ASADA completes probe, now preparing briefs

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Great in retrospect

I've answered this question many times. Why would they sue when their advice is no banned or dangerous substances were used?

good point! Why would I, a supporter of an uninvolved club, be so emotionally invested in this saga? :rolleyes:

Maybe ask yourself this question

So they didn't go rogue? I'm so confused.

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As are the AFL, who undertook a 6 month investigation into the saga. At least they would have a reasonable understanding of what occurred.
Protect their own!.
In this case,a future Hall of Famer!.
I'm a Foamer!!.
Sets those principles then allows a convicted drug dealer supply the club. Yeah ok then

And also takes WADA banned drugs on club premises. And knowingly allows other staff to as well.
He seems to forget however the AFL also uncovered a damming lot of evidence against Essendon. Including Hird and the players.
I'm a Foamer
James has a boner
I prefer Casey Stoner
Although NGV has nothing on NOMA
I know this will be deleted
So I will never complete it
I'm a Foamer
James has a boner
I prefer Casey Stoner
Although NGV has nothing on NOMA
I know this will be deleted
So I will never complete it
I would like to toast
The creative of that post
What the cultists don't know
But we are trying to show
It's not those on this board
That will put Essendon to the sword
And it's Hird not just Dank
For that they to thank
The invoice shows substances were given to players that were not on the consents. We also know the clubs medical staff didnt approve them. IF they were banned or dangerous this was a rogue action because it was against the clubs CLEAR directions.

I can't spell it out any clearer than that.

Claiming there is no proof Hird didnt approve this action is completely baseless

No dear mxett.

You'll recall the period prior to the 2012 Anzac Day game. This has always been of major interest to the investigators. This is when the mystery Mexican substance was used.

At the time James Hird said:

"We obviously won't train properly, it's all about recovery; it's all about the high performance guys, we will leave the guys in their hands."

This means that Senior Coach James Hird placed his authority in the hands of the "high performance guys".

And if the high performance guys went and maybe injected 34 players with an S4 banned myststain inhibitor, then that is Hird's problem.

Hird chose to delegate responsibility. He must wear the consequences of that decision.
No dear mxett.

You'll recall the period prior to the 2012 Anzac Day game. This has always been of major interest to the investigators. This is when the mystery Mexican substance was used.

At the time James Hird said:

This means that Senior Coach James Hird placed his authority in the hands of the "high performance guys".

And if the high performance guys went and maybe injected 34 players with an S4 banned myststain inhibitor, then that is Hird's problem.

Hird chose to delegate responsibility. He must wear the consequences of that decision.
He trusted Dank and Robinson to do the job they were employed to do and help players recover within the framework set by the club - compliant and safe. Not only that, players signed consents clearly indicating their intention was to ONLY be given WADA compliant substances. That isnt really a hard ask is it???
He trusted Dank and Robinson to do the job they were employed to do and help players recover within the framework set by the club - compliant and safe. Not only that, players signed consents clearly indicating their intention was to ONLY be given WADA compliant substances. That isnt really a hard ask is it???

Yet players let them administer substances not approved by club
He trusted Dank and Robinson to do the job they were employed to do and help players recover within the framework set by the club - compliant and safe. Not only that, players signed consents clearly indicating their intention was to ONLY be given WADA compliant substances. That isnt really a hard ask is it???

But the consents had AOD on them didn't they? That's NOT WADA complaint.

Oh, and also there was apparently no mention of which variety of Thymosin they intended... Ummm, no mention of muscular dystrophy drugs from Mexico...

Ok, now I'm confused, how did the consents "clearly indicate their intention was to ONLY be given WADA compliant substances"?

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He trusted Dank and Robinson to do the job they were employed to do and help players recover within the framework set by the club - compliant and safe. Not only that, players signed consents clearly indicating their intention was to ONLY be given WADA compliant substances. That isnt really a hard ask is it???

Yep, and bad luck, he stuffed up. He employed the wrong people.

The buck stops with him.

I believe he even famously said as much once.

I also think that Mr Dank is not going to wear the whole "rogue" thing. I reckon that's why he's so desperate to get into Federal Court.

Because he knows it is a hell of a lot easier for ASADA to just pour a giant bucket of crap on him and make it all go away.
I guess being a hypocrite is ok and we shouldn't call him out on it
We are all awaiting an result. Until that time I'm not going to rely on innuendo and half truths :D to sink people I respect and trust. However, when one of the bodies who investigated the issue has essentially said Dank went rogue and it wasnt Hird's or the clubs intention to cheat, I believe this because to me it is part of the result.

So no, I dont think I'm being hypocritical
We are all awaiting an result. Until that time I'm not going to rely on innuendo and half truths :D to sink people I respect and trust. However, when one of the bodies who investigated the issue has essentially said Dank went rogue and it wasnt Hird's or the clubs intention to cheat, I believe this because to me it is part of the result.

So no, I dont think I'm being hypocritical

The body who investigated the issue have never said such a thing though
But the consents had AOD on them didn't they? That's NOT WADA complaint.

Oh, and also there was apparently no mention of which variety of Thymosin they intended... Ummm, no mention of muscular dystrophy drugs from Mexico...

Ok, now I'm confused, how did the consents "clearly indicate their intention was to ONLY be given WADA compliant substances"?
AOD excepted of course. Even AD confirmed there is confusion over AOD. The club believe the thymosin wasnt TB4. The mexican drug wasnt on the consents nor approved by the club

Yep, and bad luck, he stuffed up. He employed the wrong people.

The buck stops with him.

I believe he even famously said as much once.

I also think that Mr Dank is not going to wear the whole "rogue" thing. I reckon that's why he's so desperate to get into Federal Court.

Because he knows it is a hell of a lot easier for ASADA to just pour a giant bucket of crap on him and make it all go away.
So you agree it wasnt Hird or Essendons intention to cheat?
So you agree it wasnt Hird or Essendons intention to cheat?

I believe their intention was to get bigger and faster quicker and that they were admittedly "sailing close to the wind" to do that. I also believe that Hird thought other clubs were doping.

Put it this way, Essendon were very happy to get into dangerous territory. Once they had made the decision to go as close to the wind as possible, and bend the rules if not break them, and seek loopholes, which they clearly did, then you cop what is coming if you miscalculate and actually go over.

Put it this way, I don't believe Essendon were acting within the spirit of the rules.

Sort of like how you tried to buy Hird (again he pops up) and Lloyd's websites off them until the AFL said, ah no, that's salary cap cheating.
AOD excepted of course. Even AD confirmed there is confusion over AOD. The club believe the thymosin wasnt TB4. The mexican drug wasnt on the consents nor approved by the club

So you agree it wasnt Hird or Essendons intention to cheat?

FWIW I actually believe the players are largely faultless here, and I guess that's my point rather than suggesting that their intentions were questionable.

They signed off on consents to allegedly establish their intention that everything they're going to be given be safe and compliant, but the two things listed on the consents were AOD, not compliant and maybe not safe in the way it was used, and Thymosin, for which there's a 50/50 chance that it's a banned substance. Someone obviously fed the players a bunch of crap to get them to sign such a form if it was for that purpose, because it clearly doesn't fill the bill.
So why has the EFC not gone after the so called rogue employes. I would sue the shit out of them if I employed them.
Because then all of the substances used would have to be listed in a court of law and that is the last thing EFC want
Because then all of the substances used would have to be listed in a court of law and that is the last thing EFC want

And we would get to hear about the AOD Project.
Id say you are. Going rogue doesnt automatically mean using banned or unsafe substances. It could mean they used substances that werent intended for use in sport and not agreed to by players and staff, but thankfully proven safe and compliant.
You see Mxett, i can't believe that a whole team of players would be that stupid.
Wouldn't you think at least 1 player would think, hey hang on i didn't sign for this.
They way you put it, the players were in the know also, they went rogue too.
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