Media 60 seconds with Test Tickle. Episode 83 with Test Tickle

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Episode 72 with Wacky Tiger

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
I joined the Furies at the start of S17. S17-S20 Furies, S21-S22 Hawks, S23-now Furies

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
This Is Anfield which is rather odd as Ive never seen him get a hard ball in his life.
He generally comes out of the showers dirtier than when he went in.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
S20 Grand Final for many reasons. We got redemption for the S18 loss. Smartys Power got dragged early in the game only to come on late when the match was over and i had a reasonable game myself captaining the winning side and picking up the Deestroy Medal. Was a really fun night. I often go back to that thread and like random posts by Smarty and Footypie32 just to remind them of it.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
fumbler for the lols, fitzroybowiedog so i can brag to him all night, Wooshette for the table dancing and ClarkeM simply because the shitfight accross the table with him and fumbler would be worth the price of admission in itself

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Ive had a few quiet seasons generally cause my work now has me out of the office and away from the PC. But i cant see myself giving it away any time soon. Having a blast still.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
Without trying to piss in your pocket i do have a bit of a chuckle are your Testies. Otherwise there are heaps that i get a chuckle from.
Mostly those that are happy to take this piss out of themselves from time to time. Tigerturbulance and TJASTA crack me up and good old fumbler never fails to deliver.

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Hey Wacky Tiger

**** you.
Episode 71 with Knifey Spoony

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
I first joined the Sweet FA in season 21, when Wooshette spotted my talents on the introduction board. I first volunteered my talents to the Geelong Wolves before following my good friend Hatchy1992 to the Dragons a couple of seasons later

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
I would normally say A Swallow, who is also the main instigator of shower beers at Dragon Island. However, AceAndy has recently got a water proof cover for his Nintendo Switch, so it could go either way

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
I have been blessed to have a few career highlights, such as playing (Failing) in a Grand final in my debut season, pinching an All SFA Guernsey and obviously winning a flag at the Dragons last season. However, one moment I will probably never forget is when TheInjuryFactory called me an "enjoyable character", so that.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
Well, first and foremost, Hatchy1992, partly because he is great mate and partly because I sleep on his couch at Dragon Island so it would be rude not to
Mobbs, as a small token of my appreciation for all he has built
Barrybran a poster who I respect for what they have done at the Gumbies
And if you will allow me to bend the rules, I would love to invite the Ghost of JoshWoodenSpoon, one of my all time favourite posters

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
I have inadvertently gone MIA on more than one occasion, which wasn't a conscious decision to leave however just an occurrence, however I always end up back. At the present time I enjoy the league more than ever, so I like to think I'll be around for a while yet

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
It would take way longer than 60 seconds to name all the posters who have made me laugh over the years. however a few I will mention
The Filth Wizard
While I am thoroughly enjoying the work of Rookies serial_thrilla and Tonga Bob
And of course, your fine self TT

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Testy, you forgot to add the disclaimer at the end with posters that make you laugh the most that these may not be the thoughts of the author ;)
Episode 73 with sausageroll

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Official answer: No idea. I've had so many rookie seasons to know which was which.
Unofficial Answer: Season 7 with the Southern Sharks.
Dragons (merged with Sharks): 2 seasons
Bombers: 180 odd games, I think
Furies: Just over 50 games
Demons: Just over 100 games

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
The same person is always first in the shower and last out because she likes to have a Proper Gander at all of her team mates.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
Inter-forum match in the early years. Can't remember if I played for or against SFA. Not really the definition of memorable, is it?

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
Coopers : Because I'd like to have a beer with my meal
KohPhi : To go with dessert
Butler40 : Someone's gotta serve
Rodney Dangerfield : Entertainment. Hilarious at mealtime. Especially in Natural Born Killers.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Yep. The season after the Bombers became the Bandits I lost interest. I didn't actually retire but told the captain not to play me as I didn't want free games. I missed a full season. Tarkyn_24 convinced me to join the Furies next season and I've enjoyed the SFA again since then.
I would like to go back to the Bombers at some stage. When the time is right.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
To be honest, most of my team mates at the Demons make me laugh every week. Sometimes with them. Sometimes at them.


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Episode 73 with sausageroll

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Official answer: No idea. I've had so many rookie seasons to know which was which.
Unofficial Answer: Season 7 with the Southern Sharks.
Dragons (merged with Sharks): 2 seasons
Bombers: 180 odd games, I think
Furies: Just over 50 games
Demons: Just over 100 games

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
The same person is always first in the shower and last out because she likes to have a Proper Gander at all of her team mates.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
Inter-forum match in the early years. Can't remember if I played for or against SFA. Not really the definition of memorable, is it?

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
Coopers : Because I'd like to have a beer with my meal
KohPhi : To go with dessert
Butler40 : Someone's gotta serve
Rodney Dangerfield : Entertainment. Hilarious at mealtime. Especially in Natural Born Killers.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Yep. The season after the Bombers became the Bandits I lost interest. I didn't actually retire but told the captain not to play me as I didn't want free games. I missed a full season. Tarkyn_24 convinced me to join the Furies next season and I've enjoyed the SFA again since then.
I would like to go back to the Bombers at some stage. When the time is right.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
To be honest, most of my team mates at the Demons make me laugh every week. Sometimes with them. Sometimes at them.

View attachment 882671
“Sometimes at them...”???

Um Sausage... a quick word please.
Episode 74 with Bonz

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
I think it was season 27, I have only played with the Wonders.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
Sab22, strangely enough he is also the last to leave.
Bloodied52 refuses to join us in the shower, he tends to go to a hotel room for some privacy.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
Captaining the Wonders for a single game and making 19 changes, If SAB hadn't gotten himself suspended would have been an easy win.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
SarahSmiles , ClarkeM , Proper Gander and U2tigers

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Not yet, enjoying the banter.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
ClarkeM, when his up and about it's a guarantee to bring tears to your eyes.

Episode 73 with sausageroll

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Official answer: No idea. I've had so many rookie seasons to know which was which.
Unofficial Answer: Season 7 with the Southern Sharks.
Dragons (merged with Sharks): 2 seasons
Bombers: 180 odd games, I think
Furies: Just over 50 games
Demons: Just over 100 games

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
The same person is always first in the shower and last out because she likes to have a Proper Gander at all of her team mates.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
Inter-forum match in the early years. Can't remember if I played for or against SFA. Not really the definition of memorable, is it?

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
Coopers : Because I'd like to have a beer with my meal
KohPhi : To go with dessert
Butler40 : Someone's gotta serve
Rodney Dangerfield : Entertainment. Hilarious at mealtime. Especially in Natural Born Killers.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Yep. The season after the Bombers became the Bandits I lost interest. I didn't actually retire but told the captain not to play me as I didn't want free games. I missed a full season. Tarkyn_24 convinced me to join the Furies next season and I've enjoyed the SFA again since then.
I would like to go back to the Bombers at some stage. When the time is right.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
To be honest, most of my team mates at the Demons make me laugh every week. Sometimes with them. Sometimes at them.

View attachment 882671

There is 30 seconds where a schmacko is a lost opportunity.
Episode 75 with jackster83

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Season 26 (mid year rookie) and have only played for the Swamprats.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
Magus often makes a bee line straight from the bench, while Leviathan Pie refuses to shake hands with the opposition. Far Kern refuses to take a shower because not only is it soft, but also because "you can't trust the water."

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
Playing in the Beyond Blue charity game, followed by winning the S27 premiership.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
I would invite Headless so I wouldn't be the first one to pass out drunk
Mobbs is full of old qooty "war stories" so he'd have to be on my invite list
CazC30 as every party needs someone who will **** shit up
Art Vandelay_ as he'll no doubt bring his parents, and some rye bread

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
No, never. Maybe if adsense makes gifs illegal.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
BRAB - it's hilarious to think Kevin Rudd has nothing better to do than post on bigfooty
philreich due to his ability to unsettle opposition posters with his unlimited repertoir of dad jokes
SM - because I always mistake him for SarahSmiles and wonder wtf he is on about.

Episode 76 with edgie

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
I don't remember, but I kicked a couple of goals in it! The swamprats only.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
I've occasionally gone for a quick one during a game.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?

Winning the premiership.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?

As long as I Dont Care is there so I can badger him about my car, any swampies are welcome.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Not really. I'm not as active as I'd like to be these days but until I'm turfed out I'll stick with it and pop in when I can.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?

Some of my post match stats lines make for a chuckle.

Episode 77 with Drunkgoliath

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Mid-season 26. Only been a Hawk in the SFA

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
I typically see TY24 with a hot step towards the showers, can't look that good without good personal hygiene.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
Nothing of note in my career tbh. Witnessing TJASTA go thermonuclear from a por_please_ya roasting was great

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
I hate all social instances and shindigs. But if i'm forced to pick people
Agent93 I'm amazed how many things we have in common. Good bloke.
por_please_ya League sweetheart, I'll bring the cannoli
ArdentEagle Top bloke when he was with us at the Hawks
Harvey Manfrenjensenden Because otherwise he'll go the blub when I see him next.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
All the time, not something I really prioritise during the week.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
Agent93 typically has some really good zingers, has the ability to look laterally at otherwise normal conversation.
Things lacking context tend to tickle me.

Episode 78 with DemonJim

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
My debut was back in Season 14. I started off with the Wonders until Season 18 when I moved over to the Bears.
To be honest I'm not sure which season (22 or 23) I moved on from the bears. It was after winning their first premiership. Been a Demon ever since.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
Tarks. But he stinks really bad with his flabby arse so it's understandable.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
4 premiership medals! Always fun to make it to the big day (and the week leading up to it!)

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
manangatang Proper Gander Headless and Tarkyn_24 But definitely not that traitor Yakker

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Yep, decided to switch teams instead. I went to the bears and that kept me going.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
Bloodied52 He's a weird unit.
Proper Gander is a great poster. She's hilarious!
Callums_Guns is solid as well.



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Episode 79 with This Is Anfield

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Season 18 and Furies only.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
Shower??? Furies don't shower... we live in dumpsters FFS.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
Season 20 flag. Won purely on talent unlike other flags which are just the random sim.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
fumbler and his interpreter, @pantskyle as it's about time we "met", KohPhi to bring the coffees and Rodney Dangerfield for the laughs.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
Have given it away in the past... recommend a break to most SFAers.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
Tigerturbulance ... expert photoshopping, lol.

Episode 80 with StFly

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
S12 and only the Gumbies as initially the request indicated to assist and it's a half arsed attempt to assist do a job then piss off.
You do it well, you shit on all before you and you chortle.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
I style as an insect and you think I bathe? This is cute. I assume Tayl0r given the promiscuity around the place and that beaches are currently barren.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?

If anything it was actually people looking to me for advice. I mean, first game literally being laughed at for being the only bloke "around" to do so was pretty disheartening, if it wasn't followed up by advice on how to do things or what needs to be done I'd have been out of here quick smart. But then to be that bloke and people actually listening was a proud moment.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?

beez so correct table placements can be placed and everyone can learn correct pronunciation of things, Gus, so I and the rest of the table can tell him to emulate his career and piss off for eternity, Marlowe because conversation is primary at a dinner party and we can do no worse, and I suppose Tayl0r as class requires ass.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?

I did, S18 to be primary carer for my mother who suffered MND with fronto temporal dementia, terminal within a 1 year and a half, only returned S23 as the "burn the world" phase reduced a bit. Can't really shoot the shit when you want everything to die, didn't really handle it well, warned the Saints mods since I still wanted an outlet and footy was still "good". They were great about it.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
Clarkey, he thinks most of us Gumbys give a shit about him and what he says, it's hilarious.

Taylor ClarkeM
6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
Clarkey, he thinks most of us Gumbys give a shit about him and what he says, it's hilarious.
That was like eleven seasons ago.

I guess salt lasts...
Episode 81 with JT_the_Man

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Season 19. I spent two seasons with the Hawks before being delisted because I was an inactive list clogger, then joined the Wonders and the rest is history.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
Bonz is always far too eager to get in the showers. First in, last out. You never see TheHairyGamer in there though.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
We won the flag in S21. That was pretty great.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
Well I have to invite my fellow benchwarmers Dingster and Headless. Then I guess I should invite my captain Sab22, and I guess haydo can come too to pitch the Serpents to everyone, probably leading to a shitfight between himself and Sab22 over my services.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
I’ve thought about it a few times, but never too seriously. There were a few seasons where I probably would’ve taken a break if we’d won the flag, but that never happened and even if it did I probably wouldn’t have lasted long and made a mid season comeback.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
Tony Lynn 15 is pretty funny. TJASTA can still deliver some laughs, and Headless has still got it as well.

Episode 82 with Rodney Dangerfield

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
Not 100% sure but think it was maybe season 18 or 19? Played for Furies, Demons, Royals and Gumbies.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?
you can just about guarantee that beez is first into the showers and any bodies.
I wouldn’t know though as I’m usually perving on Taylor in the other shower.

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?
I have seriously had no memorable moments in a laughable career.
I did play in a premiership for the Furies apparently but have no memory of it and not even sure if it really happened.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?
I’d have to invite Barrybran because he’s my captain and I’ve learnt you need to suck up to them. Ned_Flanders so there is somebody uglier than me, The Filth Wizard so I can feel like I’m a big deal and Elton Johns Wig do there is somebody more pissed than me.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?
I think of giving it away every single Sunday after a match. The game takes the piss out of me.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?
A lot make me laugh Beez in my own team but being a bit old school people like Noobz0r Blacky, brahj, pants, filthy... yes BC I know but it’s my type of humor. BRAB was another and the Gumbies have been fortunate enough to recruit Jack The Godfather who is good value. DapperJong, Dero, boncer34 and those previous dinner guests plus many more. It’s a good place for a laugh.

Episode 83 with Test Tickle

1 - What season did you debut in the SFA and what clubs have you played with?
I debuted in S26 along with Barrybran Cadaver and Tandy (RIP) all quality individuals and we took the SFA by the scruff off the neck and have never looked back. Known as the Spam Bears, we were a force that nobody could hold back. The Las Vegas Bears were where the people wanted to be, as membership sales went through the roof, with record SFA merchandise and marketing memorabilia sales in S26.

2 - Which players from your club are always the first into the showers after a game?

Well its actually its a funny site to see, I generally go straight for the esky, once I've got that, everyone strips off and heads for the showers, they know that esky is also heading for the showers, so pretty much the whole Bears team follow me in and are always happy to wash me down and lick me clean, front and back, top and bottom, after a game of qooty.
Cap Jezmiester40 hilly Art Vandelay_ Ok Boomer Magruder RookiePick Its Manbearpig kane249 MWPP reggie Matera92 kelpie_X Fizzler tgrs Lemon Boi Yatmax Hawks1994 Metalcrusher

3 - What has been your most memorable moment in your SFA career to date?

My most memorable moment would be making the Grand Final in S27, we lost by just 3pts, but it was a huge Match Thread leading up to it and a great game against the Swamprats. Also making All-SFA Ruck last season was a huge moment and honor for me.

4 - You and I are hosting a luxurious dinner party, please invite 4 other current SFA players?

Ok I would invite Tigerturbulance and his hot tub would be awesome, NaturalDisaster so i could hold his head under the water, Antonio BlueVein for shits and giggles and AceAndy to cook and do the dishes.

5 - Have you ever thought of giving the SFA away at any stage, elaborate if you wish?

My word I nearly gave it away in my very first season, I remember it like it was yesterday. Cadaver and The Half Back were entertaining each other in a slightly vigorous manor, so i jumped in between them and made a complete dick of myself, I was so embarrassed and if it wasn't for ND telling me to harden the **** up, I probably wouldn't be here today.

6 - Which current players make you laugh the most?

KohPhi gifs always make me laugh, Ned_Flanders is very funny, I love the way Metalcrusher wears his heart on his sleeve, Harvey Manfrenjensenden is very funny along with WFL, pantsredacted, Turbo and NaturalDisaster.

That is it for S29, hope you all enjoyed it and thank you to everyone that took part in the thread.


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Media 60 seconds with Test Tickle. Episode 83 with Test Tickle

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