Mega Thread Coronavirus & the AFL - Stage 4 Restrictions in Place in Vic - Part 3

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This is part Three.

Part One can be found here -

Part Two can be found here -

Part 4 can be found here:

Australian stats page:

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Sky NEWS reporting that the lockdown could end after 6 weeks regardless.

The state will just have to suck it up and live with the virus.

US cities such as Seattle (800 cases per day) and Chicago (1,700 cases per day) have partially opened up.
Sky news lol
The big mistake was the hotel quarantine strategy and being lax about the BLM protests. The responsibility of those failures falls at the hands of the state government.

There is the answer. These are huge failures by Andrews and the government. The fact that the army should have been brought in way earlier. No shock the protests weren't the greatest idea!
The big mistake was the hotel quarantine strategy and being lax about the BLM protests. The responsibility of those failures falls at the hands of the state government.

There is the answer. These are huge failures by Andrews and the government. The fact that the army should have been brought in way earlier. No shock the protests weren't the greatest idea!

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Don't know how Victoria was relaxed from day 1. We were like any other state in the country and tracking along well. Even as someone who would never vote Labor, I was praising Andrews for the good results he was producing early days.

After that, it went south and he's started to lose authority among the eyes of many Victorians.

We had the strictest and lengthiest lockdowns in the country. Police were issuing fines to Victorians at a higher number compared to other states, and we weren't even allowed to play golf or fish at one stage.

The big mistake was the hotel quarantine strategy and being lax about the BLM protests. The responsibility of those failures falls at the hands of the state government.

The sentiment here is people are willing to comply, but they're pissed off. I think Andrews' political future is very uncertain beyond the next election.

In all honesty you were less relaxed then anyone, same with NSW. Marauding around with police handing out fines like they were nothing, patrolling the streets. WA/SA/QLD/NT/TAS did no such thing. Reason is because the resourcing was more concentrated to problem areas.

While Victoria was trying to stop 2 guys eating fish and chips at St Kilda beach, the other governments were patrolling businesses to ensure they keep within guidelines, patrolling hotel quarantine and keeping things in check and actually being at the source of the problem

Victoria were so interested in preventing any new bushfires, they forgot to concentrate on the ones that were raging.

We cant sit here today and say "Well Victoria got unlucky" because even from February they did things differently to everyone else. Finance ministers, education ministers, even other State governments called them out on it. The big issue really is the public isnt calling them out on it and I feel its going to cause nothing but more heartache going forward
Feeling kind of flat, the company i work for has some of its biggest customers overseas, and interstate, but we will probably need to close. The customers won't want to wait.
Don't mind being forced to isolate for 6 weeks. But it won't be good coming back and having no customers.

But hell the guy who nails pallets together is allowed to continue.

Feel for every business especially small ones.

It's why I've gone out of my way to try and support the smaller businesses during the down periods, even if it's buying a coffee from a smaller shop rather than your Starbucks, Gloria Jeans joints.
Don't know how Victoria was relaxed from day 1. We were like any other state in the country and tracking along well. Even as someone who would never vote Labor, I was praising Andrews for the good results he was producing early days.

After that, it went south and he's started to lose authority among the eyes of many Victorians.

We had the strictest and lengthiest lockdowns in the country. Police were issuing fines to Victorians at a higher number compared to other states, and we weren't even allowed to play golf or fish at one stage.

The big mistake was the hotel quarantine strategy and being lax about the BLM protests. The responsibility of those failures falls at the hands of the state government.

The sentiment here is people are willing to comply, but they're pissed off. I think Andrews' political future is very uncertain beyond the next election.

Even now fishing and golf won't spread it. With Dan its more about "suffering together " than fixing it.
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Feel for every business especially small ones.

It's why I've gone out of my way to try and support the smaller businesses during the down periods, even if it's buying a coffee from a smaller shop rather than your Starbucks, Gloria Jeans joints.

I've been buying a bit of takeaway for lunch from the local cafe's. There will be nothing in an industrial estate for them when businesses shut right down though.
I've been buying a bit of takeaway for lunch from the local cafe's. There will be nothing in an industrial estate for them when businesses shut right down though.

Yep similar. We have to HOPE there is something out by early next year because these businesses probably have 6-8 months absolute max they can survive in the current state.
hey a question for the viccos?

did people actually hate your premier for the restrictions?

i never got that sense over here - we knew it was an extreme event and extreme measures were called for

aside from the odd outlier one nation peanut , west aussies were and are 95% behind our premier and were 95% behind the federal response till they tried to throw us under the palmer bus.

do you guys seriously have a large percentage of people who disagree with restrictions?
For the most part, same thing with very few outliers, a similar portion to what you describe.
Come late April though when other states opened up pressure definitely increased. The ‘Dictator Dan’ tag popped up and people jumped on. Same people that are whinging it’s entirely his fault we’re in this position, and are now whinging about having to wear a mask.

But the 99% are on board with the restrictions, hopefully the 1% letting the team down continue to be called out in the news and on social media, because let’s face it - regardless of penalties, you’d need a police force the size of the population to make sure everyone was following all the rules.

It was obvious from day 1 that Victoria was way too what happens a severe stage 4 lockdown...if you did it right the first time there wouldn't need to be these high restrictions.
Victoria got on to schools closing far earlier, and eased restrictions far later than other states. The biggest mistake was in hotel quarantine.
Not too sure how we go from "lets lock down our entire city for 6 weeks" to "Its just the odd mistake" levels of opinion. The extremities need to match up and be on the same side.

You cant call the lead up to a State of Disaster a odd mistake. It is beyond that

First, you really need to take a chill pill. Second, are you in WA or over in Melbourne?

Third, when you are looking at something that spreads exponentially, all it takes is a small **** up and you end up with the situation Victoria now. That's how we get to that level of opinion.

A more pertinent question is why you have such a hardon for Daniel Andrews. Mistakes were made sure, but up until that point, Victoria were one of the states that were doing well.
Victoria got on to schools closing far earlier, and eased restrictions far later than other states. The biggest mistake was in hotel quarantine.

The quarantine is such a howler it's not funny though. These select few have wrecked it for the entire state. In general 90% of Victoria should be commended but the 10% have wrecked it.
Victoria didnt use private security though is the core issue. They used randoms plucked out from the street and put clothes on them. If I dress as a fireman I am not a fireman and if you dress someone as a security they are not security if they have zero training and zero idea what to do.

WA used private security. The difference would be. Our security had training and were actually employed to do that job. Victorias securty was employed to wear a uniform and fake it through
To what degree are McGowan and Dan responsible for that though? That sounds like a decision made at a lower level to me. Even the laxity in checking that arrangements were suitable probably happened at a lower level than premier.

Premiers role would be, has the hotel quarantine been set up to the required standard? and its lower level governance saying, yes it is, or no it isnt.

If the outbreak had occurred in WA instead(and it could have), everyone would now be saying McGowan was incompetent, and Dan was brilliant.

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WA and Queensland are lucky to have competant Labor state governments.

Their premiers aren't scomo puppets (unlike Gladys and Marshall) and believe in putting health and safety of their citizens first and foremost, unlike right wing politicians who put the economy before people's lives.
People would listen to someone who isn't hellbent and overly preoccupied on arse-covering his failures and blaming everyone else for what, let's face it, he's largely responsible for. Victorian constituents no longer have any respect for Andrews and therefore have no time for what he has to say especially since he's unashamedly made every effort to shirk responsibility.

Anyone, besides the other ministers involved in this fiasco, would at least come with a clean slate and I'm fairly confident that the majority of the population would be willing to listen and abide by instructions relayed by a leader who isn't carrying the baggage that Andrews has right now. The mere sight of him and his patronizing demeanour repulses me, I can imagine may others would share the same feelings.
I honestly don’t think the people who think the rules don’t apply to them would listen to anybody.
Their premiers aren't scomo puppets (unlike Gladys and Marshall) and believe in putting health and safety of their citizens first and foremost, unlike right wing politicians who put the economy before people's lives.
I assume this is a text book example of a right wing politician putting the economy before people’s lives?!

I assume this is a text book example of a right wing politician putting the economy before people’s lives?!

Marshall has been consistent in saying his government are aiming for suppression, not elimination.

They never had a hard border in place either when they should have.
To what degree are McGowan and Dan responsible for that though? That sounds like a decision made at a lower level to me. Even the laxity in checking that arrangements were suitable probably happened at a lower level than premier.

Premiers role would be, has the hotel quarantine been set up to the required standard? and its lower level governance saying, yes it is, or no it isnt.

If the outbreak had occurred in WA instead(and it could have), everyone would now be saying McGowan was incompetent, and Dan was brilliant.

absolute garbage .I'm out

Best wishes and good luck Vicorians
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The quarantine is such a howler it's not funny though. These select few have wrecked it for the entire state. In general 90% of Victoria should be commended but the 10% have wrecked it.

If you ever saw that cop show , where the idiots were driving round in unregistered cars with no license while on drugs, those are the areas where Covid19 has spread.
If you ever saw that cop show , where the idiots were driving round in unregistered cars with no license while on drugs, those are the areas where Covid19 has spread.

Yeah have seen a few episodes. Unfortunately it’s a few that are wrecking it for everyone and they seem to not care
To what degree are McGowan and Dan responsible for that though? That sounds like a decision made at a lower level to me. Even the laxity in checking that arrangements were suitable probably happened at a lower level than premier.

Premiers role would be, has the hotel quarantine been set up to the required standard? and its lower level governance saying, yes it is, or no it isnt.

If the outbreak had occurred in WA instead(and it could have), everyone would now be saying McGowan was incompetent, and Dan was brilliant.
Dan was useless, arrogant and dodgy before covid though
<<<<<We as humans don’t learn from history and are therefore doomed to repeat it. The Spanish flu lasted for 2 years. The second wave killed far more people than the first, and in total there were 4 waves. It killed somewhere between 20 million to 50 million people. Citizens were ordered to wear masks, and everywhere shut down and boarded up schools, movie theatres, and business. Mail distribution stopped, as did garbage collection. Many people had to dig graves for their own family members.

Here we are 100 years later, and what have we learned? Half the people don’t want to wear masks because they think it’s a hoax/it’s not that bad/the government is lying/insert insane right wing conspiracy theory rhetoric here.

People want to prioritize their own narcissistic desires and privileges over other human beings lives.

What did they have in 1918? No TV. No internet, not a lot of food supply.

What do we have? TV, internet, movies that can be watched from home, name it. And yet we are a world full of entitled and selfish people who lack human empathy and act oppressed when given any minute sense of responsibility.

Travel is not a necessity. Movie theatres are not a necessity. Throwing parties is not a necessity.

Being a decent human being shouldn’t be a revolutionary should be common sense.>>>>>

You seem like an absolute ball of fun to be around
First, you really need to take a chill pill. Second, are you in WA or over in Melbourne?

Third, when you are looking at something that spreads exponentially, all it takes is a small **** up and you end up with the situation Victoria now. That's how we get to that level of opinion.

A more pertinent question is why you have such a hardon for Daniel Andrews. Mistakes were made sure, but up until that point, Victoria were one of the states that were doing well.

Thats a fairly heartless way to look at it. Death isnt the only sad and depressing thing going on. Peoples lives, jobs business built up over decades are being destroyed right now. To fob that off as a nothing event is wrong. We cant fob that off as a chill pill moment in our history if you ask me. We need to have more compassion for people who have worked hard and put ourselves in their shoes for a bit

Costing 10,000 people jobs in 1 day isnt a small **** up, its something they refer to as a State of Disaster you will find

You spoke of humility before and showing it. I think compassion is more important than humility atm and fobbing something off as a take a chill pill moment to show humility over compassion just seems like a strange response

This isnt a mistake. Its beyond that. Im sure if you were one of the 10 000 who lost their job yesterday you wouldnt be this lax about the mistakes.
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If you ever saw that cop show , where the idiots were driving round in unregistered cars with no license while on drugs, those are the areas where Covid19 has spread.

This is exactly what your government wants you to think. Placing more blame on a guy in a unregistered car as opposed to your elected government officials....
Thats a fairly heartless way to look at it. Death isnt the only sad and depressing thing going on. Peoples lives, jobs business built up over decades are being destroyed right now. To fob that off as a nothing event is wrong. We cant fob that off as a chill pill moment in our history if you ask me. We need to have more compassion for people who have worked hard and put ourselves in their shoes for a bit

Costing 10,000 people jobs in 1 day isnt a small **** up, its something they refer to as a State of Disaster you will find

You spoke of humility before and showing it. I think compassion is more important than humility atm and fobbing something off as a take a chill pill moment to show humility over compassion just seems like a strange response

This isnt a mistake. Its beyond that. Im sure if you were one of the 10 000 who lost their job yesterday you wouldnt be this lax about the mistakes.

Keep on foaming. I don’t know how you sleep you’re so outraged.
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