Any movie genuinely frightened you?

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Was looking through the catalogue the other day (mainly to find a joke halloween one for the kids, to have playing in the background)...

Got me thinking about the movies and were any moments that stuck with you forever (big enough impact to make you jump or just a build up in intensity, that it had you feeling strung out!)

I still remember hiding behind the couch when Dr Who came on with the Daleks (was petrified of them), Freddy Kreuger scared me in the Nightmare on elm St series for a long time...Cape Fear with Robert De Niro was an intense one too

Of late, the saw series, is the one that gets my stomach churning...

No doubt plenty more out there...

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The Blair Witch Project didn't have terrifying moments as such, but built up this overwhelming sense of dread and malice which I hadn't encountered before of since.

The scene in Poltergeist where she turns around to find that all the dining room chairs have been magically re-arranged in the space of one second gave me a shivery jolt.

Any number of scenes in The Shining
Only when I was a kid, really.

Exorcist and the Freddy Kreugers.

The scene where the girl is being dragged in a plastic bag full of blood reminded me of Dim Sims with tomato sauce. So I could never eat that food again.
Shock factor which makes it scary try 'irreversible'

otherwise try a French film called 'high tension'

Thanks GH - didnt think to consider some foreign ones like that...will get a copy:thumbsu: (and then probably not sleep for a month!)
High Tension was awesome. I picked it at the gas station. ;)

The Loved Ones is a bloody ripper too, dunno about scary though. Tense and disturbing though, very much so. Funny in a sick way, too.

As for scared? I wathced Pumpkinhead when I was about 10 or something. That did the trick.
Charlie and the chocolate factory (the one without Johnny Depp), scares the living daylights out of me, and has since I was little.

The first Saw wasnt so much scary as it was shocking.

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The Notebook.

Anything with Meg Ryan and/or Jeff Goldblum in it.

Haha, I didn't actually mind the Notebook.........the first time.......

It's not really my genre, I get enough of a fright everytime the Reserve Bank meets to discuss interest rates, however in what was a pretty funny movie otherwise, they really got it right in 'Evil Dead' when the hand comes up out of the floorboards and stabs the bloke through the archillies with a pencil.
Evil Dead for mine - saw it was on fox on halloween night. Twenty years later and still too scared to watch it. Probably quite tame these days.

I also recall reading a book about the dark - not what's in it but the dark itself. Scared the absolute beejesus out of me. I recall whenever coming home at night that I would sprint across the carpark to the apartment I was living in without I'm sure drawing breath at the time.
Evil Dead for mine - saw it was on fox on halloween night. Twenty years later and still too scared to watch it. Probably quite tame these days.

I also recall reading a book about the dark - not what's in it but the dark itself. Scared the absolute beejesus out of me. I recall whenever coming home at night that I would sprint across the carpark to the apartment I was living in without I'm sure drawing breath at the time.

Evil dead is awesome. Interesting is that I saw 'Evil Dead - The Musical' - 'off broadway' in NYC, the best show ever!
Going way back the original 1986 version The Hitcher (Rutger Hauer) put me off picking up hitchhikers for a while. Ahead of it's time in '86.

Imo, as far as Aussie films go Wolf Creek was very raw and disturbing particularly with the Falconio murder still figuring prominantly in the news.
A movie called Event Horizon was the only film I can recall truely terrifying me*. I have no idea why and I've watched it since and really cannot work out why it was so frightening though.

*Does not include watching Aliens away from home at like primary school age and getting the night terrors
A movie called Event Horizon was the only film I can recall truely terrifying me*. I have no idea why and I've watched it since and really cannot work out why it was so frightening though.

*Does not include watching Aliens away from home at like primary school age and getting the night terrors

I saw it with my ex. In retrospect, that was a truly frightening experience.

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