults like ******, **** and ******* are particularly repugnant to many moderators. Don't bait or provoke negative responses or you may be hit for points as well. Frac: Warning to Mid."

Why don't you contribute? Instead of breaking rules? Tell us your opinion instead of insulting.

meh, if you make the rules and are employed to enforce them you are in the best position to break em.

You should know that linga, just look at your own organisation, the Catholic Church!!!!!
Schoolies is here to stay.

The QLD authorities are better prepared for it than others, so move it away from there then the kids will go to other areas of the country that aren't as well resourced for it and it will be worse.

Instead of banning things, we should concentrate our efforts on stopping people from beng ********s.

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I could go into detail about the logical fallacies, the nonsense and the mind-blowingly stupid statements made in this article.

But I'll just pick out a few choice statements.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

You're a complete ****ing idiot.

In fact, you're a complete ****ing idiot.

"Rule 1 Of Bigfooty:
Keep it civil. Remember these are real people you are talking to. Don't bag other people just for the hell of it. Keep your posts respectful of other people.. Insults like ******, **** and ******* are particularly repugnant to many moderators. Don't bait or provoke negative responses or you may be hit for points as well. Frac: Warning to Mid."

Why don't you contribute? Instead of breaking rules? Tell us your opinion instead of insulting.

You're right Chief, Linga is a complete ****ing idiot.

Linga your article was rubbish. Your argument was weak to start off with and your ordinary writting skills and lack of structure did little to make it sound more convincing.

It's better to have celebrations of this scale supervised and structured than to be let to run wild and the distribution of free condoms won't increase sexual activity, it helps make sure that the schoolies have protection on hand and have little excuse not to use it.
Nah I'll be alright. It's a choice I've made for life, and I'm sticking to it :thumbsu::)

good for you. :thumbsu:

But i have heard that from so many 18-21 year olds only to see them in a club 3 years later pinging off their brains after their 5th E!

For some reason, it seems the ones that have this clean living attitude early on often turn out to go harder than anyone?????
good for you. :thumbsu:

But i have heard that from so many 18-21 year olds only to see them in a club 3 years later pinging off their brains after their 5th E!

For some reason, it seems the ones that have this clean living attitude early on often turn out to go harder than anyone?????

Making up for lost time god bless 'em.:cool:
good for you. :thumbsu:

But i have heard that from so many 18-21 year olds only to see them in a club 3 years later pinging off their brains after their 5th E!

For some reason, it seems the ones that have this clean living attitude early on often turn out to go harder than anyone?????


Most people tend to get their cheeky adventurous phase out of the way in their late teens and 20's only to mature and settle down a little later in life.

Those who rigidly maintain strict views about right and wrong end up starting threads like this one.
A lot of kids on schoolies are only 17.

So? Who cares? If you're stupid enough to make massive mistakes at age 17 then chances are you'd make them at 21 as well.

I was on schoolies when i was 17 and had no problems at all. If you're thick enough to do hard drugs in an area swarming with police, or have sex with multiple random partners then you'll get what's coming to you. It's not rocket science, and any 17 year old should understand that.
Didn't go to 'schoolies' but from what I heard there is not nearly as much promiscuous sex going on as teh media would have you believe.

Out of interest, how young must one be to avoid being classed a 'toolie'?
Didn't go to 'schoolies' but from what I heard there is not nearly as much promiscuous sex going on as teh media would have you believe.

Out of interest, how young must one be to avoid being classed a 'toolie'?

Don't worry about that, just go and take as many off those young pricks as you can. ;)

A lot of the "schoolies" there are total f'wits. I was on the GC when i was about 26 during "schoolies" for business and to catch up with a chick. A few times, during the day, away from the "events" I/we were hassled for being on the gold coast.

Challenged, they backed down so fast it wasn't funny. It's not always the "toolies" that cause the trouble. Their attitude has a lot do with it.
He leans over the boat rails and begins to vomit, in between bouts of vomit he looks through the open boat skylight into the main cabin- he can see his best mate Mark and one of the girls, they appear to be very busy, one of Joe's vomiting bouts misses the target off the boat and ends up falling though the skylight all over the couple below- amazingly they still continue, appearing not to notice. Welcome to schoolies.

Yea, bullshit.
good for you. :thumbsu:

But i have heard that from so many 18-21 year olds only to see them in a club 3 years later pinging off their brains after their 5th E!

For some reason, it seems the ones that have this clean living attitude early on often turn out to go harder than anyone?????

Well obviously they don't have the willpower, desire and conviction in their beliefs to stay the course, unlike myself :thumbsu: I've had people pretty much try and pour drinks down my throat for years (random acquaintances, not friends who know me well and know by policies), and I still haven't budged or taken as much as a sip, and I'm not giving in anytime soon.

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