Bye Bye Nobles

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By their Manager's , other clubs will be "open" to conversations I would expect
That’s why is ludicrous the club is dragging this out.

Instead of using the next 7 weeks as a potential circuit breaker, this group is going to be subjected to 7 weeks of humiliation, due to them being forced to play a style of footy they have no belief in.

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They do if they think their client will get more out of their career else where

I’m not worried tbh
No they don’t.

If a player tells his manager he is happy at their club, they don’t tell other clubs they are gettable.

Other clubs might ask the question, but happy players don’t get shopped.
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the original post reads more so the managers not the player wanting it
Generally a manager will advise based on career potential, currently North is career suicide.
Most players will listen to their manager and will stick a toe in the water to see how wet it gets. Remember, managers are well paid salesmen, looking after their own hip pocket

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Generally a manager will advise based on career potential, currently North is career suicide.
Most players will listen to their manager and will stick a toe in the water to see how wet it gets. Remember, managers are well paid salesmen, looking after their own hip pocket
I get that and I agree that’s what is happening but I’m not too worried as I think our group are pretty close particularly the young ones we’d want to keep
Generally a manager will advise based on career potential, currently North is career suicide.
Most players will listen to their manager and will stick a toe in the water to see how wet it gets. Remember, managers are well paid salesmen, looking after their own hip pocket
My point was it doesn’t happen with happy players.

Other clubs might approach, but player managers wouldn’t be actively shopping a player if they are happy in their environment.
I get that and I agree that’s what is happening but I’m not too worried as I think our group are pretty close particularly the young ones we’d want to keep
Being close won’t help if a player feels their career is not going anywhere at a club.

You do know that players socialise with players from other clubs?

The hyperbole is a bit sickening. You don't even need to go back 12 months to get radically different perspectives. Sure, this year has been a train wreck, but it has been a combination of missing key players, form problems and loss of confidence/leadership on-field.

I think Noble has also struggled without Paul Roos helping him out.
My point was it doesn’t happen with happy players.

Other clubs might approach, but player managers wouldn’t be actively shopping a player if they are happy in their environment.
So are they happy?

I personally would question they all are, based solely on body language and attitude.
And yes they will do the positive media thing, that's part of the gig.
So are they happy?

I personally would question they all are, based solely on body language and attitude.
And yes they will do the positive media thing, that's part of the gig.
They aren’t happy at all. You don’t have to be a body language expert to see that.

I probably shouldn’t have quoted your post. I replied because the Ziebell thi is Managers shop players even if they are happy at their club, which is total garbage.

They will field calls and would tell a player that a club is interested, but they wouldn’t make the initial contact.

I would suggest that quite a few Player Managers of North players would be actively shopping their players given the way this club is operating.
Not sure what to believe to be honest, we'll see what comes to pass.

I'm personally not afraid to lose a talented young mid or half-forward.

McKay would be hard to replace.
You shouldn’t want to lose any talented player.

All it says is that your environment is shit.

So you would be happy to lose a talent like Jason Horne-Francis?
I don't mind the idea of shopping blokes around if they don't want to be here.

Have you seen us trade of late? **** no, I hope Walsh is all over our trading as part of the football department.

According to footywire, players coming out of contract this year:
Walker, Josh
Walker, Patrick

I can't see most of those wanting to go because I don't think most of them would get picked up anywhere else, the ones that might I don't think want to go, the only one that there has been rumours about that I am aware of is Zurhaar.

Bye Bye Nobles

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