Opinion Adam Goodes

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How hard is this? Aboriginal man gets made Australian of the year and makes comment about the experience of indigenous people since settlement or invasion depending on your perspective and also calls out a girl who belittled him in a racist fashion by calling him an ape.

White Australia gets all offended saying things like he's dividing Australia and not being inclusive. They're coopting his/Aboriginal Australia's experience and giving it a whole "hey what about us" thing. "We're now offended so you just sit the hell down Adam and by the way that all happened a long time ago so doesn't mean anything"
In other words, "you're being an uppity aboriginal saying these uncomfortable things so how about you sit down and shut up and let us tell you what you should be feeling"
"And furthermore Adam if you don't talk in a way that's acceptable to us all your points are null and void and...hey get this, we're going to harass you and make your life so miserable you'll wish you'd never spoken"
Here's a tip. Adam's experience and those of Aboriginal people are NOT about you unless you're indigenous. It is largely because of white Australia that this has happened.YOU have no right to demean, comment or otherwise tell him to pipe down, be quiet, or otherwise denigrate. About time people stopped flapping their jaws and LISTENED.

Hear hear
Need a new phrase: not all whites

It's so sad that while I've been in the US and the UK the last year and lived in predominantly black dominated areas, I've been treated with nothing but respect and have met some truly wonderful people. But the difference in the way that black people here treated compared to back home, just makes me so sad. They're people. We're people.

Makes me sick and embarrassed to be Australian.

The fact that there is even a discussion about this being about race makes me sick. Boo or not, it's disgusting. Grow up. it's 2015.

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and also calls out a girl who belittled him in a racist fashion by calling him an ape.

This part, has never been properly settled.
.. and whether the racist element is determined by the person saying it, or the person hearing it.
The other side of the story is that the girl apologised and said she din't mean it in a racist way, and didn't know that it could be interpreted in that context.
So was it racist or not. That has not been settled.
White man boos Black man = racism
Black man dances and flaunts his heritage towards a white man shouldn't that be considered a racist statement in itself?

Does it cross ones mind that perhaps these indigenous fellows are just as guilty of racism (against white man)?
This part, has never been properly settled.
.. and whether the racist element is determined by the person saying it, or the person hearing it.
The other side of the story is that the girl apologised and said she din't mean it in a racist way, and didn't know that it could be interpreted in that context.
So was it racist or not. That has not been settled.
Well her mother has come out today demanding an apology.
White man boos Black man = racism
Black man dances and flaunts his heritage towards a white man shouldn't that be considered a racist statement in itself?

Does it cross ones mind that perhaps these indigenous fellows are just as guilty of racism (against white man)?

Pretty sure the Hawks board has their own Adam Goodes thread. If you catch my drift.
Pretty complex issue and one that predictably polarises into shouting, gross generalisations and insults on both sides.
When the world trade centre was attacked the wisest thing I heard amongst the thousands of things said in the immediate aftermath was from a US congressman, sorry can't remember his name, who asked "Who are these people, and who are we?" His point was that it is not enough to characterise people that crash planes into buildings as nutters, part of the question has to be about who are we, and what do we represent to make people want to do this terrible thing to us.
So I'm in the Dermie school, the people that are booing are flogs and it makes no sense, but it doesn't answer the whole question as to why the booing is happening. There are a whole bunch of things going on that, as Wildcard said above, have very little to do with Goodes as a person and a lot to do with what he represents.

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There are many posts of this type, and to single out one by means of reply is purely arbitrary. So I'm not speaking specifically to you here, Moose, but rather you as a representative of an ideological bloc.

It is interesting that the proponents of the racism theory throw words like "groupthink" around without really considering that the word might apply to all aspects of this situation.

Here's an article from the AFL site today:
Chris Scott isn't alone in this line of thought, but he's a fair example of the type of journalism we're becoming quite used to, and now have begun to accept without thought.

In particular:
""Adam has come out and said it is affecting him and he considers it has a racist element to it. On that basis if you go ahead and boo him from now on you're accepting that people are assuming that you are doing it for reasons based on race," Scott said."

And there it is, really. It doesn't matter what you think. The words you use are being co-opted and taken to further a political agenda. I'm not only being told what I'm thinking, but I'm told I should accept it.
Bit of a double whammy, that.
Now, I hope I'm not the only one who finds that just a tad disturbing. But I'm beginning to think, based purely upon the number of likes this line of "thought" is actually getting, that I may be part of a rather distinct minority.

The most philosophically disturbing aspect of this entire situation, to my mind, is that we are being slowly taught not to be human.

We Are Borg.

For me, this thread isn't really about Adam Goodes. He's more, at this point in time, merely a focal point.
Furthermore, (and I'm quite aware that this particular point is unprovable and therefore may well be moot) I never actually consciously considered Adam Goodes as an Aboriginal... until I was forced to.
Racism, as an issue, has many aspects, and not of all of them are immediately observable.

The Adam Goodes issue aside, we're being barraged on a daily basis with this kind of "argument": to whit, Your mind is is longer your own. It is what "we" say it is. Disliking Islam is racist. Speaking your mind on immigration issues is "un-Australian". Actually, pretty much whatever you say about anything at all is Un-Australian, recently.

The point of all of this, of course, is to convey the message that any thoughts not in line with current opinion are, in fact, the hallmark of a lesser mind. You are, in fact, being told in no uncertain terms that if you think like this, you are sub-human.

Observe Clogged, in several posts above. His tactic, when condemning those who attempt to portray Adam Goodes as Sub-human, is to employ exactly the same approach.
"I fink his a flog". A deliberate and calculated attempt to portray all of those who do not confirm to the "booing Adam Goodes is Racist" argument to the intellectually sub-human.

I find it somewhat amusing that, in order to reinforce a point regarding the relegation of a man to the subhuman, he confers that exact status upon those he purports to dislike.

Calculated tactic or unthinking abuse, the result is the same. The segregation and ridicule of divergent opinion, rather than rational opposing argument.

I need a beer.

Not sure what this post means, but I liked it, and you talked me in to having a beer to digest the content. I am not sure what I think on the matter, but when it comes to booing anyone, well... I just don't like it.
To put an end to this shit the AFL could play Sydney games with crowds locked out, or maybe the Sydney team could stage a sit down protest during a game when this behaviour becomes evident.
They're coopting his/Aboriginal Australia's experience and giving it a whole "hey what about us" thing. "We're now offended so you just sit the hell down Adam and by the way that all happened a long time ago so doesn't mean anything"
In other words, "you're being an uppity aboriginal saying these uncomfortable things so how about you sit down and shut up and let us tell you what you should be feeling"
"And furthermore Adam if you don't talk in a way that's acceptable to us all your points are null and void and...hey get this, we're going to harass you and make your life so miserable you'll wish you'd never spoken".

Actually they are just saying "Boo". And probably for a whole bunch of different reasons.
Obviously some of them are booing him because of the 13 year old girl thing, because that's when it started.
Some are booing because of the Australian of the Year thing.
Some are booing because of the war dance
Some of them are booing him just because they think he's been a big sooky la la la about the whole thing.
Some are booing because it clearly pisses him off and they see it as a way to help their team.
Some are booing just because everyone else is.
And if he played this week there would probably be a fair amount of people booing him just because the AFL said not to.

But the most common reason that I have read on social media is just that people are booing him now because hes' been a sook about the booing in the past. It's become self-perpetuating and now the AFL are trying to make it even worse.
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