Game Day 2024 Round 11 Discussion - Indigenous Round

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Aboriginal Round

From the moment Joey Johnson took the field for Fitzroy in the early 1900s, he became the standard bearer that created a pathway for future generations of Aboriginal kids. Sir Doug Nicholls, forced from a club that he was training with due to racism, laid the foundations for others, showing his people that grit and determination could overcome the obstacle and pain of racism. We marvelled at Big Polly, one of the Stolen Ones who changed the way the game was played. We saw the Krakouer brothers set Waverley alight, and we looked on in awe at perhaps the greatest of them all, Stephen Michael, oh what could have been. We watched as the Aboriginal players of the 70s and 80s were berated, ridiculed and tormented, yet they still turned up week in and week out to play for their clubs. We were there when Nicky took a stand and said ‘no more’ and Michael made the long walk to ensuring that future generations of Aboriginal players did not have to face the wrath of racists both on and off the field. We hung our heads in shame as a champion was booed from the game. We were blessed to see Buddy, Rioli, Lewis, Goodes, Matera, Wanganeen and so many more champions of the game. So, in this Aboriginal Round, stop and reflect on the great contributions that Aboriginal players have made to the game but take a moment to think about those lost to the game due to racism or a lack of understanding of Aboriginal culture. Think about those that pulled on their jumpers every week knowing the torrent of abuse that was ahead.
So now we turn to Supercoach, and like the great spirit dreaming's, let us dream, dream big, dream high and may all your Supercoach dreams come true this weekend.
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All you kents who broked my beautiful HousTON

suck my dick middle finger GIF
Will be nicely priced off his bye now :thumbsu:

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77 isn't the end of the world, Houston rekt himself early with those clangers or would of went close to tonning.

Hopefully another 77 next week then we get him under $550k for Round 14
I am glad I passed on Houston for my Roberts upgrade and went with Sinclair instead, he should at least be able to beat his 77.

Also glad I passed on Rozee and went with Butters instead, Rozee burnt me years ago when he scored two tons then stunk it up.

Just Green for me in the next game with spud Clark parked on the bench.

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Rozee is my Callum mills of last year. Stupid kent.
Grundy 86, Jackson 67, Darcy 42, Heeney 94, Serong 91, Rowell 94, Houston 77 all poo.

1509 14/22 with Ryan VC. Have Green, Aleer, Oliver, Gawn, NWM, Wilson, Steele and Reid. Rip
This is the consequence of the GC carnage.

Was going to change Harcia for Rogers last night but thought I'd do it today.

Of course, something came up which meant that I had no phone reception and this is the result:

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