Game Day 2024 Round 11 Discussion - Indigenous Round

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Aboriginal Round

From the moment Joey Johnson took the field for Fitzroy in the early 1900s, he became the standard bearer that created a pathway for future generations of Aboriginal kids. Sir Doug Nicholls, forced from a club that he was training with due to racism, laid the foundations for others, showing his people that grit and determination could overcome the obstacle and pain of racism. We marvelled at Big Polly, one of the Stolen Ones who changed the way the game was played. We saw the Krakouer brothers set Waverley alight, and we looked on in awe at perhaps the greatest of them all, Stephen Michael, oh what could have been. We watched as the Aboriginal players of the 70s and 80s were berated, ridiculed and tormented, yet they still turned up week in and week out to play for their clubs. We were there when Nicky took a stand and said ‘no more’ and Michael made the long walk to ensuring that future generations of Aboriginal players did not have to face the wrath of racists both on and off the field. We hung our heads in shame as a champion was booed from the game. We were blessed to see Buddy, Rioli, Lewis, Goodes, Matera, Wanganeen and so many more champions of the game. So, in this Aboriginal Round, stop and reflect on the great contributions that Aboriginal players have made to the game but take a moment to think about those lost to the game due to racism or a lack of understanding of Aboriginal culture. Think about those that pulled on their jumpers every week knowing the torrent of abuse that was ahead.
So now we turn to Supercoach, and like the great spirit dreaming's, let us dream, dream big, dream high and may all your Supercoach dreams come true this weekend.
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Howes omitted

Evil Smile GIF
Wondering if Leek Aleer becomes more important as an option now.

Should get 2 price rises out of him and he will play at least one of the byes. If all goes well Buckley's return is slowly managed.

Philips omitted was going to be my guy next week.
Have 6 playing tonight so hoping the SC gods can be kind to me. Can my Freo heroes have two good matches in a row?

Serong(vc), Young, Jordan, Sharp(looped with Dempsey}, Naicos and Richards. Traded Jhye Clark instead of Jones as he will bleed cash but ended up with the inferior loop this evening.

I'm death riding Jackson after that obscene display last week.
Donnie .

Do you golf like this.. :moustache: .

One of my best mates met John Daly back in 2013 at a pub in Masters week at Augusta. Which was the year that Adam Scott won the Masters.

My mate was part of a tour hosted by Corey McKernan and Corey was able to get Daly to attend the dinner. Said that Daly was awesome. Willing to chat with everyone and shouted the tour group a few rounds.

Greg Blewett was on the same tour and my mate's greatest claim to fame was beating Blewett head to head at Pebble Beach.

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Scythe94 you're a straight shooter and analytical about this stuff:
Going Fisher with some misgivings.
Would you go Joe Richards or Sexton with the other.
Whoever comes in would be on-field this week to bench Darcy, can't see either lasting past their respective bye
These extended benches and subs are no fun in SC when it effects me. When it effects others it's hilarious!

Tonights subs could effect a lot of us or none. Richards and Fyfe subbed would be epically bad. Also the saints bench. Few saints supporters want Bonner dropped. I say hell no~! Let the seagull have his way even if he can't defend or do much of anything team orientated.
Scythe94 you're a straight shooter and analytical about this stuff:
Going Fisher with some misgivings.
Would you go Joe Richards or Sexton with the other.
Whoever comes in would be on-field this week to bench Darcy, can't see either lasting past their respective bye
I got Sexton last week, and am also getting Fisher this week (Howes out means I've decided to trade him instead of Wilson, so getting Fisher instead of Clark).

I don't mind the idea of you getting Sexton for a quick three week cash grab. You should pocket 100k, some decent scores, and he should just about be a guaranteed warm body over the byes, which is gold with the way rookies are dropping. Plus the Sexton and Fisher DPP loop could be handy if you can make it work.

I'll leave it to you to judge Richards - I admittedly haven't seen him play, but it's hard to see him holding his spot for long with the players Collingwood have to return.
Just read that Jhye Clark in starting 22, so traded Jones to Richards. Richards looped with Dempsey tonight.
Regarding Hobart weather, I walked 10km mid morning in sunshine. Genuine tee shirt weather although only about 12 degrees. Went in to the city at 2.30, overcast and 11 degrees felt like 7 or 8. Possibly be cool at Blundstone for the North forwards tomorrow.
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