A-League - Round 24: Melbourne Victory v Melbourne Heart

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Not a blatant shocker like tonight, but week after week he is kicking out a opponents, elbowing them behind play, taunting them about their race (Akoto), stomping on players on the ground, etc.

It was inevitable that while he had a free reign to do whatever he wanted on the pitch, he was going to do some serious damage to someone.

Absolute rubbish, Kev never said anything racist towards Akoto, he confirmed it himself and the referee too. Stop making up bullshit. All the other things you describe are done by Adelaide United players on a constant basis.
Difference there was there was no intent from Taylor, he mistimed the challenge & caught Eduardo on exactly the wrong spot. Tonight there was malice aforethought, big difference.
Sure sliding in with studs up off the ground when the ball was on the ground was just "mistimed" :rolleyes:. You don't get red carded for simply mistiming a tackle unless you're the last man. Taylor got red carded. The contact was almost the midpoint of Eduardo's lower leg FFS and miles from the ball. Taylor had no other intent other than to chop Eduardo down. If it wasn't a Birmingham City player who did it I'd doubt you'd be defending it.

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Muscat should be facing criminal charges for that tackle.

Absolute scum piece of shit...

Send him to Bali with an ounce of weed the scumbag.
Absolute rubbish, Kev never said anything racist towards Akoto, he confirmed it himself and the referee too. Stop making up bullshit. All the other things you describe are done by Adelaide United players on a constant basis.

Well if Muscat said he didn't do it i guess he didn't do it being the upstanding human being that he is :cool:.

That was an awful tackle last night that has to be his worst one in awhile. Can't understand why on earth he felt like he should argue with the ref after the call was made it was a straight red if i have ever seen one. Merrick's comments after the game i thought was a very piss poor effort.

Looks like after with what happened last night that the Heart and Victory could have one of those hateful/spiteful rivalries that will last for years.
I was at the MCG in 2001 for Australia vs France and I didn't think Muscat could do any worse than that one on Dugarry which he inexplicably only saW yellow for

That 'tackle' tonight was comfortably worse

Absolutely disgraceful effort. I've followed Victory since day one and since Heart have come in I have sort of followed both of them but I am more inclined to follow heart now because I simply cannot tolerate Muscat anymore and I'm also sick of the antics of Victory fans lighting flares and carrying on like tools

Tonight was actually a good game and will instead be remembered for one of the most vicious, disgraceful 'tackles' in the history of the A League

plastic. jumping ship because of one player. It's like Carlton supporters barracking for Collingwood when Fev was there.
If Muscat doesn't get suspended for a very long time there's something wrong.
Will you stay and support us then, pleeeeeease?:D
about 12 months ago i received a similar sort of tackle playing indoor soccer....and the result was a torn ACL, PCL and meniscus. a knee reconstruction was obviously the only way to fix it, and watching the replays of that 'tackle' made me shiver and nauseous....i dont think i can watch it again

really feel for the young fella, he obviously looked in a lot of pain afterwards. hope it is not as serious as we suspect, an absolutely disgraceful moment for muscat and couldnt beleive his angry mouthing off at the ref straight after, how could he even begin to argue that it wasnt a straight red?!

anyway, a dark moment for muscat and the victory, however i really hope the young man recovers as quick as possible and can get back to playing at this level soon
Not a surprise Muscat has finally in all likelihood wrecked a young kids career in this league. Has been given free reign for so long it was only a matter of time. I don't care what anyone has to say about what he is like on the field nothing makes up for acts of physical assault like that.
Spot on Borgsta in many ways - Muscat is a decent bloke off the football field, I've met him too........gets away with too much on it cos the refs are scared......disgraceful tackle last night, I feel terrible for Zahra.........any Victory fan saying they won't follow us because of dirty fouls or flares in the crowd, get a grip, its your team FFS.​

There are enough Heart fans who have dipped their toe in the water with Victory and then decided to wait for another club to come along.......you think they haven't got some tools among their supporter base too? You think they won't sign blokes who go over the top with their tackles sometimes as well?​

Time for Muscat to go I agree with many though.​

Now I flipping hate the Heart, but they played great last night. How we were 2-0 up I'll never know, and the bloke who says we dominated the first half has to be kidding himself. 20 goal attempts to 4 says it all.......2 on target for the Victory all night says it all too.​

As for the crowd, I reckon Heart had maybe a quarter of it, maybe even more. Got quite spiteful outside afterwards too. Why don't you blokes attend your home games? 5-6k is your regular crowd, and when the averages are worked out just remember we put close to 30,000 through your turnstiles this season in the two derbies, so take a couple of thousand off the 15 game average please. :D

Anyway well done Heart on a fine performance, I reckon that was one of the greatest points in the Victories history, because on the balence of play that should have been about 4 or 5 nil.​
Well if Muscat said he didn't do it i guess he didn't do it being the upstanding human being that he is :cool:.

That was an awful tackle last night that has to be his worst one in awhile. Can't understand why on earth he felt like he should argue with the ref after the call was made it was a straight red if i have ever seen one. Merrick's comments after the game i thought was a very piss poor effort.

Looks like after with what happened last night that the Heart and Victory could have one of those hateful/spiteful rivalries that will last for years.

Akoto and the referee both said that Muscat did not make any racial comments. Muscat was giving Akoto a hard time about some of his failed passes and he reacted to it - that sort of shit goes on all the time. Piss poor though that you make up bullshit about racist remarks that were never said. If they were Musky would have been rightly banned for at least 2 months.

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brebner 50/50
allsopp no way.

Brebner's definitely not a red. Needs excessive force to be a red, if that's a red card then we'd be getting at least 1 red card every game.

The very fact that anyone on here suggests that Danny should have gotten a red indicates just how delusional the anti MVFC brigade is. Like they say, success breeds jealousy and it is mostly the sooking AUFC fans that are complaining. No surprises there.
Spot on Borgsta in many ways - Muscat is a decent bloke off the football field, I've met him too........gets away with too much on it cos the refs are scared......disgraceful tackle last night, I feel terrible for Zahra.........any Victory fan saying they won't follow us because of dirty fouls or flares in the crowd, get a grip, its your team FFS.​

There are enough Heart fans who have dipped their toe in the water with Victory and then decided to wait for another club to come along.......you think they haven't got some tools among their supporter base too? You think they won't sign blokes who go over the top with their tackles sometimes as well?​

Time for Muscat to go I agree with many though.​

Now I flipping hate the Heart, but they played great last night. How we were 2-0 up I'll never know, and the bloke who says we dominated the first half has to be kidding himself. 20 goal attempts to 4 says it all.......2 on target for the Victory all night says it all too.​

As for the crowd, I reckon Heart had maybe a quarter of it, maybe even more. Got quite spiteful outside afterwards too. Why don't you blokes attend your home games? 5-6k is your regular crowd, and when the averages are worked out just remember we put close to 30,000 through your turnstiles this season in the two derbies, so take a couple of thousand off the 15 game average please. :D

Anyway well done Heart on a fine performance, I reckon that was one of the greatest points in the Victories history, because on the balence of play that should have been about 4 or 5 nil.​

It's been the story of our season, really - dominate general play but fail to capitalise on the scoreboard.
Absolutely disgraceful effort. I've followed Victory since day one and since Heart have come in I have sort of followed both of them but I am more inclined to follow heart now because I simply cannot tolerate Muscat anymore and I'm also sick of the antics of Victory fans lighting flares and carrying on like tools

Tonight was actually a good game and will instead be remembered for one of the most vicious, disgraceful 'tackles' in the history of the A League

Well fk off then mate! Better off without peaheart 'supporters' like you. Not sure how u managed to keep supporting the dogs throughout the Libba years tho if ur that anti thuggery that ud switch clubs!

Muscat is a dog- no denying that. What he did last night was disgusting. But I'd never switch clubs just because I dont like one of the players.

Oh and btw- Heart fans lit the first flare. Yes Victory lit more but neither sets of fans are angels in that regard.
What Muscat did was wrong and should be handed a hefty suspension. But what made me sick was Merrick saying he didnt see the tackle. What was he watching some nude blonde girl in the crowd.
What Muscat did was wrong and should be handed a hefty suspension. But what made me sick was Merrick saying he didnt see the tackle. What was he watching some nude blonde girl in the crowd.
Yeah no wonder he doesn't learn....****en gutless Merrick
What Muscat did was wrong and should be handed a hefty suspension. But what made me sick was Merrick saying he didnt see the tackle. What was he watching some nude blonde girl in the crowd.
He went to the Arsene Wenger School of Manager Interviews.

Lesson 1: Any question involving a controversial incident must be answered with "I did not see anything."

Here's your diploma.
Showed my mother the video, she being a physio and all, and she was certain it was a severe ACL injury to Zahra, so 12 months out is plausible.

Also, if a Victory fan begins to lose interest in the team and club after seeing this sort of stuff, why would anyone pay out on them for it? If someone wishes to no longer support a club because the antics of its players, officials and fellow fans does not reflect their own values and approach to the game, then good luck to them!

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